Chapter 2 - Eye Flashcards
Eye - Parts (11)
Retina Cornea Aqueous humour Pupil Iris Lens Vitreous humor Sclera Tapetum Optic nerve Blind spot
Eye - Functions:
Aqueous humour
Retina - the layer of light sensitive cells at the back of the eye. The retina detects images focused by the cornea and the brain lens. The retina is connected to the brain by the optic nerve.
Cornea - a tough, clear covering over the iris and the pupil that helps protect the eye. Light bends as it passes through the cornea. This is the first step in making an image on the retina. The cornea begins bending light to make an image. The lens finishes the job.
Aqueous humour - a clear fluid that helps the cornea keep its rounded shape.
Eye - Functions:
Pupil - the pupil is a dark circle in the centre of your iris. It’s a hole that lets light into the inner eye.
Iris - a muscle that controls how much light enters the eye. It is suspended between the cornea and the lens.
Lens - a clear, flexible structure that makes an image in the eyes retina. The lens is flexible so that it can change shape, focussing on objects that are close up and objects that are far away
Eye - Functions
Vitreous humour
Vitreous humour - the thick, clear jelly that helps give the eyeball its shape.
Sclera - the thick, tough, white outer covering of the eyeball.
Tapetum - the colourful, shiny material located behind the retina. Found in animals with good night vision. Reflects light back through the retina.
Eye - Functions
Optic nerve
Blind spot
Optic nerve - the bundle of nerve fibres that carry information from the retina to the brain
Blind spot - the place where the optic nerve leaves the retina. Each eye has a blind spot where there are no light sensitive cells.
Rods and Cones
- responsible for vision of detail
- responsible for colour vision
- require high levels of light in order for them to respond
- 6 500 000 in each eye
- responsible for vision in low light
- have low vision acuity
- can only register in black and white
- 125 000 000 in each eye