Chapter 2: Economic Systems Flashcards
economic system
A particular set of institutional arrangements and a coordinating mechanism for solving the economizing problem; a method of organizing an economy, of which the market system and the command system are the two general types.
Why do countries need economic systems?
To respond to the problem of scarcity
What does the economic system determine ?
- What goods are produced
- who gets them
- how to accomodate change
- how to promot technological change
What are the 4 major role players in economic systems?
- Households
- Business enterprise
- the government
- foreign sector
Any institution or mechanism that brings together buyers (demanders) and sellers (suppliers) of a particular good or service.
market system
All the product and resource markets of a market economy and the relationships among them; a method that allows the prices determined in those markets to allocate the economy’s scarce resources and to communicate and coordinate the decisions made by consumers, firms and resource suppliers.
Where does the majority of countries’ economic systems lie?
Somewhere between laissez-faire capitalism and command sytems.
This is called a market system.
Define laissez-faire capitalism
- The literal translation is “allow to do” or “let it be”, with the idea being “let the people do as they choose”
- The government’s role is limited to pretecting private propery and establishing a legal environment in which contracts are enforced and people interacts in markets to buy and sell goods services and resources.
Why would one want to implement laissez-faire capitalism
- Some believe that govenrments are corrupet by special interests that use the government’s economic influenc to benefit themselves rather than society at large.
- The government infering in the economy might reduce human welfare.
command system
A method of organizing an economy in which property resources are publicly owned and government uses central economic planning to direct and coordinate economic activities; command economy; communism.
How is production determined within a command system?
The central planning board determines production goals for esach enterprise and specifies the number of resources allocated to each enterprise so that it can reach its productoin goals.
The division of output between capital and consumer goods are centrally decided, and capital good are located among industrield based on teh central planning board’s long-term priorities.
What are 2 main problems that led to the demise of the command system?
- Cooordination problem
- The incentive problem
Describe the coordination problem
Central planners had to coordinate millions of individual decisions by consumers, resource supppliers and businesses, and establish a realistic annual production target.
They had to make available all the necessary inputs such as labour, machinery, electric power etc for production.
Because outputs of many industries serve as inputs ot other industrier, if one single industry failed to meet its output target, it caused a big chain reaction or repurcssions.
Then other producers can’t meet their targets either, and eventually the chain reaction spreats to multiple firms that need th ouptut that was dependant on original firm that failed to meet its output.
Describe the incentive problem
- Central planner determined the output mix.
- When they misjudged the the output mix targets, persistant surplus and shortages arose.
- Yet, the managers who oversaw the produciton of these goods were rewarded for meeting their assigned production goals regardless of surplus of shortages.
- So they had no incentive to adjust procustin in response to shortages and surplus.
- There were no fluctuation in prices and profitability to signal more or less of certain products was desirded.
- Thus many products were unavailable or in short supply while other products were overproduced and sat for months or years in warehouses.
Why did the command systems of the Soviet Union lack entrepreneurship?
Central planning did not trigger the profit motive, not did it reward innovation and enterprise.
What was the route for getting ahead in the command system?
Participation in the political hierarchy of the Communist Party
Moving up in the hierarchy, meant better houseing, better access to health care, and the right to shop in special stores.
Market system criteria
- Private property
- Freedom of enterprise
- Self interes
- competion
- market and prices
- technology and capital goods
- Specialization
- Division of labour
- Government intervention in market
- Five fundamental questions
Command Syste critera
- Government owned property
- The government makes the choice of what, how and for whom
- No incentive to work or choose for own self interest
- No competion
- Prices determined by government
- THe central government decides on what is used and how
- The government decides on where to specialize in what
- Division of labout is government contorolled
- Full government control
- Five fundamental questions solved by central government decisions
Criterai of Lassez-Faire market system
- Mostrly privately owned property
- Freedom to make choices and start enterprise
- Completely self interest driven
- Full market competion between buyers and sellers
- Choices are freely driven by price-mechanims
- Constant drive by individual and firms to improve technology and obtain more capital goods
- Specialization is determined by price mechanism
- Labour market driven bases on individual choices
- Very limited government control
- Solved by individuals and firms driven by the price mechanism.
Define Specialization
The use of the resources of an individual, a firm, a region or a nation to concentrate production on one or a small number of goods and services.
Define division of labour
The separation of the work required to produce a product into a number of different tasks that are performed by different workers; specialization of workers
What is TR
Total revenue
By what is the market system characterized?
Mixture of centralized government economic initatives and decentralized actions by entities.
Define freedom of enterprise
The freedom of firms to obtain economic resources, to use those resources to produce products of the firm’s own choosing and to sell their products in markets of their choice.
Define freedom of choice
The freedom of owners of property resources to employ or dispose of them as they see fit, of workers to enter any line of work for which they are qualified, and of consumers to spend their incomes in a manner that they think is appropriate.
What did Adam Smith first note?
The operation of a market system creates a curious unity between private interests and social interests.
Firms and resource suppliers, seeking to further self interst and operating withing a competetive market system, will simultaneously, as though guided by an invisible hand promote the public or social interest.
Define the invisible hand
The tendency of firms and resource suppliers that seek to further their own self-interests in competitive markets to also promote the interest of society.
How does competition further the interest of society
Competition guides self interest in a way that automatically and unintentionally furthers society’s best interest.
The invisible hand ensures that when firms maximise their profits and resource suppliers maximize their incomes, there groups also helps miaximize society’s output and income.
What are the three merit reemphasis of the market system? Describe shortly.
- Effeciency: promotes effecient use of resources by guiding them into production of goods most wanted by society. Forces most efficient techniques in organizing resources for production.
- Incentives: MS encourages skill acquisition, har work and innovation. Greater skills and effort mean greater production and higher incomes. Innovations generate economic rewards.
- Freedom: The market system emphasises personal freedom. In contrast to central pallning, the MS coordinates economic activity withour coercion. The MS thrives on freedom of enterprise and choice.
Define Emerging market
Emerging markets have a combination of the characteristics of free markets and command systems and are in the process of creating opportunities to become a developed nation
What are emerging markets changing from and into what are they changing?
Changing form lower income countries to more modern, industrial economies with aims of higher socio-economic standards of living.
What are emerging markets characterized by?
- Volatile markets
- potential investment opportunities
- Sometimes high economic growth rates
- In process of moving away from dependance on primary production to more secondary production and advance products in context of world trade.
Why are emerging markets important?
In come cases it is possible that some emerging economies might outgrow advanced global economies.
What are the 5 fundamental questions ?
- What goods and services will be produced?
- How iwll the goods and services be produced?
- Who will get teh goods and services?
- How will the system accomodate change?
- How will the system promote progress?
Why do economies use the 5 fundamental questions?
the 5 fundamental questions reflect the reality of scarce resources in a world of unlimited wants.
Which economies should address the 5 fundamental questions?
All economies
Elaborate on the following one of 5 fundamental questions: What will be produced?
- Goods and services produced at a continuing profit will be produced contrary to those at continuing loss.
- Consumer sovereignty determines what types of and quantities of good are prodcued.
- Rand votes register consumers’wants in the market.
Define rand votes
The ‘votes’ that consumers and entrepreneurs cast for the production of consumer and capital goods, respectively, when they purchase those goods in product and resource markets.
How to determine the profit of good and services?
What resources do you need to consider when determining the total cost of production
- Labour
- Land
- Capital
- Entrepreneurial ability
How do you determine the price of a resource when calculating total price of production?
- Determin the units of resources needed to produce the unit for sale
- Determine the price per unit of resource
- Multiply the amount needed by the price
Define consumer sovereignty
Determination by consumers of the types and quantities of goods and services that will be produced with the scarce resources of the economy; consumers’ direction of production through their rand votes.
What is TC
Total opportunity cost.
Elaborate on the following one of 5 fundamental questions: How will the goods be produced?
- In combinations and ways that minimize the cost per unit of output.
- To determine least cost production firmss must employ the most economically efficient technique kof production.
- The most efficeint production technique depends on : the available tech, and prices of the needed resources.
Elaborate on the following one of 5 fundamental questions: Who will get the output?
- Producst will be distributed according to consumers’ ability and willingness to pay its market price
- Market price dependes on resource prices
Elaborate on the following one of 5 fundamental questions: How will the system accommodate change?
- Market systems are dynamic
- As consumers wants and needs change, will market be able to respond appropirateby by adjusting prices and profits?
Elaborate on the following one of 5 fundamental questions: How will the system promote progress?
- Society desired economic growht and higher standards of living.
- The market system does this through tech improvements and capital accumilation.
** Technological advance: **
* The market system created a strong icentive for technololgical advances.
* Includes new and improved methods that reduce production or disribution cost.
* Can lead to creative destruction.
** Capital Accumulation **
* Technological advancement needs capital goods.
* The market syste aknowledges rands voting for capital goods as well as consumer goods.
* Entrepreneurs and owners of businesses registre rand votes for capital good.
Defin creative destruction
The hypothesis that the creation of new products and production methods simultaneously destroys the market power of existing monopolies.