Chapter 2: Business Ethics Flashcards
Duty to Rescue
You do not owe a legal duty but you owe an ethical duty
Business owner sets the ethical direction of the business (Chik-fil-A)
Concerns teachings and practices of what is right/wrong, good/bad, virtous/vicious, from a religious point of view
Professional Code of Ethics
Designed to help professional with transacting business with honesty and integrity
Duncan v. State Board of Accountancy
Couple going through divorce and Duncan continues to do tax returns while having relationship with wife; Ruling established that the accountant violated the rule of ethics because he should have disclosed/obtained permission from husband to do work
Hippocratic Oath
Requires that medical people treat patients to the best of their ability (criminals)
Utilitarian Theory
Looks at the consequences/outcome of the decisions; Result oriented goal; Views slavery as okay because it allows for rest of people to prosper
Rights Theory
Concerned with the reason for the action; People’s rights must be valued and protected; Slavery is incorrect because it violates people’s rights
Which theory does the USA govern under?
Rights theory
A person who sounds the alarm when wrongdoings occur; Can be seen as martyrs or traitors
Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989
Protects federal employees who report fraud, waste, and fraud within the government
PA & Whistleblowers
State has a law the provides no employer may discharge or retaliate against an employee because of a good faith report
Keveney v. Missouri Military Academy
Employee fired for reporting abuse within academy; Ruling established that employee is allowed to pursue a wrongful discharge action because his failure to report it would be an illegal act
Sexual Harassment
A form of gender discrimination
Quid Pro Quo
Employee is expected to give into sexual demands or suffer the loss of a benefit
Hostile Environment
Employee is subjected to sexual harangues and obscenities in the workplace
Lyle v. Warner Brothers
Woman fired and then filed sexual harassment claim against company; Ruling established that Title VII does not prohibit all verbal/physical harassment; Plaintiff lost because FRIENDS was a show about sexual humor
International Business Ethics
Attempts to deal with problems of what to do in circumstances where ethical morals and dilemmas exit as a result of different cultural practices
Foreign Corruption Practice Act
Prohibits bribing when doing international business
Moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity