Chapter 2 Geometry Flash Cards
equilateral triangle
all sides are equal
at least 2 sides are equal
1 pair of parallel sides and 1 pair of non-parrel sides
all sides are parallel
complementary angles
angles that add up to 90 degrees
supplementary angles
angles that add up to 180 degrees
conditional statement
p -> q
the converse of a conditional statement
q -> p
the inverse of a conditional statement
~ p -> ~ q
biconditional statement
p <-> q (a way to simplify a conditional statement if both conditional statement and converse are true)
the contrapositive of a conditional statement
~ q -> ~p
Inductive Reasoning
reasoning based on a pattern (use inductive reasoning to make a conjecture)
Deductive Reasoning
reasoning based on facts, definitions, accepted properties, and logic
Law of Detachment
if the conditional statement is true and it applies to your statement then the conclusion is true to that statement.
Law of Syllogism
if p -> q and q -> r then p -> r
2 point postulate
through any 2 points lies exactly one line
Line Intersection postulate
When two lines intersect there is exactly one point
Line-point postulate
any line has at least 2 points
Three point Postulate
Through any 3 noncollinear points, there exists exactly one plane.
Plane-Point Postulate
A plane contains at least 3 noncollinear points
Plane-Line Postulate
If two points lie in a plane then the line that goes through them must also lie on the same plane
Plane Intersection Postulate
There is exactly one line where two planes intersect
Commutative Porperty of addition
a + b = b + a
Commutative Property of Multiplication
a x b = b x a
Associative Property of Addition
a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
Associative Property of Multiplication
a(b x c) = (a x b)c
Distributive property
a(b x c) = a x b + a x c
Identity Property of Addition
a + 0 = a
Identity Property of Multiplication
a x 1 = a
Additive Inverse Property
a + (-a) = 0
Multiplicative Inverse Property
a (1/a) = 1
Property of Zero
a x 0 = 0
Reflexive proprty
a = a
Symmetric Property
a = b, then b = a
Transitive Property
If a = b and b = c, then a =c
Substitution Property
If a =b, then b can replace any a in any expression
The Distributive Property
a (b + c ) = ab + ac