Chapter 2: Algebra and Linear Algebra Flashcards
log = ___ and ln = ___
10, e
A complex number is the sum of a ____ number and an ____ number in the form of a + ib.
real, imaginary
What page can Logarithms be found in the Handbook?
i represents the square root of:
When adding complex numbers, real parts are added with ____ and imaginary parts are added to ____. (same for subtraction)
real, imaginary
Algebra for complex numbers can be found in what pages of the handbook?
36 and 37
Matrix nomenclature (mxn) means
A matrix can be multiplied by another matrix, but only if the left-hand matrix has the same number of ____ as the right-hand matrix has rows.
Cofactors are determinants of submatrices associated with particular entries in the original square matrix. The minor of entry aij is the determinant of a submatrix resulting from the elimination of the single row i and the single column j. The cofactor of entry aij is the minor of aij multiplied by either +1 or −1, depending on the position of the entry
The adjugate is the ____ of the cofactor matrix
Cramer’s rule
The procedure is to calculate determinant of the original coefficient matrix A and of the n matrices resulting from the systematic replacement of a column in A by the constant matrix B . For a system of three equations in three unknowns, there are three substitutional matrices, A1, A2, and A3, as well as the original coefficient matrix, for a total of four matrices whose determinants must be calculated.
Matrices can be found on what pages of the handbook?
A unit vector has a magnitude of:
Vectors can be found on what pages of the handbook?
Progression and Series can be found on what pages of the handbook?