Chapter 2- Finances & Career Planning Flashcards
A commitment to work in the field that you find interesting and fulfilling – meeting your personal and financial goals – usually long-term
Work you do to earn money – usually short term
Example high school career, part-time
Standard of living
A measure of quality-of-life based on the amounts and kinds of goods and services a person can buy
Potential earning power
- Your earning potential overtime
- more knowledge/education usually increases earning power
Ingredients for success on the job:
– Try to be an asset to the company – work well with others – strive to do best – quality of work is a high priority – communicate well
Natural talent
Five common aptitudes
One: verbal (example: author)
Two: Numerical (example: accountant)
Three: spatial (example: graphic designer)
Four: manual dexterity (example construction)
Five: physical coordination (example: athlete)
Interest inventories
- Tests that help you identify activities you like doing best
- Matches interests, likes, and dislikes with various kinds of work
- They only point to you in a direction
Personality types
– Realists – investigative – creative – social – enterprising
Six stages of career planning
One: research and assess Two: identify job opportunities Three: develop a resume and cover letter Four: interview Five: consider job offers Six: plan and implement
Demographic trend
tendencies of moving people from one part of the country to another
Two recent trends in industry and technology
One: increased global competition – decrease in demand for American made products equals higher unemployment
Two: automation
Service industry
-Businesses that offer service for a fee
-Will offer employment opportunities in the future
-sometimes paying more than manufacturing
Industries include: healthcare, business services, social services, hospitality, education, financial, computer and or telecommunications
Four kinds of work related training
One: part-time
Two: Volunteer
Three: internships or Cooperative education
Four: class projects or afterschool activities
- receive training from experienced workers in a particular field
- sometimes lead to a permanent employment