Chapter 2 - Examining The Project Life Cycle and the Organization Flashcards
adaptive life cycles
These life cycles anticipate frequent changes of the project scope, schedule, and costs. Stakeholder involvement is high as the project develops quickly and future phases are based on defined requirements and the results of preceding phases.
composite structure
An organizational structure that uses a blend of the functional, matrix, and projectized structures to operate and manage projects.
cultural norm
The accepted practices, culture, ideas, vision, and nature of an organization.
dedicated project team
This project team works full time on the project for the duration of the project.
enterprise environmental factors
Elements that create the boundaries for the project manager. These may help or hinder the project manager’s ability to navigate within the project. Examples include rules, regulations, industry standards and organizational procedures the project manager is obliged to follow.
fast tracking
A schedule-compression technique that allows phases to overlap in order to compress the schedule and finish the job faster. Fast tracking does increase project risk.
functional managers
The managers of the permanent staff in each organizational department, line of business, or function such as sales, finance, and technology. Project managers and functional managers interact on project decisions that affect functions, projects, and operations.
functional organizations
Entities that have a clear division regarding business units and their associated responsibilities. Project managers in functional organizations have little power and report to the functional managers. This is an organization that groups staff according to their expertise - for example, sales, marketing, finance, and information technology. Project managers in functional structures report to functional managers, and the project team exists within one department.
iterative and incremental life cycles
The project scope is defined early in the project, but the costs and scheduled are iteratively developed. The project moves through iterations of processes better to define the project’s product, time, and costs.
iterative relationships of project phases
Ideal for projects such as research. The next phase of the project is not planned until the current phase of the project is under way. The direction of the project can change based on the current work in the project, market conditions, or as more information is discovered.
kill point
An opportunity to halt the project based on project performance in the previous phase. Kill points typically come at the end of a project phase ans are also knows as phase gates.
matrix structure.
An organization that groups staff by function but openly shares resources on project teams throughout the organization. Project managers in a matrix structure share the power with functional management. Three types of matrix structures - weak, balanced, and strong - describe the amount of authority for the project manager.
operations management
Operations managers deal directly with the income-generation products or services the company provides. Projects often affect the core business, so these managers are stakeholders in the project.
organizational process assets
Resources that have been created to assist the project manager in managing the project better. Examples include historical information, forms, project approaches, defined procedures, and templates.
overlapping relationship of phases
Allows project phases to overlap to compress the project duration. This is also known as fast tracking.
part-time project team
The project team works on the project for a percentage of their scheduled time. The project team may work on core operations and other projects in addition to the current project.
partnership project team
Through teaming agreements or alliances, the project team may be formed from many different organizations for the duration of the project.
predictive life cycles
The project scope, budget, and schedule are defined early in the project. The predefined phases of the project focus on specific project work so the project team members’ participation may fluctuate from phase to phase. This is also known as a waterfall methodology or a plan-drive project.
portfolio management review board
A collection of organizational decision-makers, usually executives, who will review proposed projects and programs for their value and return on investment for the organization.
product life cycle
The unique life, duration, and support of the thing a project creates. A product life cycle is separate from the project life cycle.
program manager
Coordinates the efforts of multiple projects working together in the program. Programs comprise projects, so it makes sense that the program manager would be a stakeholder in each of the projects within the program.
project customer/end user
The person or group that will use the project deliverable. In some instances , a project may have many different customers.
project governance
Defines the rules for a project; it’s up to the project manager to enforce the project governance to ensure the project’s ability to reach its objectives. The project management plan defines the project governance and how the project manager, the project team, and the organization will follow the rules and policies within the project.
project life cycle
Unique to each project and made up of phases of work. Project life cycles typically create a milestone and allow subsequent phases to begin.
project management office (PMO)
A stakeholder of the project, because it supports the project mangers and is responsible for the project’s success. PMOs typically provide administrative support, training for the project managers, resource management for the project team and project staffing, and centralized communication.
project management team
People on the project team who are involved with managing the project.
project manager
The person accountable for managing the project and guiding the team through the project phases to completion.
project sponsor
This person or group authorizes the project and ensures that the project manager has the necessary resources, including monies, to get the work done. The project sponsor is within the performing organization and has the power to authorize and sanction the project work and who is ultimately accountable for the project’s success.
project stakeholders
Individuals and groups that may influence the project and/or may be influenced by the project. Examples include the project manager, project sponsor, project team, customers, users, vendors, and the community within which the project operates.
project team
The collection of individuals who will work together to ensure the success of the project. The project manager works with the project team to guide, schedule, and oversee the project. The project team completes the project work.
projectized structure
Grouping employees, collocated or not, by activities on a particular project. The project manager in a projectized structure may have complete, or very close to complete, power over the project team.
sellers and business partners
Vendors, contractors, and business partners that help projects achieve their objectives. These business partners can affect the project’s success and are considered stakeholders in the project.
sequential relationship of phases
Each phase of a project relies on the completion of the previous phase before it can begin.
virtual project team
The project team is not located in one geographical space, but communicates and works through web-based collaboration software.