Chapter 2: Operating System Administration Flashcards
Date and Time Applet
Configure system time, date and time zone settings
Starting in windows 8 “Internet Time” tab was added to configure settings with internet time server
Region applet
Region and language settings
Choose format for numbers, layout of keyoard, geographic location, and language for non-unicode programs
Internet options applet
Configure internet options
The System applet
Action Center Applet
Known as “System Center” in Vista
Manage firewall, automatica updates, and virus protection
Windows Firewall Applet
Power Options Applet
Configure when devices (eg display) will turn off or be put to sleep
/F (signal specifier)
Used to terminate process (by name or process ID)
use the /S switch to indicate another machine
/IM switch used to specify a (image) name of process to kill and can include wildcard
/PID switch needed to kill process ID
SIGTERM is soft kill signal (code 15)
/F switch issues SIGKILL (terminate at all costs) code 9
interact with MBR, boot sector, or Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store
To run tool: Must boot from installation disk, choose repair computer, and enter system recovery options, and choose command prompt
Then you can type bootrec.exe
/fixboot (write a new boot sector)
/Fixmbr (write new MBR)
/RebuildBCD (Rebuild BCD store)
/ScanOS (scan all disks for installation s the boot manager menu is not listing)
Shutdown command
Used to schedule shutdown (complete or restart)
Tasklist command
view all running processes and process ID numbers
/S switch used to see processes on remote machine
/SVC switch shows services hosted in each process
/U if need to run command as another user
/P allows to specify password of that user
CD, MD, and RD commands
CD change to specified directory
MD makes a directory in specified path
RD removed specified directory
RD /S removed all directories and files in specified directory, including specified directory
RD /Q: Quite mode: will not be asked if you are sure you want to delete
used to delete files and directories
Format command
Wipe data of disks and prepare them for new use
Syntax: FORMAT [volume] [switches
/FS specifies filesystem to use (FAT, FAT32, NTFS)
/V specifies new volume label
/Q quick format
EG: Format D: drive as NTFS with name of HDD2
Copy / Move command
Copy: makes copy of file in new location
Move makes copy of file in new location and deletes original
/A indicates an ASCII text file
/V verifies that files are written correctly after copy
/Y suppresses prompt asking if you are sure you want to overwrite files that exist in new location
CANNOT copy directories: need XCOPY for that