Chapter 2: Metric Spaces Flashcards
What is a metric space?
a set M and a distinace metric d that’s
* symmetric
* definite
* triangle
What’s an open ball?
B(a; r) is
{x in M | d(a, x) < r}
“points less than r distance from a”
a set E is open if…
for each point in E, there is a ball around the point
entirely contained in E
U closed is closed, true?
only interesection of closed
are closed
(or finite unions)
E0 the interior of E
all points not on the boundary of E
U open sets in E
(or largest open set contained in E)
the closure of E

E U limit points
alternate: intersection of closed sets containing E
What can we say about Compactness
and subspaces/superspaces?
compact in one means
compact in the other!
a set A is Closed/Open
in subspace (S, d)
there is set A* in M such that
A = A* n S
where A* is closed/open
What’s an alternate def of Cauchy?
For any subsequences xni, xnj,
lim d(xni, xnj) = 0
“Sheep Lemma”
For an Cauchy, if some subseq ai –> a,
then an –> a
Preimages f-1 preserve
U, complements, and intersections
(f only preserves unions)
Definitions of continuity?
- epsilon
- f-1(open) is open
- if an –> a, then f(an) = f(a)
Continuous images preserve
(not open/closed)
What does sequentially compact mean?
every sequence has a
convergent subsequence
Sequentially compact
a totally bounded set
is a set A covered by finitely many
open balls in A of radius epsilon
What is an open cover?
a collection of open sets
(possibly infinite)
In Rn,
means closed and bounded
In Rn, every bounded sequence
has a convergent subsequence
K is compact
what about accumulation points?
every infinite subset
has an accumulation point in K
“Bolzano-Weirstrauss Property”
A’ the derived set of A is…
set of accumulation points
How do we know d(x, E) is continuous?
d(x, E) - d(y, E) | ≤ d(x, y)
Lebesgue Covering Lemma
O an open cover of K (compact)
Lemma says
there exists r > 0, such that for any x in K,
B(x, r) is in some open set of O
“key: r doesn’t depend on the point
Continuous on a compact set
uniformly continuous
about two-valued functions…
every two-valued function (these are continuous)
is constant
Intervals in R, even with ∞ are…
use IVT and two-valued function
to show contradiction
U connected is connected if…
intersection is nontrivial
What is a component of a space?
a connected set A such that
no other connected set contains A
What are nice properties of components?
- every point is in a unique component
- components are disjoint (or the same)
what about limit points?
contained in the set
What is a path?
It’s a continuous function from [0, 1] to M
* domain uses | | metric
path connected implies…
but not the inverse!
a is connected to b
“a ~ b”
if there is cont f on [0, 1]
such that f(0) = a and f(1) = b
a closed interval in C is….
[z, w]
{ (1-t) z + t w | 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 }
a convex set in C is…
a set such that any interval with endpoints
in the set
is entirely contained in the set
what is a polygonal path?
a path whose image is
U [zi , zi+1]
for i = 1 to n
Open and connected implies…
there is a polygonal path between any two points
What is a characterization of
f differentiable at p?
there exists f* such that
- f(z) - f(p) = f*(z) (z - p)
for some z
- f* is cont at p
Weirstrauss M-Test
If |fn| < Mn and ∑ Mn < ∞, then
∑ fn converges uniformly
(and if each fn is cont, then converge f cont.)
fn —> f uniformly means…
for all n > N and any x,
fn(x) is close to f(x)
Power series converges to a continuous func when?
on z < |z0|
where z0 is some point where series converges
to a number
(sup of all z0 is the radius of convergence)
Show a space is connected
using “induction”
Need subset E such that
- E open (nonempty)
- for all x in Ec, B(x, r) n E is empty
“don’t even need E to be connected!”
Equivalent ways ot thinking about
K compact?
- K has BWZ property
- sequentially compact
- totally bounded & complete
“BWZ” every infinite subset has a limit point in set
“totally bounded” for all e, K covered by finitely many balls
of radius epsilon (same balls)