Chapter 2 & 3 Flashcards
refers to the text transmission of meaning from one language to another
Translating- refers to the text transmission of meaning from one language to another
oral transmission of meaning from one language to another
Interpreting- oral transmission of meaning from one language to another
Translators translate ____
Written text
Interpreters interpret ____ or ____
Spoken or sign language
Collaboration with Interpreters and Translators
Is needed to _____ a ____ ____ between clients or family members and professionals.
Collaboration with Interpreters and Translators
Needed to bridge a language mismatch between clients or family members and professionals.
Translating- refers to the ____ of ____ from one language to another
Translating- refers to the text transmission of meaning from one language to another
Interpreting- _____ of ____ from one language to another
Interpreting- oral transmission of meaning from one language to another
When collaborating with interpreters/translators, a primary goal is to
Preserve meaning as the professional’s message moves from one linguistic code to another.
Cross cultural information exchange is ____ due to ____ and ___ perspectives.
Difficult due to cultural and linguistic perspectives.
Example of difficulty in cultural and linguistic perspective-
Hmong- “mental health” translates to “dirty liver” or “difficult lungs.”
Clinicians can assist in preserving the integrity of their message by ____, _____, ____
Explain key terms and concepts.
Avoid professional jargon.
Ask for occasional back translations.
Langdon and Saenz (2015) described a three-part process for effective collaborations between communication professionals and interpreters/translators:
In briefing, one must (1-4)
1) Discuss the reason for the meeting or assessment.
2) Discuss relevant background.
3) Discuss areas of concern.
4) Discuss areas of potential focus.
In briefing, one must (5-7)
5) Discuss key concepts or vocabulary.
6) Discuss methods of communicating and recording responses.
7) Strategies to use in the event of unexpected outcomes.
In interaction, SLP retains primary professional _____for all interactions with the client.
SLP retains primary professional responsibility for all interactions with the client.
In interaction, Interpreter communicates the utterances verbatim. True or false
In exchanging information with the family through an interpreter, basic professional strategies are to reduce professional jargon, to explain all terms and concepts, and to maintain appropriate eye gaze with the family or client-remembering that they are the focus of the informational exchange.
In exchanging information with the family through an interpreter, basic professional strategies are to _____, to _____, and to ______or ______
In exchanging information with the family through an interpreter, basic professional strategies are to reduce professional jargon, to explain all terms and concepts, and to maintain appropriate eye gaze with the family or client-remembering that they are the focus of the informational exchange.
In bid, during interaction on must ___, ___, ____
Reduce, explain, maintain
In bid interaction, one will reduce ____
Professional jargon
In bid interaction one will expalin___
All terms and conditions
In bid interaction, one will main appropriate _____ and with the family or client - remembering they are the ____ of the ____
Appropriate eye gaze and with the family or client - remembering they are the focus of the informational exchange
In bid, debrief the following with be completed
Review responses
Resolve any potential miscommunications
Discuss their impressions
Ask for assistance in analyzing collected data or obtain more general
Information about the clients language or culture
Materials may not be available in many language and translations may not be accurate or faithful to the original text. True or false
Item difficulty may diff across languages. True or false
Skilled dialogue includes
___ is used to gain understanding of a particular culture or group
Ethnographic interview
In an ethnographic interview, methods are ___ in measure
Ethnographic interview help to understand the family’s ____, ____,____
Point of view, preference, and life circumstances
Ethnographic interview is used to gain an understanding of a particular ____ or ___
Culture or group
Examples of direct questions
How long have you been concerned about your child’s language?
Who first noticed the problem?
Does your child have a history of ear infections?
What have you done to try to improve your language skills?
Ethnographic questions step 1. ______ by ____ I
Step 1:set the stage for the interview. “ I am interested in learning more about Clarissa.” By slowly introducing Oppenheimer-ended descriptive questions
2 Ethnographic question types
Descriptive and structural
Example of descriptive questions include
Grand Tour: “Tell me about a typical day for Clarissa.”
Mini Tour: “Tell me about a typical drop off/pick up time at school.”
Example: “Given me an example of when Clarissa shuts down.”
Experience: “Tell me about your experiences in Clarissa’s previous therapy.”
Clarify: “What would I see when Clarissa shuts down?”
Describe a grand tour
Grand Tour: “Tell me about a typical day for Clarissa.”
Describe a experience type of question
Experience: “Tell me about your experiences in Clarissa’s previous therapy.”
Clarify: “What would I see when Clarissa shuts down?”
Describe a mini tour question
Grand Tour: “Tell me about a typical day for Clarissa.”
Mini Tour: “Tell me about a typical drop off/pick up time at school
Describe a clarify question
Clarify: “What would I see when Clarissa shuts down?”
Examples of structural questions include
Strict-Inclusion: “What kinds of activities would you like Clarissa to participate in?”
Means-end: “In what ways does the teacher help Clarissa listen at school?”
Rationale: “What were your reasons for stopping Clarissa’s previous speech therapy?”
Describe a strict-inclusion question
Strict-Inclusion: “What kinds of activities would you like Clarissa to participate in?”
Describe a means -end question
Means-end: “In what ways does the teacher help Clarissa listen at school?”
Rationale: “What were your reasons for stopping Clarissa’s previous speech therapy?”
Describe a rationale question
Rationale: “What were your reasons for stopping Clarissa’s previous speech therapy?”
an approach to clinical decision making which we integrate different sources, which are integrated into an action plan that best serves the long term individuals with communication disorders
Evidence based practice
The four core steps of evidence based practice is
- Frame your clinical question
- Gather evidence
- Assess the evidence
- Make your clinical decisions
Evidence based practices is an ___ to clinical decision making which we ______ sources, which are ____ into an _____that best serves the ______ with communication disorders
an approach to clinical decision making which we integrate different sources, which are integrated into an action plan that best serves the long term individuals with communication disorders
Clinician must consider how well the evidence applies to the client, as well as overall quality and source of this evidence. True or false
The ___ acronym is most often used to format the initial clinical question and start the EBP process
The PICO acronym is most often used to format the initial clini- cal question and start the EBP process
P.I.C.O. used to format the ____
P.I.C.O. used to format the clinical question
What does pics stand for
P- Problem
I- Intervention of interest
C- Comparison or alternative
O- Outcome of the evidence
The following are examples of PICO questions:
The following are examples of PICO questions: For bilingual adults with a primary acquired aphasia [P], does lexical- semantic treatment in one [I] or two languages [C] result in the greatest functional outcomes [O]?
Do preschool-age children with developmental language disorder who use Spanish at home and English at school [P] show greater vocabulary improvement in Eng- lish [O] following bilingual [I] or English-only [C] training?
EBP Framework includes
1.External empirical evidence
2.Internal evidence developed by the clinician
3. Client characteristics
Although integrated in practice, each of the three EBP strands is presented separately as applied to individuals with diverse language and cultural experiences
Most agree that the ___ of external empirical evidence is expert opinion or some form of culled clinical expertise.
Most agree that the lowest level of external evidence is expert opinion or some form of culled clinical expertise.
Lowest level: This expert opinion typically comes from the ___ and ____ experiences of respected authorities disseminated as expert committee reports, in journals subject to peer review, or in other ways.
This expert opinion typically comes from the clinical and research experiences of respected authorities disseminated as expert committee reports, in journals subject to peer review, or in other ways.
At the opposite end of the quality hierarchy, randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and/or systematic reviews or meta-analyses of RCTs are considered the most credible or ____of external evidence.
At the opposite end of the quality hierarchy, randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and/or systematic reviews or meta-analyses of RCTs are considered the most credible or highest level of external evidence.
At the opposite end of the quality hierarchy, randomized ____ and/or ___ or ___ of RCTs are considered the most credible or highest level of external evidence.
At the opposite end of the quality hierarchy, randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and/or systematic reviews or meta-analyses of RCTs are considered the most credible or highest level of external evidence.
A study in which the participants are divided by chance into separate groups that compare different treatments or other interventions.
Randomized clinical trail
Using ___ to ____ people into groups means that the groups will be ____ and that the effects of the ___ they receive can be compared more ___.
Using chance to divide people into groups means that the groups will be similar and that the effects of the treatments they receive can be compared more fairly.
In randomized clinical trials, At the time of the trial, it is not known which treatment is best.
External empirical evidence
Internal evidence developed by the clinician is defined as ___
Clinical expertise
Internal evidence developed by the clinician
Objective- clinician observations or various language skills
Subjective- evidence from the client’s perspective
Evidence internal to clinical practice is used to determine if the process is working as intended for a particular client/family and when and how procedures should be modified.
____ measures of progress include clinicians observations of various communication skills such as the length or grammatical accuracy of sentences, the number of words produced or understood, or the types and frequency of communicative attempts.
____ measures consist of evidence from the client’s perspective.
Subjective measures consist of evidence from the client’s perspective.
Objective measures of progress include ____ _^__^ of various ____ ____ such as the length or ___ ____ of sentences, the ____ produced or understood, or the types and ___ of communicative attempts.
____ measures of progress include clinicians observations of various communication skills such as the length or grammatical accuracy of sentences, the number of words produced or understood, or the types and frequency of communicative attempts.
the third essential source of information in EBP is _____, ___, and ___
Client and family characteristics, beliefs, and informed preferences
Client characteristics include the ____ or ____ needed to _____ across ____ as well as the ____ in which communication is embedded
Client characteristics include the different languages or dialects needed to succeed across various settings as well as the cultural con- texts in which communication is embedded
____ include the different languages or dialects needed to succeed across various settings as well as the cultural contexts in which communication is embedded
Client characteristics include the different languages or dialects needed to succeed across various settings as well as the cultural contexts in which communication is embedded
Client characteristics include Client and family characteristics, ___, and ____
Client and family characteristics, beliefs, and informed preferences.
In fields that employ behavior intervention, we can specify the exact actions that cause change in the client.
Medical model
“Common factors” that are part of all treatments are incidental.
Medical model
the medical model requires a treatment approach to propose a mechanism of change, then prescribes specific actions that will bring about this change.
Medical mode “Common factors” that are part of ___ are incidental.
“Common factors” that are part of all treatments are incidental.
EBP is ___ in the ____, with ____ as the ____ of evidence.
EBP is grounded in the Medical Model, with RCTs as the gold standard of evidence.
The importance is not on the specifics of the methods used, but that procedures are logical with respect to treatment goals, consistently used, and believed to have value by both the therapist and client.
Contextual model
“Common factors” are integral not incidental.
Contextual model
contextual model emphasizes the milieu or circumstances of treatment.
From contextual model perspective, general or “common factors” that are part of all treatments are ____, not ____.
From this perspective, general or “common factors” that are part of all treatments are integral, not incidental.
Promotes interactions between common factors and specific ingredients. Therefore, investigations—including RCTs—which attempt to isolate mechanisms of therapeutic change are ill-fated.
Contextual model
Medical model; In fields that employ ___, we can specify the ___ that cause ____ in the client.
In fields that employ behavior intervention, we can specify the exact actions that cause change in the client.
Contextual model; The importance is not on the specifics of the methods used, but that ___ are ____ with respect to ___, ____ used, and believed to have ___ by both the therapist and client.
The importance is not on the specifics of the methods used, but that procedures are logical with respect to treatment goals, consistently used, and believed to have value by both the therapist and client.
the medical model presumes that specific treatment effects result from these theoreti- cally motivated actions or “specific ingredients.”
What does this look like in speech language pathology research?
The influence of common human factors has rarely been considered by researchers in speech-language pathology.
Researchers have rarely considered the influence of ____ ____ in speech-language pathology.
Researchers have rarely considered the influence of common human factors in speech-language pathology.
This is likely due to the influence of the ___ and the difficulty of ___ and ____ the _____in which ___are embedded.
This is likely due to the influence of the medical model and the difficulty of codifying and measuring the interpersonal environment in which clinical actions are embedded.
In a two-part survey study, SLPs identified behaviors, traits, and attitudes that might influence treatment progress and outcomes.
Ebert and kohnert 2010
In a two-part survey study, SLPs identified behaviors, traits, and attitudes that might influence treatment progress and outcomes.
Results showed that SLPs valued:
1) the ability to establish and maintain clinician-client relationships,
(2) the ability to make treatment meaningful,
(3) frameworks for problem solving, and
(4) flexibility in the clinical process.
Ebert and kohnert overlapping factors likely promote client and family “_____”
These overlapping factors likely promote client and family “buy in”—
This “buy in” is dependent on the clinician’s ability to ____ the ____and ____and ensure the family is ___throughout the treatment process, notions consistent with EBP.
This “buy in” is dependent on the clinician’s ability to embrace the family’s cultural and language characteristics and ensure the family is well informed throughout the treatment process, notions consistent with EBP.
____measured clinician-client relationships in 22 “triads” (a child enrolled in speech-language treatment + a parent + the SLP).
Ebert (2017) measured clinician-client relationships in 22 “triads” (a child enrolled in speech-language treatment + a parent + the SLP).
Ebert (2017) measured clinician-client relationships in ______
Ebert (2017) measured clinician-client relationships in 22 “triads” (a child enrolled in speech-language treatment + a parent + the SLP).
Elbert “traids” Initial ratings of the clinician-client relationship predicted ____ measured ___ months later.
Initial ratings of the clinician-client relationship predicted treatment outcomes measured three months later.
For example, the parent’s rating of the clinician-client relationship predicted the child’s attendance at treatment over the next three months, the SLP’s rating of how much progress the child had made after three months, and the child’s gain in scores on a test over those three months.
Evert 22traids
Evert traids example
For example, the parent’s rating of the clinician-client relationship predicted the ____ at treatment over the next ___ months, the ____ of how much ____ the child had made after ____ months, and the ____ in scores on a ____ over those ___ months.
For example, the parent’s rating of the clinician-client relationship predicted the child’s attendance at treatment over the next three months, the SLP’s rating of how much progress the child had made after three months, and the child’s gain in scores on a test over those three months.
Common factors transcend specific client populations to contribute to our understanding of why a treatment plan does or does not work
Practical perspectives for clinical actions
These transcending factors help fill the void in external evidence that exists for bilingual individuals with communication disorders
Practical perspectives for clinical actions
Harnessing the power of both common factors and specific theoretically motivated treatment methods and integrating them with EBP principles is consistent with dynamic interactive pro- cessing
The need for anchoring specific assessment and treatment procedures with contextual factors is essential