Chapter 2 Meeting Jesus through Sacraments Flashcards
A Greek word that means “fiftieth day”. On this day, the church celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the apostles. It is often called “the birthday of the Church.”
Another name for the Holy Spirit that means advocate, defender, or consoler.
apostolic succession
An unbroken chain of power and authority connecting the pope and bishops to St. Peter and the Twelve Apostles of Jesus
Divine life-giving actions that originate from God the Father. His blessing is both word and gift.
Blessed Sacrament
Blessed Sacrament The consecrated species of bread from Mass that is reserved in the tabernacle in church. The blessed sacrament is the real presence of Jesus.
Real Presence
The doctrine that Jesus Christ is truly present in his Body and Blood under the form of bread and wine in the Eucharist.
What happens at the consecration of the bread and wine at Mass when their entire substance is turned into the entire substance of the Body and Blood of Christ, even though the appearance of bread and wine remain.
To bring the good news of Jesus Christ to others.
ministerial priesthood
The priesthood of Christ received in the Sacrament of Holy Orders. It’s purpose is to serve the common priesthood by building up and guiding the Church in the name of Christ.
common priesthood
The priesthood of the faithful. Christ has made the Church a “kingdom of priests” who share in his priesthood through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.
sacramental character
An indelible spiritual mark which is the permanent effect of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders. The mark is a permanent configuration to Jesus Christ and a specific standing in the church. The reception of these sacraments is never repeated.
Sacred Tradition
The living transmission of the Church’s Gospel message found in the Church’s teaching, life, and worship. It is faithfully preserved, handed on, and interested by the Church’s Magisterium.
Holy Trinity
The central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life that there are three Divine Persons is one God. god alone can make it known to us by revealing himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Liturgy of the Word
The part of the Most that includes the “writings of the prophets” (the Old Testament reading and psalm) and the “memoirs of the Apostles” (the New Testament Epistles and the Gospel), the homily, the profession of faith, and the intercession a for the world.
A reflection given by a bishop, priest, or deacon that reflects on the Scripture readings during Mass or the sacraments. The homily helps us hear God’s Word and apply it to our lives today.