Chapter 2 Flashcards
association for psychological science (aps)
- formed in 1988
- goals:
1. advance psych discipline
2. preserve scientific base
3. promote public understanding of the field and its application
behavior therapy
framework for treating disorders based on principles of conditioning by focusing on observable behavior
behavioral assessment
an approach to understanding/changing behavior by identifying the context in which it occurs
brief (time-effective) therapy
therapy consisting of 15 or fewer sessions
community psychology
psych speciality focusing on prevention and treatment of mental health problems among underserved groups
clinicians who use multiple theoretical techniques
casual; ex. an etiological factor for depression is believed to contribute to its onset
a term introduced by Spearman to describe the general factor of intelligence
guidance clinics
clinics devoted to the evaluation and treatment of children’s intellectual and behavioral difficultites
health psychology
psych speciality focusing on prevention of illness, promotion/maintenance of good health, and psych treatment of individuals w/ diagnosed medical conditions
manualized treatment
treatment that is presented and described in a manual format (outline)
measurement of intelligence
the use of tests to measure various mental capacities
mental tests
term coined by James Cattell to describe his measures of individual differences in reaction time
neuropsychological assessment
assessment approach based on empirically established brain-behavior relationships that evaluate a person’s relative strength/weakness across a number of areas
objective measures
psych test that draw conclusions about people on the basis of their responses to unambiguous stimuli (rating scales/questionnaires); nomothetic approach (generalizing)
personality disorders
enduring and maladaptive patterns of experience and behavior that emerge by adolescence (ex. paranoid, antisocial, dependent)
personality testing
the use of measures or techniques to provide insight into enduring characteristics or traits
play therapy
technique derived from traditional freudian principles that use expressive play to release anxiety or hostility (curative effect)
projective echniques
psych testing techniques (Rorschach/Thematic Apperception) that use people’s responses to ambiguous stimuli to make judgements about their personality traits
framework for understanding and treating mental illness based on Breuer and Freud in late 1800s
the use and interpretation of psychological test scores for the purposes of diagnoses and treatment planning
psychotherapy research
research that evaluates the effectiveness of therapy
radical behaviorism
movement in psychology that began in the late 1950s that asserted that only overt behaviors could be measured
scientist-practitioner model
the principal model for clinical psychology training (aka Boulder model) - strives to produce professionals who can effectively integrate the roles of a scientist and practitioner
structured diagnostic interviews
a class of assessment tools which consist of questions keyed to diagnostic criteria (structured means the interviewer asks the interviewees the same questions in the same order and score them in a standard way)
systematic desensitization
behavioral technique for the treatment of anxiety disorders in which patients practice relaxation while visualizing anxiety-provoking situations of increasing intensity