Chapter 2- Key Verb Variations Of Stem Word Flashcards
Hear, hearing
To live
To burn
Puncture, perforate
To smash, breakdown
Canal or to draw
To dilate
To swell
-ethes/ia, -phoro-
To feel ( physical ) To sense ( mental )
To split
To bend
To flow
To produce, form, develop, or begin
To treat, cure
To move
-liga-, -desis
To bind
To study
-ly-, -lysis
To break up, to dissolve
-morph-, -morpho
Form, shape
olfact-, -osmia
To smell
-op, opt-, -opto, -opsy
Vision, sight, or to see
To flutter
-par-, -part, -partus-, -toci-
To labor
To digest
To fix
-phag-, -phago-
To eat
To speak, utter
To like, love, affinity for
To fear
Fence off, to wall off
-plas-, -plasm, -plast/y
Repair, to form, grow
To be paralyzed
To breathe
Voice or sound
To make
To fall, to droop
To burst forth, pour
To suture
To flow, discharge
To rupture
Heal, treat, cure
To cut, in/cise
-troph-, -troph/y
To nourish, to develop, formation process
To turn, twist
To cover