Chapter 2 LOGIC Flashcards
Statement- A statement (or proposition) is an assertion that is true or false, but not both. We often use P, Q, and R to denote statements, or perhaps P1, P2, . . ., Pn if several statements are involved.
Each statement has a truth value,
true (denoted by T) or false (denoted by F)
Open sentence
Open sentence- An open sentence is an assertion that contains one or more variables and which becomes a statement when specific values are substituted for these variables. (2) An open sentence that contains a variable x is typically represented by P(x), or Q(x).

Domain - The domain of an open sentence is the collection from which the value of the variable is chosen
Truth TablE
Truth Table-Often we use a table to list all possible truth values of a statement. This table is called a truth table.
Negation- Let P be a statement. The negation of P is the statement not P, and is denoted by ∼ P
Disjunction- Let P and Q be statements. The disjunction of P and Q is the statement
P or Q,
and is denoted by P ∨ Q. In this case, “or” is inclusive or, that is P ∨ Q is true if at least one of P and Q is true.

Conjunction- Let P and Q be statements. The conjunction of P and Q is the statement
P and Q,
and is denoted by P ∧ Q

Implication- Let P and Q be statements. The implication (or conditional) is the statement
If P, then Q,
and is denoted by P ⇒ Q. In this case, P is called the hypothesis and Q is called the conclusion. We also express P ⇒ Q in words as P implies Q.
Let P and Q be statements. Given the implication P ⇒ Q, there are 4 possibilities:

Converse- Let P and Q be statements. The implication Q ⇒ P is called the converse of P ⇒ Q.

Biconditional- Let P and Q be statements. The biconditional of P and Q is the conjunction
(P ⇒ Q) ∧ (Q ⇒ P),
is denoted by P ⇔ Q. In this case we say
P is equivalent to Q, or P if and only if Q,
Let P and Q be statements. The truth table for implication P ⇔ Q is

logical Connectives
logical Connectives- The symbols ∼, ∨, ∧, ⇒ and ⇔ are called logical connectives
Compound Statement
Compound Statement- A compound statement is a statement composed of one or more given statements and at least one logical connective.
Tautology- A compound statement S is called a tautology if it is true for all possible combinations of truth values of the component statements that comprise S.
Contradiction- A compound statement S is called a contradiction if it is false for all possible combinations of truth values of the component statements that comprise S.
logically equivalent-
logically equivalent- Let R and S be two (compound) statements. We say that R and S are logically equivalent if they have the same truth table. In this case, we write R ≡ S.
Commutative Laws

Associative Laws

Distributive Laws

De Morgan’s Laws

Universal quantifier

Existential quantifier

Unique existential quantifier

Logical Laws

Negation of Quantified Statements