Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is the first step of strategy formulation?
Developing a strategy vision that charts the company’s long-term direction, a mission statement that describes the cpompany’s business, and a set of core values to guide the pursuit of the strategy vision and mission.
What two things does a company create during the first step?
Mission statement and core values
What is the second step of strategy formulation?
Setting objectives for measuring the company’s performance and trackiong its progress in moving in the intended long-term direction
What is the third step of the strategy formulation?
Crafting a strategy for advancing the company long the path to mangement’s envisioned future and achieving its performance objectives
What is the fourth step of the strategy formulation process?
Implementing and executing the chosen strategy efficiently and effectively.
What is the fifth strep?
Evaluationg and analyzing the external environment and the company’s internal situation and performance to identify corrective adjustments.
If during the avalution stage, mangement decides the industry has changed in a sighnificant way that renders its vision obsolete, are referred to as
strategy inflection point.
maps out where a company is headed, establishes strategic and financial targets, and outlines competeive moves and approaches for its goals
strategic plan.
What does a strategic vision do?
shows top management’s view of “where we are going”—
the firm’s direction and its future product-marketcustomer-
technology focus to stakeholders.
What is one defining characteristic of a strategic vision?
Is distinctive and specific to a particular organization.
What do strategic visions avoid?
Avoids use of generic, innocuous, and uninspiring
language that could apply to most any firm.
How does a strategic vision relate to the future?
Definitively states how the company’s leaders intend
to position the firm beyond where it is today.
What are some things an engaging, inspiration vision does?
Provides direction and energizes employees
Makes the organization’s case for “where we are
going and why”
Evokes positive support and excitement
Enlists the commitment of company personnel to
engage in actions that move the company in its
intended direction
Why a Sound, Well-Communicated
Strategic Vision Matters
- It crystallizes senior executives’ own views about
the firm’s long-term direction. - It reduces the risk of rudderless decision making
by management at all levels. - It is a tool for winning the support of employees to
help make the vision a reality. - It provides a beacon for lower-level managers in
forming departmental missions. - It helps an organization prepare for the future.
How do strategic visions and mission statements differ?
A strategic vision concerns a firm’s future business The mission statement of a firm focuses on its present business purpose—“who we are and what we do” path—“where we are going”