Chapter 2 - Lesson 3: Global Interstate System Flashcards
According to (—–), (—–), the states are accountable to a host of international norms and standards, find themselves in subordinate positions to protect their economy and face a new kind of pressures of supranational integration and focus of local fragmentation.
Schattle, 2014
are international organizations that have only states as members, and the
decision-making authority lies with representatives from member governments. They are supranational organizations, in that states give up some of their sovereignty when they consent to abide by any agreements they enter into by joining the organization (UNESCO).
The Intergovernmental Organizations (IGO)
refers to an entity created by treaty, involving two or more nations, to work in
good faith, on issues of common interest. In the absence of a treaty an (—) does not exist in the legal sense (
The Intergovernmental Organizations (IGO)
Effects of Globalization on Governments
Seen as imposing a forced choice upon states either they conform to the neoliberal ideas of free-market principles of (—–), (—–) and (—–) or run the risk of being left behind
free trade
Effects of Globalization on Governments
Establishment of (—–) and (—–) integration
- economic
- political
Effects of Globalization on Governments
The growth of (—–) law and universal (—–)
- international
- principles
Effects of Globalization on Governments
The rise of (—–) activism
Effects of Globalization on Governments
Creation of new (—–) (—–)
- communication network
Attributes and Functions of IGO
IGOs can be (—–)-issue or (—–)-issue organizations and they can be (—–) or (—–) in their scope.
- single
- multi
- regional
- global
Attributes and Functions of IGO
IGOs are not replacements for (—–), as they do not (—–).
- government
- govern
They try to contend with and help administer complex interrelationships
and global economic, political, and social change.
The Intergovernmental Organizations (IGO)
Attributes and Functions of IGO
The charters of IGOs generally include the (—–), norms, rules, (—–), (—–), and decision-making processes within organizations.
- principles
- structures
- functions
Attributes and Functions of IGO
The IGOs’ (—–) (—–) processes are often used by member states to create other norms and rules, to enforce rules and resolve disputes, to provide collective goods, and to support operations
decision making
Attributes and Functions of IGO
(—–) of (—–) policy, IGOs provide forums for principles, norms, and positions.
- Instrument
- international
Attributes and Functions of IGO
Exert influence and impose (—–) on members’ policies and the way in which those policies are made.
Attributes and Functions of IGO
Instrumental in (—–) and (—–) international cooperation
- creating
- sustaining
The intensification of relations among nationstates. It is the theory and practice of transnational cooperation.
The (——–) (–) (—–) among nationstates. It is the theory and practice of transnational cooperation.
intensification of relations
An (—–) that seeks to understand all the interconnections of modern world and to highlight the patterns that underlie them. It pursues to describe and explain more than a world that is characterized by network of connections.
An attitude that seeks to understand all the interconnections of modern world and to highlight the patterns that underlie them. It pursues to describe and explain more than a world that is characterized by network of connections.