Chapter 2 - Insurance products Flashcards
List the 4 different types of Motor insurance.
- Road Traffic Act only
2.Third Party Only - Third Party fire and theft
- Comprehensive
What does the Road Traffic Act (RTA) only provide cover for?
1.Unlimited indeminty to bodily injury or death to 3rd parties
2 A £1.2m limit for loss or damage to 3rd party property
- claimants costs and expenses
- emergency medical treament and hostipal charges arising out of vechile use.
what does Third Party only provide cover for?
All RTA cover + the following:
- Increased £20mil limit for loss or damage to 3rd party property
- Passenger indemnity
3.Cover for legal costs defending a claim
- cover for vechle use abroad
List 3 non-EU countries that are apart of the free circulation zone
List the 2 exlcusions for Third Party only cover.
- Damage to the vehicle itslef
- Liability covered by another policy.
what does Third Party, fire and theft provide cover for?
All third party only cover + the following:
1.Cost of repair if insured’s vehicle is damaged or stolen during theft or attempted theft
2.Damage by fire, Lightning or explosion.
What is the exclusions of Third Party, fire and theft?
All third party only cover + the following:
- Specifically ‘loss of use’ meaning no hire car is provided in a result of loss
what does comprehensive cover for?
It has widest cover and includes all other covers + accidental or malicous damage to insured vehicle. The cover is ‘all risks’ (damage is covered no matter how it happened)
List the 6 exclusions for Comprehensive cover.
- Wear and Tear
- Depreciation
- Loss or damage to spare parts and accessories. (unless in a garage or on the car)
4.Loss of use - Mechanical and electrical failure
6.Tyre damage from punctures or blow outs.
List the common Extensions on a Motor Policy. (There is 12)
- Breakage of glass (On non-comprehensive , as normally covered on comprehensive)
2.Personal belongings and clothing
3.Young additional drivers (For occasional users)
4.Loss of use at a fix amount per day or provision of hire car
5.Additional personal accident
6.Foreign use
7.Racing, Competitions, rallies and trials and trailers
- Breakdown cover
10.loss of keys
- legal assistance
- join policies
List is Not exhaustive
List the General exclusions on a motor policy.(There is 6)
- Contractual Liability
- War risks
3.Use other than as specified
4.Riot and civil commotion
6.Sonic bangs
What same cover does Motorcycle(Any mechanically propelled cycle) insurance have?
same as motor Policy cover.
Does Motorcycle insurance have Personal accident, medical expenses and personal effects cover?
What is the Limits for third party liabilty and third party property under a commercial vechile policy?
- Unlimited for Death or bodily inury to third parties
2.£5m to third party properties.
What is fleet insurance?
Fleet insurance is used to cover a number of vechiles under one policy.
what is normally covered under a fleet insurance policy?
Mostly same as private motor insurance + the following:
1.Contigent third party insurance
2.Joint insured clause or cross liabilties clause
3.occasional business use
4.Roadside assistance
what does ‘buildings insurance’ include?
- Main strucute of buildings
- Houses
- Garages
- Sheds.
- Greenhouses
- Outbuildings
- Swimming pools
- Tennis cours etc/
List the main covers available for buildings insurance. (There is 8)
1.Fire,lightining, explosion and earthquake
2. Storm or flood
3. Falling trees or branches
4. Escape of water (Includes unoccupied exclusion+excess)
5. Escape of oil (Includes unoccupied exclusion+excess)
6. Theft or attemped theft (Includes unoccupied exclusion+excess)
7. Impact fees.
List the main covers available for buildings insurance.
1.Fire,lightining, explosion and earthquake
2. Storm or flood
3. Falling trees or branches
4. Escape of water (Includes unoccupied exclusion+excess)
5. Escape of oil (Includes unoccupied exclusion+excess)
6. Theft or attemped theft (Includes unoccupied exclusion+excess)
7. Impact
legal fees.
what does contents insurance include cover for?
The term ‘contents’ mean household goods and personal effects of every description that belong to the insured or to a member of the family living in the property.
what is the usual limit on single articles of value?
usually 5% or 10% of the total sum insured
what are the 3 normal extentions in a Household insurance policy?
- Temporary removal to another premises
- Accidental breakage of mirrors and glass
3.Loss of rent
What are the 4 normal exclusions in a Household insurance policy?
- Medals and coins
- Drones or aircfaft
- Motor vechiles
4.Livestock(other then horses)
what is the limit to third party accidental injury or damage to material property under a household policy?
£1m or £2m per claim.