Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is the function of the Clock in a CPU?
Synchronizes operations
The clock ensures that all components of the CPU operate in a coordinated manner.
What are Registers in the context of CPU architecture?
Small storage for fast data manipulation
Registers allow quick access to frequently used data during processing.
What is the role of the Control Unit (CU) in a CPU?
Manages execution of instructions
The CU directs the operation of the processor and coordinates the activities of all other components.
What does the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) do?
Performs arithmetic and logic operations
The ALU is responsible for carrying out all mathematical computations and logical operations.
What type of memory is RAM?
Volatile memory, temporary storage
RAM loses its content when power is turned off.
How does Cache memory compare to RAM?
Faster than RAM, stores frequently used data
Cache reduces the time required to access data from the main memory.
What is the purpose of BIOS?
Firmware that initializes hardware on boot
BIOS performs the POST (Power-On Self-Test) to check hardware functionality.
What is ROM?
Read-only memory, non-volatile
ROM retains its contents even when the power is turned off.
What is the function of the Data Bus?
Transfers data between CPU and memory
The data bus carries the actual data being processed.
What does the Address Bus do?
Holds memory addresses for data retrieval
The address bus specifies the memory locations to read from or write to.
What is the role of the Control Bus?
Coordinates CPU and memory interactions
The control bus carries control signals to manage operations.
What is the first step in the Instruction Execution Cycle?
Fetch: Retrieve instruction from memory
This step involves accessing the instruction stored in memory.
What occurs during the Decode step of the Instruction Execution Cycle?
Identify instruction and operands
The CPU interprets the fetched instruction to determine what actions to take.
What is meant by Fetch Operands in the Instruction Execution Cycle?
Gather necessary data
This step involves retrieving any data needed to execute the instruction.
What happens during the Execute step of the Instruction Execution Cycle?
Perform operation
The CPU carries out the specified instruction.
What is the final step of the Instruction Execution Cycle?
Store Output: Save results
This step involves writing the results of the operation back to memory or registers.
What is Protected Mode?
Used in modern OS, prevents memory access violations
Protected mode enhances system stability and security by restricting access to memory.
What is Real-Address Mode?
Legacy mode, direct memory access
Real-address mode is used in older operating systems and allows direct access to physical memory.
What does System Management Mode (SMM) do?
Used for power management
SMM allows the processor to manage power consumption and thermal conditions.
Name the general-purpose registers in the x86 architecture.
These registers are used for various purposes during instruction execution.
What are the Index and Base registers in the x86 architecture?
These registers are used for addressing and data manipulation.
What is the function of the Instruction Pointer (EIP)?
Holds address of next instruction
The EIP is crucial for tracking the sequence of instruction execution.
What does the Carry Flag (CF) indicate?
Unsigned overflow
CF is set when an arithmetic operation generates a carry out of the most significant bit.
What does the Overflow Flag (OF) indicate?
Signed overflow
OF is set when an arithmetic operation results in a value that exceeds the limits of a signed integer.
What does the Sign Flag (SF) indicate?
Negative result
SF is set when the result of an operation is negative.
What does the Zero Flag (ZF) indicate?
Zero result
ZF is set when the result of an operation is zero.