Chapter 2 - Non-financial objectives - NEED TO COMPLETE Flashcards
What are the limitations of financial statements?
Historic, not forward looking
Accruals (profit differs from cash)
Financial information fails to give the full picture
What is sustainability defined as?
Fulfilling the needs of current generations without comprimising the needs of future generations, while ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental care and social well-being
What three key perspectives does the GRI’s standards suggest that entities should report performance indicators so that users can monitor their performance on sustainability?
What three parts are in the GRI standards?
Universal Standards
Sector Standards
Topic Standards
What three universal standards must be applied by all organisations following the standards?
GRI 1 - Foundation - Contains the reporting principles for report content and quality, gives guidance on how to decide which topics are material and how to layout and present the sustainability report
GRI 2 - General Disclosures - Disclose contextual details of the organisation such as its size, location, supply chains, key markets, ethical principles, governance policies, key risks and stakeholder engagement
GRI 3 - Material Topics - Reports information about how an organisation manages material topics. The organisation provides a narrative explanation of why the topic is material, where the impacts occur, and how the organisation manages the impacts.
What are the eight reporting principles fundamental to acheiving high quality sustainability reporting?
Sustainability Context