Chapter 2 Functional Forms Flashcards
B2=ΣXiYi/Xi^2 where Xi=xi - mean(x) and Yi =yi - mean(y)
Constant Returns to Scale
Increasing Returns to Scale
Decreasing Returns to Scale
When can you compare R-squared in a model?
R-squared can be only compared when the dependent variables of the models are the same.
What is a vertical asymptote?
As x→c, then y= ∞ ,for y=f(x).Here x=c is the vertical asymptote.
What is a horizontal asymptote?
As x→∞, then y=c ,for y=f(x).Here y=c is the vertical asymptote
What is an oblique asymptote?
For a function of the form mx+c +a/x+b/x²……..,when x→∞, then y=mx+c is the oblique asymptote
t-statistic should be greater/less than what amount to be statistically significant?
Greater than 3 or less than -3
What is the interpretation of B2 in the model,
LnYi=B1 +B2Xi +ui?
1 unit increase in Xi, on average, will result in (B2*100)% increase in Yi.
What is the interpretation of B2 in the model,
Yi=B1 +B2LnXi +ui?
1 percentage increase in Xi, on average, will result in (B2/100) units increase in Yi.
What is the interpretation of B2 in the model,
Yi=B1 +B2Xi +ui?
B2 if positive/negative will show a positive/negative trend between Xi and Yi.
What is the interpretation of B2 in the model,
LnYi=B1 +B2LnXi +ui?
1 percentage increase in Xi, on average, will result in B2 percentage increase in Yi.
What is the interpretation of B2 in the model,
Yi=B1 +B2(1/Xi) +ui?
B2 if negative, will show a positive trend between Xi and Yi. And if B2 is positive, then we can see a negative trend between Xi and Yi.