Chapter 2: Family diversity Flashcards
What impact did OAKLEY say about the media and family diversity?
Marketing and advertising often tries to sell products to what it sees as a typical family
Cereal packet family is a symbol of oppression - reflection of patriarchy
How did THORNE criticise the portrayal of the cereal packet family?
Gender, generation, race and class result in widely varying experiences of family life
Many diverge from nuclear family
What was the percentage of nuclear families in 1971 and 2010?
1971= 35%
2010= 21%
What did the RAPOPORTS identify to be the main 5 types of diversity?
Organizational diversity: variation in family structure
Cultural diversity
Social class diversity
Cohort: group of people born over same period of time
What does WEEKS, HEAPHEY & DONOVAN state about new types of diversity?
Increase in gay and lesbian households contributes to the increase in diversity.
What is the difference in the percentage of lone parents between 1971 and 2011?
1971= 8% 2011= 22%
What are the 2 factors ALLAN & CROW explain for the increase in lone parenthood?
Increase in marital breakdown (partly divorce)
Rise in births to unmarried mothers: casual relationship ending in pregnancy
What was MORGAN’s view on changing relationships between men and women?
Changing relationship is important
Greater equality between sexes: more feasible for women to bring up children
More employment opportunities for women encourage independent life
Much less stigma attached to illiegitimacy
What does MURRAY believe to be the result of the increase in lone parenthood?
Over-generous welfare system: makes possible for lone parents to live on benefits
See lone parent as part of a welfare-dependent underclass
What was BHATTI’s research on Asian families?
Emphasis on loyalty and tradition, strong ties with extended families
Father taking on the traditional breadwinner role
Izzat: principle of honour taken very seriously
What was CHAMBERLAIN’S research on Afro-Caribbean families?
Found brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts play important role in Afro-Caribbean families than British
Siblings assist in being up younger siblings
What did CHESTER say about families since WW2?
Since WW2:
Most people still marry and stay married
Most children reared by natural parents
Most people live in household headed by married couple
What changes did SOMERVILLE say were happening in the family?
Sex outside marriage is becoming common
More couples choose not to have children
Increasing number of lone parents
Greater diversity as result of variations in family
Who came up with the idea of the cereal packet family?
What reasons did RAPOPORTS give for the increase in family diversity?
Rising divorce rate
Decreases in stigma
Changing role of women
Technology: new reproductive technologies
Between 1971 and 2008, what family types were increasing and what were decreasing?
Increasing: lone parent, couple only, one person
Decreasing: nuclear families
In 2012 what proportion of families saw marriage before children as important, compared to 1989?
2012: just under 1/2
1989: 70%
How many more times likely were Afro-Caribbean families like to be lone parents?
Afro-Caribbean families are 4 times more likely to be a lone parent than white households
What did DENCH, GAVRON and YOUNG study with the implications of family diversity?
Evidence of individualism with cohabitation, divorce and lone parenthood more common.
Evidence for fragmentation
What did the CENSUS data of 2011 show about families headed by a couple?
70% of people were still living in households headed by a couple