Chapter 2 - Definitions Flashcards
The formation of a political union with a central government from a number of seperate states or colonies, with control of its own affairs
Residual Powers
All those powers, in constitutional law, to make laws that were not specifically granted to the commonwealth parliament and thus remain with the states, for example road rules, criminal law and school education
Specific Powers
All powers given to the commonwealth parliament under the constitution at federation, for example immigration, railway construction and quarantine
Concurrent Powers
Law-Making powers shared by federal and state governments - more specifically the power of the commonwealth parliament to make law on a particular subject
Exclusive powers
Powers that under the commonwealth constitution can be exercised only by federal parliament and not by a state parliament, such as the power to impose customs and exercise duties, currency and defence.
Reserved powers doctrine
The belief in which a restrictive approach to the interpretation of the specific powers of the federal parliament is taken in order to preserve the residual powers of the states. This doctrine has since been abandoned by the high court
An agreement between two or more sovereign states to undertake a particular course of action. The international agreement may involve such subjects as human rights, pussy, the environment or trade.
Group of people who leave their homeland to form a new country or region ruled by a parent state