Chapter 2 Education Flashcards
How has gender chaged in education over the years?
Both sexes have improved in all levels over the years
The rate of girls improvement has been more rapid and a significant gap has opened up
Girls have over taken boys
Where have gender patterns been slower to change?
Subject choice. Boys and girls opt to study more sex-based subjects
What are the statistics for achievement differences on starting school?
2013 girls are ahdead of boys by between 7-17% in all 7 areas of learning.
Girls were also better at boys at concentrating.
Boys were 2 and a half times more likey to have statements of educational needs.
What are the statistics for achievement differences in key stage 1-3?
Girls do consistently better especially in english where the gender gap steadily widens with age.
In science and maths the gap is much narrower but girls still do better.
What are the statistics for achievement differences at GCSE?
around 10%
What are the statistics for achievement differences at AS and A-levels?
Girls are much more likely to sit, pass and achieve higher grades though the gao is much narrower than GCSE.
In 2013 46.8% of girls gained As or Bs but only 42% of boys.
Even in ‘boys’ subjects like maths and physics girls are more liekly to achive a and b.
What are the statistics for achievement differences in vocational courses?
A larger proportion of girls achieve distinctions in every subject including those such as engenering and construction where girls are a tiny minority of students.
(External factors) What is the meaning of external factors?
Factors outside the education system, such as home and family background and wider society.
(External factors) What do sociologists say about external factors?
The more rapid improvement in girls results can be best explained by changes that have occured in factors outside the school such as the impact of feminism, changes in the family, changes in womens employment, and girls changing perceptions and ambitions
(External factors the impact of feminism) What is feminism?
A social movement that strives for equal rights for women in all areas of life.
Since the 1960s the feminist movement has changed the traditional stereotype of a womans role as solely that of a mother and house wife in a patriarchal nucleur family
(External factors the impact of feminism) How far along is feminism?
Although feminists argue that we have not yet achieved full equality between the sexesthe feminst movement has had considerable success. Feminism had increased womens self esteem and expectations.
(External factors the impact of feminism) Where are these changes particularly seen?
In media images and messages eg. Angela McRobbies 1994 study of girls magazines. In the 1940s they emphasized the importance of getting married and ‘not getting left on the shelf’ whereas now days they contain images of assertive, independant women
(External factors changes in the family) What ahve been the majour changes in the family since the 1970s?
Increase in divorce rate.
Increase in cohabitation and a decrease in number of first marriages.
Increase in number of lone parent families.
Smaller families.
(External factors changes in the family) How is this changing girls attidudes towards education?
Increased numbers of female-headed lone parent families may mean more women need to take on a breadwinner role. This in tern creates a new adult role model for girls - the financially independant women.
Increases divorce rate may suggest to girls that it is unwise to rely on a husband to be their provider.
(External factors changes in womens employment) What important changes in womens employment has been happening?
1970 Equal Pay Act make sit illegal to pay women less than men for work of equal value
1975 Sex Discriminations Act outlaws discrimination at work
1975 the pay gap had halfed from 30% to 15%
2013 to proportion of women in employment had risen from 53% in 1971 to 67%
(External factors girls changing ambitions)