Chapter 2 (L-E) Flashcards
fāma, fāmae, f
rumor, report; fame, reputation [famous, defame, infamy]
fōrma, fōrmae, f
form, shape; beauty [formal, format, formula, formless, deform, inform, etc; not formic, formidable]
fortūna, fortūnae, f
fortune, luck [fortunate, misfortune, unfortunate]
īra, īrae, f
ire, anger [irate, irascible; but not irritate]
nauta, nautae, m
sailor, [nautical, nautilus, argonaut]
patria, patriae, f
fatherland, native land, {one’s country} [patriotic, expatriate, repatriate]
pecūnia, pecūniae, f
money [pecuniary, impecunious; cf. peculation]
philosophia, philosophiae, f
(Greek philosophia, love of wisdom), philosophy
poena, poenae, f
penalty, punishment [penal, penalize, penalty, pain, subpoena]
poenās dare
idiom, to pay the penalty
poēta, poētae, m
poet [poetry, poetic]
porta, portae, f
gate, entrance [portal, portico, porch, porthole]
puella, puellae, f
rosa, rosae, f
rose [rosary, roseate, rosette]
sententia, sententiae, f
feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence [sententious, sentencing]