Chapter 2 Nature of Real Property Flashcards
air rights
The real property rights to the reasonable use of the airspace above the surface of the land.
Anything affixed (attached) to or used with the land for its benefit that is transferred with the land.
base line
imaginary line that runs east-west and intersect meridians that run north-south to from the the starting point for land measurement using the rectangular survey system of land description.
bill of sale
Written instrument that conveys title to personal property.
bundle of rights
The legal rights of ownership of real property, including the rights of possession of use, disposition , and exclusion of others from the property.
civil law
Legal system base on laws and regulations, without the influence of judicial decisions as in the common law system.
common law
The body of law from England based on custom, usage,
and court decisions.
community property
All property acquired by husband and wife during marriage except that qualifying as separate property.
corrective line
A correction system that corrects for the curvature of the earth when measured when using a rectangular system.
correlative use
It allows use of reasonable as long it does not affect your neighbors use
Crops produced annually by labor and industry as distinguished from crops that grow naturally on the land
Anything permanently attached to land or improvements so as to become real property
fructus industriales
Plant growth that is the result of cultivation
fructus naturales
Plant growth that does not require cultivation, such as natural trees, grasses. and shrubbery
guide meridian
same as correction lines a measure system
The earth surface
legal description
A land description used to define a parcel of land to the exclusion of all others that is acceptable by a court of law.
littoral rights
Rights to use of water from a lake or other body of still water by adjoining property owners
lot and block system
Subdivision system: method of legal description of land using parcel maps identified by tract, block, and lot numbers.
description of land using distances
Imaginary lines that run north to south and intersect base lines that run east to west.
meters and bounds
Description of land using distances (called metes) Artificial boundaries (called bounds)
minerals rights
A right of the owner of real estate to explore for and remove solid, liquid and gaseous substances from the property
Metes and bounds as well as single objects called monuments of markers as point of reference
personal property
All property that is not real property
plat map
Subdivision map showing division of property into tracts, blocks, and lots.
point of beginning
The place at which a legal description using metes and bounds starts.
In the rectangular survey system of land description, townships running east and west of a meridian.
real estate
Real property; land includes the surface of the earth
real property
Also known as real property, Anything incidental or appurtenant to the land.
rectangular survey system
Section and township system: method of legal description of land using areas called townships measure from the meridians and base line.
right of approparation
Right of government to take, impound, or divert water flowing on the public domain from its natural course for some beneficial purpose.
riparian rights
The right of landowner whose property borders a lake, river, or stream to the use of enjoyment of the water adjacent to oar flowing over the property.
A standard land area of one mile square containing 640 acres, used in the rectangular survey system of land description
section and township system
A U.S. government survey system
subdivision system
lot and block system
In the rectangular survey system of land description, townships running north and south of base line.
A standard land are of six miles square, divided into 36 sections of one mile square each
underground water rights
Right to remove water from the aquifers and other sources below the surface of the land.
U.S. government survey system
A rectangular survey system
water rights
Right to use of water found at surface of land and underground.