Chapter 2: Creating the Perfect Linux Desktop Flashcards
Major reasons to learn how to use the shell
Learn to get around any Linux or other UNIX-like system
Special shell features enable you to gather data input and direct data output between commands and Linux filesystems.
You can gather commands into a file using programming constructs such as conditional
tests, loops, and case statements to perform complex operations quickly, which would
be difficult to retype over and over
How to get to a shell interface in Linux
To start, boot up your Linux system.
On your screen, you should see either a graphical login
screen or a plain-text login prompt
you should log in with a regular user account
If you have a plain-text login
prompt, continue to the next section,
The default prompt for a regular user
dollar sign:
default prompt for the root user
a pound sign #
Ways to launch a Terminal window
from a Linux desktop
Right-click the desktop
select it to start a Terminal window
Click the panel menu
Many Linux desktops include a panel at the top or bottom of
the screen
you can select Applications ➪ System Tools ➪ Terminal
to open a Terminal window.
In GNOME 3, click the Activities menu, type Terminal,
and press Enter.
$ date
display the current day, month,
date, time, time zone, and year
$ pwd
shows your current working directory.
$ hostname
shows your
computer’s hostname.
$ ls
lists the files and directories in your current directory.
characters and words that you can type after a command
options and arguments.
extra piece of information
such as a filename,directory, username, device, or other item, that tells the command what to act on
$date +’%d/%m/%y’