Chapter 2 – Basics Of Income Taxation Flashcards
What is the definition of gross income?
All items of income, from whatever source derived.
What are some items that are specifically included in your gross income? Name 5
1- compensation for services 2- business income 3- investment income 4- rents and royalties 5- pension and annuities
When does constructive receipt occur?
When a taxpayer has control over the actual funds without restrictions.
The purpose of this doctrine is to prevent “individual” taxpayers from unilaterally determining the tax year in which an item of income is received.
Constructive Receipt Doctrine
E.g. Cash Method Of Accounting
A portion of an employee’s compensation that is set aside to be paid at a later date.
Deferred compensation
This doctrine allows compensation in form of cash and/or property.
Economic Benefit Doctrine
This doctrine applies when and employee does not have a choice of whether or not to take income.
Economic Benefit
Will the Economic Benefit Doctrine apply for property with a measurable value or a promise to pay, or maybe both?
Only when the employee receives something with a parent, measurable value.
If a taxpayer assigns income to someone else, like their child, will the taxpayer be taxed for the income or the child be taxed for the income?
The taxpayer
Name a way that a taxpayer can get around the “Assignment of Income Doctrine”?
They would have to gift the ownership of the property to the person that’s receiving the income for the property.
If a State Farm executive is promised a salary increase if sales were to grow at 50% for the year, would this count under Economic Benefit Theory?
No. But if State Farm “deferred compensation” to the executive then it would count under the Economic Benefit Doctrine.
What is the income tax formula for individuals?
1. All Income Less Exclusions 2. Gross Income Less Deductions 3. Adjusted Gross Income Less the greater of Itemized or Standard Deductions Less Personal and Dependent Exemptions 4. Finally getting to Taxable Income
Deductions for AGI are often referred to as…
“Above the line” deductions
Name 5 examples of “above the line” deductions for AGI.
1- trade or business expenses 2- alimony 3- losses from property transactions (selling stock where you loss money) 4- retirement plan contributions 5- moving expenses
Taxpayers age 65 or older, or blind, or entitled to an increase in their…
standard deduction.
If a taxpayer is claimed as a dependent on another taxpayer’s tax return, their standard deduction will be subject to a…
special limitation.
An exemption is allowed for…
1- individual taxpayer
2- spouse
3- any dependents
________________ are phased out based on adjusted gross income.
_______________________ is allowed for qualifying children or qualifying relatives.
Dependency exemption
What are the qualifications for a “child exemption” under the relationship test?
child, step child, adopted child, foster child, sibling, or descendant
What are the qualifications for a “child exemption” under the abode test?
The person lives in your home for more than half the year.
What are the qualifications for a “child exemption” under the age test?
Under age 19 or under age 24 and a full-time student.
What are the qualifications for a “child exemption” under the support test?
The individual must not have provided more than half of their own support.
What are the qualifications for a “relative exemption” under the relationship test?
Everything for a “qualified child” as well as parents, aunts, uncles, and unrelated folks living in your home. Parents can count even if they’re living elsewhere.
What are the qualifications for a “relative exemption” under the support test?
I would have to provide over half the support for the relative.
What are the qualifications for a “relative exemption” under the gross income test?
Your relative’s gross income for the year must be less than the exemption amount.
Joint Return Test
The individual cannot file a joint income tax return.
Which parent is entitled to an exemption?
custodial parents
How can a noncustodial parent claim an exemption for a child?
If the custodial parent signs a written declaration.
Your marital status is determined as of…
the last day of the tax year, which is December 31, unless your spouse dies that year.
This marital filing status is used if your spouse dies.
Surviving Spouse
How many years can the “surviving spouse marital status” be used?
2 years or when remarried
What are the requirements for filing your marital status under a “surviving spouse”?
I must maintain a household which is the principal place residence for my dependent child.
This filing status is for a taxpayer who has a “qualifying person” living with them or a qualifying parent that lives in the home or maybe in a nursing home.
Head of Household
What is the due date to file your tax returns?
April 15
What is the filing due date for corporations?
March 15
Most tax returns can be a extended for…
six months.
Tax rates are progressive, starting at 10% going up to…
Tax brackets are different for each…
filing status.
Someone’s effective tax rate may exceed the marginal tax rate due to deductions being…
phased out.
This tax rule would cause all of a child’s “unearned income” to be taxed at the parents rate.
kiddie tax
How many parents have to be living for the kiddie tax rule to apply?
1 parent
The kiddie tax rule applies if a child earned income is less than _____ of their support or more than $__________ of the child’s income.
How old does a child have to be in order for the kiddie tax to apply?
Under 19 or under 24 and full time student.
Charitable contributions is not a deduction used to get your…
adjusted gross income.