chapter 2: an overview of the financial system Flashcards
Structure of Financial Markets (which?)
- Debt and Equity Markets
- Primary and Secondary Markets
- Exchanges and Over-the-Counter Markets
- Money and Capital Markets
An Overview of the Financial System
- Function of Financial Markets
- Structure of Financial Markets
- Money Market Instruments
- Internationalization of Financial Markets
- Function of Financial Intermediaries: Indirect Finance
- Types of Financial Intermediaries
- Regulation of the Financial System
what is Function/ def. of Financial Markets?
Channeling funds from agents that have surplus funds (lender – savers) to those that have shortage of funds (borrower – spenders)
of which • Principal lender-savers: households
• Principal borrower-spenders: businesses and
The function of Financial Markets in the Economy is:
- to allow funds to move from people who lack productive investment opportunities to people who have these opportunities
- Critical for producing an efficient allocation of capital (wealth, that is used to create more wealth), that can help to improve production and efficiency for the overall economy.
- Directly improve the well-being of consumers because financial markets help consumers to time their purchases better, helping the young to buy what they need without forcing them to wait until after having saved for it.
• Indirect Finance:
A financial intermediary borrows funds from lender-savers and uses
these funds to make loans to borrower-spenders
Direct Finance:
Borrowers borrow funds directly from lenders in financial markets by selling the lenders securiDes (or financial instruments) that are claims on
the borrower’s future income or assets
Debt and Equity Markets
Obtains funds in the financial markets in two ways:
- Issuance of a debt instrument: a bond or a mortgage.
* Raising funds through the issuance of equities, such as common stocks.
DEF Issuance of a debt instrument : (you get the funding from)
• A bond or a mortgage, a contractual agreement by the borrower to pay the holder of the instrument a fixed amount (interest and principal payment) at regular intervals until a specified date (maturity date) when the final payment is made.
• the number of years (term) until the instrument’s expiration date
• Short term (< 1 year), intermediate-term (1-10 years), long term (> 10 years)
Common stocks
claims to share in the net income (income after expenses and taxes) and the assets of a business.
what happens in an issuance of equities
- Common stocks
- Equities often make periodic payments (dividends) to the equity holders, since equities are considered long-term securities because they have no maturity date.
- Equities indicate that you own a portion of the firm and have the right to vote in shareholder meetings
Disadvantage of equities with respect to debt:
• Equity holder is a residual claimant, i.e. the firm must pay back all the debt holders BEFORE it can repay its equity holders.
Advantage of equities with respect to debt:
• Equity holders benefit directly from any increase in the firm’s profitability or asset value
Primary Market:
• Financial market where new issues of a security (e.g. bond or stock) are sold to initial buyers by the firm or government borrowing the funds.
(when you have a transfer of fonds from the invester to the company )
Secondary Market:
Secondary Market:
• Financial market where securities that have been issued before can be resold
(the company is no longer part of the transaction)
(is an Important intermediary)
Investment banks function:
- Important financial institution in the primary market
* Underwrites securities: guarantees a price for a firm’s securities and then sells them to the public
investment Banking typically covers 2 key areas:
- M&A: assisting in negotiations and structuring of merger/ acquisition.
- Under-writing: raising capital through selling stocks or bonds to investors.
Secondary Market:
•Important intermediaries:
- Brokers: agents of investors who match buyers and sellers of securities
- Dealers: agents that link buyers and sellers by buying and selling securities at stated prices
Importance of the Secondary Market
- Generates liquidity: Easy and quick to sell financial instruments to raise cash.
- Increases attractiveness of the primary market: increased liquidity makes financial instruments more attractive and easier for the firm to sell in the primary market
- Prices in secondary market will determine price in primary market
Secondary Markets can be organized in two ways:
- Exchanges
* OTC (Over-the-Counter) markets
Exchanges: (sec. mar.)
Where buyers and sellers of securities (or their agents or brokers) meet in one central location to conduct trades.
E.g. Euronext, NYSE (for stocks since 1792), CBoT (part of the CME-group) (for futures and commodiDes since 1851)
OTC markets:
Dealers at different locations (that have an inventory of securities) are ready to buy and sell securities « over the counter » to anyone who comes to them and is willing to accept their prices
Exchanges versus OTC-Markets:
- OTC Markets are less transparent and operate with fewer rules than exchanges.
- OTCs are not considered exchanges because they are not open to all participants equally.
Money Market
Financial market in which only short-term debt instruments (those with original maturities < 1 year) are traded.
Capital Market:
Financial market where securities with longer term debt instruments (original maturity term > 1 year) and stocks are traded.
Financial Market Instruments
• Money Market Instruments
- US Treasury Bills
- Negotiable Bank Certificates of Deposit
- Commercial Paper
- Repurchase agreement (repo)
- Federal (Fed) funds
• Capital Market Instruments
- Stocks
- Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed-Securities
- Corporate Bonds
- Government Securities
- Consumer and Bank Commercial Loans
- US Treasury Bills:
- Short term government debt (1, 3, 6 month maturity) to finance federal government
- Zero bonds: pay a set amount at maturity and have no interest payments
- Most liquid money market instrument because actively traded
- Safe security, because low probability of default, a situation where the issuer cannot make the interest payment or pay off the amount owed at maturity.
- Held mainly by banks, also households and firms