Chapter 2 Flashcards
the period of time starting at mission report time and ending immediately after the aircrew completes the final engine shutdown of the day
basic crew FDP
16 hours
basic crew FDP when AP and/or ATS inop
12 hours
when must all AAR and tactical events be accomplished for a basic crew
within the first 14 hours
Can a basic crew extend their FDP?
yes, by 2 hours to complete a scheduled mission
Can an augmented crew extend their FDP?
yes, as long as the C2 agent or PIC discovers the extenuating circumstances before the first takeoff of the day and the PIC verifies all augmenting aircrew members can get adequate rest enroute
augmented crew FDP
24 hours
augmented crew FDP when AP and/or ATS inop
16 hours
when must all AAR and tactical events be accomplished for an augmented crew
within the first 18 hours
stipulation if AAR accomplished after 14 hours FDP for augmented crew-
two AC’s are required
when will SQ/CC’s augment an aircrew
when FDP exceeds 16 hours and the profile allows augmenting members time to rest enroute
what must an augmented profile provide:
at least one 6hr leg or two 4hr legs (if not, but includes at least one 5hr leg or two 3hr legs, max FDP is 18 hrs)
all AAR and tactical events accomplished within the first 14 hrs
what are AAR and airdrop considered?
intermediate stops
intermediate stop stipulations
no more than 3 intermediate stops after 14 hrs of FDP
that period of time an aircrew may perform combined ground/flight duties
plan the mission so aircrew members may complete post-mission duties within maximum CDT
max CDT for basic crew
18 hrs
max CDT for augmented crew
24 hrs and 45 mins
what do CDT and FDP both include?
military duty and civilian work
both begin when an individual reports for their first duty period (military or civilian)
off-station/enroute ground time minimum
planners shall provide at least 16+30 hrs ground time between engine shutdown and subsequent takeoff
C2 agents will not ask PICs to accept less than this
mission planners, PIC, or C2 agents may modify ground time as follows:
in the interest of safety
to start (mission reporting time) no earlier than 12 hrs from the time the crew entered crew rest
aircrew alert time
normally 3+45 hrs before takeoff
4+15 hrs for airdrop missions
what does the alert sequence allow for?
1 hr for reporting and 2+45 hrs (3+15 for airdrop) for mission preparation