Chapter 2 Flashcards
Extraneous variables
Any variables that could influence results of the study other than the specific variables
Logical positivism
The truth is absolute and can be discovered by careful measurements
Qualitative research
Systematic collection and thematic analysis of narrative data
Constructed by individuals experiencing a phenomenon
Focuses on lived experiences
Focuses on cultural patterns of thought and behaviors
Grounded theory
Focuses on social processes
Dependent variable
A behavior, characteristic or outcome that the researcher wishes to explain or predict
Independent variable
Presumed cause of or influence on the dependent variable
Completeness and conceptual accuracy of measures
Descriptive statistics
Procedures that organize and summarize large volumes of data including measures of central tendency and measures of variability
Measures of central tendency
Provide a single numerical value that denotes the average value for a variable
Measures of variability
Describe how values for a variable are dispersed
Inferential statistics
Allows researchers to test hypotheses about relationships between variables or differences between groups
Statistically significant
Not likely to have occurred only by chance
Scientific validation
Thorough critique of a study for its conceptual and methodological integrity
Comparative analysis
Involves assessing study findings for their implementation potential
Quantitative research
Systematic collection, statistical analysis, interpretation of numerical data
Patient, population, problem of interest
Intervention or therapy to consider for the subject of interest
Comparison of interventions, such as no treatment
Outcome of the intervention
Patient, population, problem of interest
Intervention or therapy to consider for the subject of interest
Comparison of interventions, such as no treatment
Outcome of the intervention