Chapter 2 - Cryptography Flashcards
What does Cryptography help ensure? (4)
1. Confidentiality: only authorized people can read information
2. Authentication: Verifies sender’s identity
3. Integrity: Protect data from unauthorized modification
4. Anonymity: Hides user identities during communication
What are the two basic operations in cryptography?
- Encryption: Convert plaintext into ciphertext
- Decryption: Convert ciphertext back to plaintext
What is a cipher?
Algorithm used to encrypt and decrypt data.
What is a key in cryptography?
A piece of information that works with the cipher to encrypt and decrypt messages
What is the Caesar Cipher?
Substitution cipher where each letter is shifted by a fixed number of positions
Ex: A becomes D (shift of 3)
How can the Caesar Cipher be attacked?
- Brute Force: Trying all possible keys until intelligible plaintext is obtained
- Cryptoanalysis: Using letter frequency analysis
What is symmetric key encryption?
Encryption where the same key is used for both encrypting and decrypting data
What is the key distribution problem?
If both sender and reciever use the same key then how do you share the key without someone intercepting it?
What are the requirements for secure symmetric encryption?
- A strong encryption algorithm
- Secure key exchange and storage
Can’t deciper ciphertext even if opponent knows it and has access to one or more ciphertexts
What are common attacks on symmetric encryption?
Brute Force and Cryptoanalysis (exploit algorithm weaknesses)
Examples of symmetric encryption algorithms
- DES: Weak and outdated (56-bit key)
- 3DES: Encrypt 3 times with DES (stronger but slower)
- AES: Fast and secure (128, 192 or 256 bit keys)
What is the difference between block and stream ciphers?
Block: Encrypt data in fixed-size blocks (AES) (can resuse keys)
Stream: Encrypt byte by byte, faster and lightweight (use less code)
When to use block vs stream ciphers
stream for data communications channel
block for file transfer, email and database
Why is encryption alone not good enough for authentication? Give an example
An attacker can reorder blocks
When might we authenticate messages but not encrypt them?
- Broadcast messages (alarm)
- One side is overloaded and can’t afford to decrypt all incoming messages
- Computer programs that don’t want to decrypt evey time they need to execute