Chapter 2. Logic Flashcards
What is an argument?

What is a statement?

What does the conjuction of statements mean?

What does the disjuction of statements mean?

When are two statements forms logically equivalent? How would you proove it?

What is the negation of the statement “John is tall and Jim is a red head”
what is happening here

What is DeMorgans Law?

What is a statement from called when its is always true for all the truth values; What is it called when it is always False.

What are some key statement form logical equivalence forms?

What is the symbol for exclusive or? Whats the difference between inclusive and exclusive or? Whats the truth table?

proove using logic equviance statements forms?

Proove using equvilant statements

What is a conditional statement form?

What is the order of operations for ^,v,~ and conditional

What is a contrapostive of a conditional statement?

inverse and converse statment are counterpositive of each other. that is why they are logically equivalent
What is a biconditional Statement?