Chapter 2- Basic Programs Flashcards
A value that is True (0) or False (1)
A value that consists of one character
Class scope
Refers to a variable that is declared in the private or public section of a class definition. Can be accessed by all methods in the class
A fixed value allocated to a variable in a program
Data type
Indicates the type of data to be stored in a variable
An operator that gives the quotient of two values as a whole number
Duration of a variable
The lifetime- how long or when a variable exists in a program.
Local Duration
When variable declared in event handler: will be created when event handler executes, will be destroyed when event handler is done being executed.
Static duration
When a variable is declared as public or private variable of the class of a Form: will exist all the time while program is running
Function used to format output
Eg: pnlOut.Caption:=FloatToStrF(rVal, ffFixed,6,2);
Function that generates a dialog box to obtain input
Eg: sName:= InputBox(‘Type the name:’,’Name:’,’’);
Value of this type can only be a whole number
Method scope
Refers to a variable that can only be used in a method because it is declared in the VAR section of that method
Operator that gives the remainder after the division of 2 values
Value of this type can be any number