Chapter 2 - Economy and the Environment Flashcards
What is an economy?
A collection of technological, legal, and social arrangements through which individuals in society seek to increase their material and spiritual well-being.
What are the two elementary economic functions pursued by society?
- Production
- Distribution
Define Production:
The activities that determine the quantities of goods and services that are produced.
Define Distribution:
The way in which goods are divided up, or distributed, among the individuals and groups that make up society.
The final utilization of goods and services is termed ____________.
What is Natural Resources Economies?
The study of this flow of nature in its role as a provider of raw materials.
What does Environmental Economics focus on?
The flow of materials and energy residuals back into the natural environment and the resultant impacts on the natural world.
Define Ambient Quality:
The quantity of pollutants in the environment.
Define Environmental Quality:
The state of the natural environment.
What are residuals?
Material that is left over after something has been produced.
What are Production Residuals?
Materials and energy left after the product has been produced.
___________: The portion of production or consumption residuals that is place in the environment.
______________: The process of returning some or all of the production or consumption residuals to be used again in production or consumption.
Define a Pollutant:
A substance (Energy or action) when introduced into the natural environments, results in damages for a lowering of the ambient quality level.
What is Effluent?
Effluent is used to talk about water and air pollutants.