Chapter 2: Anaesthesia Flashcards
Name the 5 drug classes used in a typical Anaesthesia regimen
Anxiolytics Antisialitics Analgesics Antiacids (if pt at risk of aspiration) Antiemetic (5HT3 antagonists)
Side effect to Atropine
thus tachycardia, urinary retention, glaucoma and sedation
Side effects of opioids
Respiratory depression, constipation, decreased cough reflex, N+V
Side effects of thiopental
Side effects of Propofol
respiratory depression
cardiac depression
pain on injection
Side effects of volatile agents
cardiac depression
respiratory depression
Complications of Pain sensation
urinary retention
diathermy burns
pressure necrosis
local nerve injuries
Complications of consciousness
cannot communicate, when 0.15% of pts have retained consciousness
Complications of loss of muscle power
Corneal abrasion
No respiration
No coughing
Complications of malignant hyperpyrexia
rare, seen in autosomal dominant inheritance rapid rise in temperature early sign of muscle spasm hypoxemia hypercarbia hyperK metabolic acidosis arrhythmia
How is the analgesic ladder followed
- Non-opioid: aspirin, paracetamol, NSAID
- Weak opioid: codeine, dihydrocodein, tramadol
- Strong opioid: morphine, diamorphine, hydromorphine, oxycodone
Steps to control pain
Check which route is best - PO, Subcut, PR, IM, SC, inhalation or IV
how many doses needed to give - regular dosing
explain how the anaesthesia will be administered and reassure pt
Side effects of
P: liver impairment
N: Musculoskeletal pain, renal and biliary colic
- Contraindications: peptic ulcer, clotting disorder, anticoagulants
- cautions: asthma, renal/hepatic impairment, preggers, elderly
A: CI in children to Reye’s syndrome
Side effects of morphine and diamorphine
N+V, resp depression, constipation, cough suppression, urinary retention, decreased bp, sedation
Why is controlling pain important
Psychological (humanitarian)
Social reasons (surgery is less feared)
Biological reasons: if followed in this sequence