Chapter 2 Flashcards
fāma, fāmae, f.
rumor, report; fame, reputation (famous, defame, infamy)
fōrma, fōrmae, f.
form, shape; beauty (formal, format, formula, formless, deform, inform, etc.)
fortūna, fortūnae, f.
fortune, luck (fortunate, misfortune, unfortunate)
īra, īrae, f.
ire, anger (irate, irascible; but not irritate)
nauta, nautae, m.
sailor (nautical, nautilus, argonaut)
patria, patriae, f.
fatherland, native land, (one’s) country (patriotic, expatriate, repatriate)
pecūnia, pecūniae, f.
money (pecuniary, impecunious; cf. peculation)
philosophia, philosophiae, f.
(Greek, philosopia, love of wisdom), philosophy
poena, poenae, f.
penalty, punishment; poenās dare, idiom, to pay the penalty (penal, penalize, penalty, pain, subpoena)
poēta, poētae, m.
poet (poetry, poetic)
porta, potae, f.
gate, entrance (portal, portico, porch, porthole)
puella, puellae, f.
rosa, rosae, f.
rose (rosary, roseate, rosette)
sententia, sententiae, f.
feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence (sententious, sentencing)
vīta, vītae, f.
life; mode of life (vital, vitals, vitality, vitamin, vitalize, devitalize, revitalize)
antīquus, antīqua ,antīquum, adj.
ancient, old-time (antique, antiquities, antiquated, antiquarian)
magnus, magna, magnum, adj.
large, great; important (magnify, magnificent, magnate, magnitude, magnanimous)
meus, mea, meum, adj.
multus, multa, multum, adj.
much, many (multitude, multiply, multiple; multi- a prefix as in multimillionaire)
tuus, tua, tuum, adj.
your, used when speaking to only one person
et, conj.
and; even; et…et, both…and
sed, conj.
Ō, interj.
O!, Oh!, commonly preceding a vocative
sine, prep. + abl.
est, v.