Chapter 2- Origin of Earth & the Solar System (Week 1) Flashcards
Concept: Big Bang Theory
Definition: The scientific explanation for the origin of the universe, suggesting that it began with a sudden expansion of energy and space from a single point around 13.8 billion years ago
The Big Bang is not accurately described as an explosion with a fireball. Instead, it involved the rapid expansion of energy, space, and matter from a concentrated point.
Refer to Figure 2.2, where the pointed base of the universe “vessel” symbolizes the Big Bang. The vessel widens over time, representing the continuous expansion of the universe.
Time Progression
Direction: Time advances upward in the diagram.
Expansion: The widening of the vessel mirrors the ongoing expansion of the universe.
Creation from Nothing:
Challenge: Explaining how a universe can be created from nothing.
Idea: The particles constituting the universe have opposites that cancel each other out, analogous to adding 1 and -1 to get zero. The concept of “nothing” is explored mathematically.
Mathematical Analogy:
Concept: Particles with opposites that sum to zero.
Comparison: Similar to adding 1 and -1 to achieve zero; this mathematical principle extends to various combinations, emphasizing the potential for something within the concept of nothing.
Philosophical Insight:
Nothing as Potential: The idea that nothing, when analyzed into its opposite components, holds the potential for something. This philosophical perspective contributes to understanding the creation of the universe from a state of “nothing.”
Temporal Perspective:
Beginning: The Big Bang marks the origin of the universe.
Timeframe: Occurred approximately 13.8 billion years ago.
Ongoing Process: The expansion and evolution of the universe continue beyond the initial event
Concept: Composition of the Early Universe
The composition of the universe changed over time, evolving from a sizzle of sub-atomic particles to the formation of atoms, particularly hydrogen and helium.
Temporal Changes:
-Early Stage: A few minutes after the Big Bang, the universe was hot and dense, consisting of particles smaller than atoms.
Particle Behavior:
Collision Dynamics: Initially, particles collided and were too hot and dense to form stable atoms.
Evolution: The expansion and cooling of the universe allowed particles to stick together, forming stable atoms.
Element Formation:
-Result of Collisions: Collisions between particles produced hydrogen and helium.
-Abundance: Hydrogen and helium became the most common elements in the universe.
Post-Big Bang Epoch:
Dark Ages: Refers to the bottom of Figure 2.2, a period after the Big Bang when the universe was filled with clouds of hydrogen and helium atoms.
Star Absence: Stars were absent during this time, marking the “dark ages.”
Stellar Evolution
Formation of Stars: It took approximately 500 million years for hydrogen atoms to clump together in clouds, enabling the formation of the first stars.
Emergence of Light: The first stars began to shine, marking the end of the “dark ages.”
Key Elements:
-Hydrogen and Helium: The primary elements formed in the early universe.
-Abundance: These elements constitute the majority of the universe’s composition.
Big Bang: The starting point of the universe, around 13.8 billion years ago.
Formation of Stars: Approximately 500 million years post-Big Bang, stars began to form, bringing light to the previously dark universe.
Observing the Past
Metaphorical vs. Literal: The concept of looking back to ancient events is often used metaphorically, but in this case, it is meant literally.
Light Travel: In reality, when we observe an event, we are actually seeing it as it happened in the past because light from the event takes time to reach our eyes.
Light Travel and Perception:
-Example: Watching a digital clock change from 11:59 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
-Delay: Light takes time to travel, causing a slight delay in our perception of events.
Distances in the Universe:
Scale: The vastness of the universe requires describing distances in terms of light years.
Implication: Light from distant objects takes so long to reach us that we see those objects as they were in the past.
Example - Proxima Centauri:
-Distance: Proxima Centauri is 4.24 light years away from the sun.
-Temporal Discrepancy: Viewing Proxima Centauri from Earth on January 1, 2018, means seeing it as it appeared in early October 2013.
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB):
Definition: The fog-like afterglow from the formation of the universe, observable in the sky.
Observation: CMB has been mapped throughout the sky, represented in Figure 2.2 as the colorful patch at the base of the diagram.
CMB Map:
Projection: Mollweide projection is used to represent the CMB map on a flat surface.
Representation: The map represents a sphere surrounding Earth, not the Earth’s geography.
Temperature Variations
Color Indications: Variations in color represent temperature variations in the CMB map.
Density Differences: These variations signify differences in the density of matter in the early universe, with red patches indicating higher density (eventual beginnings of stars and planets) and blue patches indicating lower density.
Ongoing Expansion:
Continuation: The expansion initiated by the Big Bang persists today.
Observation: Large galaxy clusters, including billions of stars, are moving away from us.
Andromeda Galaxy: An exception to the general trend, as it is on a collision course with our Milky Way galaxy.
Edwin Hubble’s Contribution
Discovery: Edwin Hubble observed that light from other galaxies was red-shifted.
Conclusion: The red shift indicated that galaxies were moving away, leading to the understanding of the ongoing expansion of the universe.
Doppler Effect Introduction
Definition: The Doppler effect refers to how we perceive waves when the source of the waves is moving either toward or away from us.
Tangible Example: Illustrated by the duckling generating waves as it moves through water in Figure 2.3.
Duckling and Waves:
Observation: The duckling creates waves that move forward and backward in the water.
Wavelength Concept: Wavelength is the distance from one ripple to the next, shorter in the direction of the duckling’s movement and longer as it moves away.
*image 2
Doppler Effect and Light:
Application to Light: The Doppler effect applies to light waves.
Red Shift: The observed red shift in the light from other galaxies signifies their motion away from us.
Galaxies and Red Shift:
Correlation: The red shift in the light from galaxies indicates their motion away.
Quantification: The extent of red shift provides information about the speed and direction of galactic motion
Andromeda Galaxy Collision
Exception to Expansion: The Andromeda galaxy is an exception as it is not moving away but on a collision course with the Milky Way galaxy.
Future Event: The collision between the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies is a future cosmic event.
Temporal Perspective:
From Edwin Hubble to Today: Edwin Hubble’s observations paved the way for ongoing studies that confirm the continual expansion of the universe.
Current Observations: Modern technology enables astronomers to observe and measure the movement of galaxies, supporting the idea of an expanding universe.