Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is involved in the process of program development?
Problem description
- Input
- Result (output)
- Pseudocode is fine
- Java, C, Python
Machine instructions (executable)
How is pseudocode created?
It’s created from using components of natural language to express algorithms
- Pseudocode = “Not real” Code
What are some issues with using natural language to represent algorithms?
- Natural language can be extremely verbose
- Lack of structure makes it difficult to locate specific sections of the algorithm
- Natural language is too “rich” in interpretation and meaning
- Not sufficiently precise to represnt algorithms
Why is using pseudocode beneficial?
- Used to design and represent algorithms
- A compromise between the two extremes of natural and formal languages
- Will not be unique
Sequential Algorithm
Sometimes called a straight-line algorithm; the order is followed in a linear fashion.
Control Operations
- Conditional and iterative
- Allow us to alter the normal sequential flow of control in an algorithm
Conditional Statements
- The “question-asking” operations of an algorithm
- If/then/else
- The repetition of a block of instructions
- While or For loop statement
Continuation Condition
Determines if statement is true or false
- if/elif statements
Give an example of a loop.
Pretest Loop
Continuation condition is tested at the beginning of each pass through the loop
Posttest Loop
Continuation condition is tested at the end of the loop body, not the beginning.
Instructions that computing agent understands and is capable of executing without further explanation.
Pattern Matching
- Process of searching for a special pattern of symbols within a larger collection of information.
- Is assisting microbiologist and geneticists studying and mapping the human genome.
Give examples of higher-level constructs.
- Sort the entire list into ascending order.
- Attempt to match the entire pattern against the text.
- Find a root of the equation.