Chapter - 2 (Of The Relevancy Of Facts) Flashcards
Section - 5
Evidence may be given of facts in issue and relevant facts
Section - 6
Relevancy of facts forming part of same transaction
Section - 7
Facts which are occasion, cause or effect of facts in issue
Section - 8
Motive, preparation and previous or subsequent conduct
Section - 9
Facts necessary to explain or introduce relevant facts
Section - 10
Things said or done by conspirator in reference to common design
Section - 11
When facts not otherwise relevant become relevant
Section - 12
In suits for damages, facts tending to enable Court to determine amount are relevant
Section - 13
Facts relevant when right or custom is in question
Section - 14
Facts showing existence of state of mind or of body or bodily feeling
Section - 15
Facts bearing on question whether act was accidental or intentional
Section - 16
Existence of course of business when relevant
Section - 17
Admission defined
Section - 18
Admission by party to proceeding or his agent
Section - 19
Admissions by persons whose position must be proved as against party to suit
Section - 20
Admission by persons expressly referred to by party to suit
Section - 21
Proof of admission against persons making them, and by or on their behalf
Section - 22
When oral admission as to contents of documents are relevant
Section - 22A
When oral admissions as to contents of electronic records are relevant
Section - 23
Admission in civil cases, when relevant
Section - 24
Confession by inducement, threat or promise when irrelevant in criminal proceeding
Section - 25
Confession to police officer not to be proved
Section - 26
Confession by accused while in custody of police not to be proved against him
Section - 27
How much of information received from accused may be proved
Section - 28
Confession made after removal of impression caused by inducement, threat or promise, relevant
Section - 29
Confession otherwise relevant not to become irrelevant because of promise of secrecy etc.
Section - 30
Consideration of proved confession affecting person making it and others jointly under trail of same offence
Section - 31
Admissions not conclusive proof but may stop
Section - 32
Case in which statement of relevant fact by person who is dead or cannot be found, etc. is relevant
Section - 33
Relevancy of certain evidence for proving, in subsequent proceeding, the truth of facts therein stated
Section - 34
[Entries in books of account including those maintained in an electronic form] when relevant
Section - 35
Relevancy of entry in public [record or an electronic record] made in performance of duty
Section - 36
Relevancy of statements in maps, charts and plans
Section - 37
Relevancy of statement as to fact of public nature contained in certain acts or notifications
Section - 38
Relevancy of statements as to any law contained in law books
Section - 39
What evidence to be given when statement forms part of a conversation, document, electronic record, book or series of letters or papers
Section - 40
Previous judgments relevant to bar a second suit or trail
Section - 41
Relevancy of certain judgments in probate etc., jurisdiction
Section - 42
Relevancy and effect of judgment, order or decrees, other than those mentioned in Section - 41
Section - 43
Judgment etc., other than those mentioned in Section - 40 to 42 when relevant
Section - 44
Fraud or collusion in obtaining judgment, or incompetence of court may be proved
Section - 45
Opinions of experts
Section - 45A
Opinion of Examiner of Electronic Evidence
Section - 46
Facts bearing upon opinions of experts
Section - 47
Opinions as to handwriting, when relevant
Section - 47A
Opinion as to digital signature when relevant
Section - 48
Opinion as to existence of right or custom when relevant
Section - 49
Opinion as to usage’s, tenants, etc., when relevant
Section - 50
Opinion on relationship when relevant
Section - 51
Grounds of opinion when relevant
Section - 52
In civil cases character to prove conduct imputed irrepevant
Section - 53
In criminal cases, previous good character relevant
Section - 53A
Evidence of character or previous sexual experience not relevant in certain cases
Section - 54
Previous bad character not relevant except in reply
Section - 55
Character as affecting damages