Chapter 2 Glossary Terms Flashcards
Facilities where records of an organization are preserved because of their continuing or historical value; also the building or area where archival materials
are stored.
ARMA International
A professional group interested in improving educational programs in schools and industry and providing on-the-job knowledge about records and information management.
An electronic method to conduct business communication and transactions over networks and through computers.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
A communication procedure between two companies that allows the exchange of standardized documents (most commonly invoices or purchase orders) through computers.
Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
A system and procedures that provide for electronic payments and collections.
Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
Technologies, tools, and methods used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content across an enterprise.
A worldwide network of computers that allows public access to send, store, and receive electronic information over public networks.
The process of using an organization’s resources to achieve specific goals through the functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
Records System
A group of interrelated resources - people, equipment and supplies, space, procedures, and information - acting together according to a plan to accomplish the goals of the records and information management program.
Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM)
a global, nonprofit organization that provides independent research, education, and certification programs to information professionals.
ARMA International’s Generally Accepted Record Keeping Principles
form the foundation for which an effective information governance program can be built.
When a company is subject to litigation or a lawsuit, all information, records, and other evidence that are relevant to the case must be identified and retrieved.
The process of identifying and providing all electronically stored information and records relevant to the case.
Information Governance (IG)
The overarching framework within which the records and information management (rIM) program resides.