Chapter 2- Basic Concepts In The Law Of Evidence Flashcards
What does the concept of Admissibility entail?
A fact is admissible if law allows it to be proven by means of evidence. To be admissible, a fact must either be in issue, or have some degree of relevance to the facts in issue. Evidence is admissible if the rules of law allow it to be adduced before the court.
What is the place of the Law of Evidence in the legal system?
It is a branch of Adjective law (or Law of Procedure), as distinct from Substantive law. Substantive law describes the rights, duties and liabilities,while Adjective (Formal) law describes the procedure, pleading and proof by which Substantive Law is applied in practice.
What is the concept of Admissibility connected to?
The concept of Relevance.
What does the concept of Burden of Proof entail?
It is the burden (duty) which is placed on a party by rules of law to prove a fact in issue.
What concept is the Burden of Proof connected?
It is linked with Burden of Rebuttal, and Proof (quantum/weight).
What does the concept of Burden of Rebuttal entail?
It is the burden on a party to rebut prima facie proof in order to avoid a decision against him. (Opposite of Burden of Proof)
What does the concept of Compellability entail?
The capacity to be lawfully obliged to give evidence. (You must testify).
What concept is Compellability linked with?
With Competence and Privelege.
What does the concept of Competence entail?
The capacity to be lawfully called to give evidence? (may you testify)
What does the concept of Evidence entail?
Evidence may defined as the testimony of witnesses and the production of documents and the other exhibits which may be used for the purpose of proof in legal proceedings.
What concept is Evidence linked with?
Probative material.
What does the concept of Facts in issue (Facta Probanda) entail?
These are the facts which a party must prove in order to establish his case. It is only when the fact alleged by the one party is not admitted by the other party, that a fact in issue is mentionable. Facts which are admitted, expressly or by implication, are not in issue. Facts in issue are, therefore, determinable primarily by the Substantive Law, and secondly by the pleadings.
What does the concept of Facts relevant to the facts in issue (Facta probantia) entail?
These are facts which render probable the existence or non-existence of a fact in issue, or some other relevant fact. Facts relevant to the issue are in the main determined by the rules of the Law of Evidence based on ordinary logic and experience.
What does the concept of Law of Evidence entail?
The primary function of the Law of Evidence is to determine, (1) which probative material may be put before the court in order to prove a fact, as well as to determine the (2) how, by (3) whom, or (4) what of this evidence. The Law of Evidence therefore includes all the rules which regulate the proof of facts in a court of law.
What does the concept of Nexus entail?
It is the causal connection between two sets of facts with relevance as basis.
What does the concept of Prima facie entail?
It indicates that it can be provisionally accepted (on the face of it) that the goal aimed at, namely proof, has been reached, but that rebuttal is still possible.
What concept is Prima Facie linked with?
The concept of Proof (Quantum/Weight)
What does the concept of Primary evidence entail?
It implies that it is the best evidence, or that no better (stronger) evidence is or was available.
What concept is linked with Primary Evidence?
Secondary Evidence
What does the concept of Privilege entail?
Privilege is attached to communication between parties. It is the right of a witness or person entitled to privilege, to withhold from a court info relevant to an issue in the proceedings before the court.
What does the concept of Probative Material entail?
It refers to all the material which can supply proof in court. It includes evidence, presumptions, judicial notice and admissions.
What does the concept of Proof (Quantum/Weight) entail?
Proof is the method by which the existence or non-existence of some fact may be established to the satisfaction of the court charged with the duty of trying fact, in civil proceedings the court may decide on a balance if probabilities. In criminal proceedings, convictions can only follow if the court is satisfied that the guilt of the accused has been proven beyond reasonable doubt.
What does the concept of Relevance entail?
It is the relationship between one fact and another, wherein, according to the rules of logic and the common experience of people, the existence of one renders probable the existence or non-existence of the other. All admissible facts are relevant, but not all relevant facts are admissible.
What does the concept of Secondary Evidence entail?
It implies that better evidence exists or did exist.
What does the concept of Subpoena (Summons) entail?
A document issued in a civil action or criminal case requiring the person to whom it is directed (the witness) to be present at a specified place and time, and for a specific purpose. It is a way to get a person or document to court.
What does the concept of Testimony entail?
The statement of a witness in court, generally sworn, and offered as evidence of the truth of that which he asserts.
What does the concept of Witness entail?
One who gives formal or sworn evidence at a hearing.
What types of witnesses are there?
1) Trial witness (physically present in court);
2) Contributing witness;
3) Witness on merits.
What is the two stage process in analyzing evidence?
Stage 1- Admissibility (1st hurdle)
Stage 2- Weight/ Quantum of proof.
What is the burden of proof in civil cases?
He who alleges must prove.
How does civil procedure differ from criminal procedure!
In regards to burden of proof as well as quantum of proof.
What’s the burden of proof in criminal cases?
The burden rests on the State to proof the guilt of the defendant beyond reasonable doubt.