Chapter 2 Flashcards
1.Lego hands
1.Shake Lego hands
Gallaudet University
- Pinch your eye with 1 hand
- Closed 5 facing the sky and with the other hand draw a C with a H HS
Washington D.C
- Make AW hand shape and touch your shoulder and bounce three times out
- Move your hand in many circles FS D.C
- Make AD hand shape and touch your chin then your cheek
- Make circular outward motions at your lips with a G hand shape
- Sign learn
- Face both palms up,with crab claws,then open them, make a surprise face
- Fling X HS From your shoulder and tap 2 X’s at your heart
1.Make an F HS facing outward then flip your palm inward
2.Do a Fire Marshal Bill face
- Left hand closed 5 facing the floor
- cup hand twice with right
Here (1)
- Put your hands at hip level and make tiny circular motions
Here (2)
1.Point at the ground with both hands
- Left hand with palm facing down
- Draw a C with closed 5 on top of palm
- Palm down make 2 L hand shapes that resemble a W and wiggle them away from each other
Sign Family but with C’s
Oh I see
1.Make a Y HS facing out and bounce it up and down
1.Open 5 with left hand
2. Make d HS with right hand and touch middle finger of left hand
3. Move both hands forward rotate pointer
1.Make a 90 degree angle and touch your cheek then temple
- With left hand make a 5 closed HS facing up
2.Make a S HS with right hand and swoop from next to left, over left, then above left
- Make a Closed 5 facing up with left
- Make a 2 with right hand and lay it palm 1st on left palm
1.Make 2 90 degree angles and touch fingertips
- Make 2 thumbs up and alternate bouncing them
Remember Most
- Sign Remember
- Leave left thumbs up stationary infront of chest
3.glide right thumbs up from under left to above
- Sign today
Remember Some
- Sign remember
- Lay left hand out in closed 5 in front of chest
3.Cut hand vertically then horizontally with right hand in sliding motion
Remember Little-Bit
- Sign Remember
- Make A HS under chin and slide thumb against pointer
Forget All
- Sign forget
- Flick out a finger gun
Still Speak
1.Make 2 Y HS’s facing you then flick them out
2. Make a #4 and tap chin
Be Raised
Make 90 degree angle at your hip and rise above your head
- Position left like your holding a cup
2.Slide a 2 through the gap with right hand
3.Change left grip to crab claw after right passes through
High School
- FS H then S
1-3 year
- Create the number with right hand
2.Create a fist with left hand positioned below number - Go around the world with the right hand in a fist
4.Land right hand on top of left in a fist
- Put hands together toughing palms
2.with top hand draw a C upward
- Make pointers with both hands and go around in circles
- Make a 4 and tap chin
- With right hand make a 160 degree angle with palm facing up
- With right hand make a closed 5 and dust off left finger tips
So-So Easy
- Sign Meh
2.Sign Easy
So-So Hard
- Sign Meh
- MAke velocipraptor hands and put left hand on top of right
- Shake hands up and down with loose wrist
- Stack velociraptor hands
How You
1.Sign number but make a 90 degree angles and only do one rotate motion
2. Point to person with right hand
- Tap heart with thumb
1.Sign meh
- Touch chest with fingertips of 2 90 degree angles
- Relax wrist and let palms fall while keeping fingers in place
- Make a tired/moody face
- Make 2 open fives with middle finger at 90 degree angle
- With right middle finger touch belly
- With left middle finger touch temple
4.Catch a bubble and furrow brows
Walk + IX direction
- Closed 5 with both hands facing down and spin records
- Point
Picture + Flash
1.Make a C HS and Make a Closed 5 HS facing vertically
2.Touch C from cheek to closed 5
3.Make both Hands as if holding a camera and put in in front of eyes
4.Leave 1 hand in camera position and replace other hand with a claw HS and quickly open then close it
Movie Watch
- With 1 hand make a closed 5 and face downward
- With other hand put bottom of palm against side of hand and wave
- Put thumb and pointer against chin like you’re thinking and throw it outward keeping shape
- wrap other arm around your lower torso
- Make a thinking face
Play with Dog
- Sign hang loose
- Make a loose claw and bring the knuckles of both hands together till palms touch
- Play the worlds tiniest violin with middle,pointer, and thumb
3.(ALT) Think quiet snapping
- Make 2 D HS’s
- Touch 2nd knuckles
- Move in circular wave like motion
- Lay 1 palm out in closed 5 with palm up
- With other hand create a pinching F HS dip then rise 2x on palm of other hand
Phone Chatting
- Sign Phone
- Open 5 dry hands with loose wrist with palms facing in and slightly up
- Make X HS’s
- Put one hand slightly below the other ie touch wrist
- Move in outward motion similar to casting the line
Run (1)
- Make 2 finger guns, with pointer finger of right hand touch thumb of left hand
- Inch forward and bend pointers in this position
Run (2)
- Touch finger gun up and thumb to thumb
- Inch forward and bend pointers
- Make velociraptor claw and move in a square root graph motion
- Make Open 5’s with 2 hands
- One hand palm is facing you and the other is facing out
- With outward facing palm stroke hand that is facing you up and down
1.Make 2 Llama shapes facing each other
2. In up and down motion touch horns twice
- Make 2 S Handshapes and raise the roof
- Make a strained face
- Make 2 closed 5 HS’s with One hand palm up
- With other hand flip flop between palm and knuckles on palm
Play Game
- Sign Hang loose
2.Make 2 thumbs up and bump knuckles 3x
TV Watch
2. Make contemplating face and put pointer and thumb to chin then move fingers out
- With one hand make a closed 5, with palm in
- With the other hand make a crab claw
3.Make it rain and move like a sprinkler to one side
1.Make 2 S HS’s
2. Move in circular motion similar to pushing bike pedals
- Put 1 hand into a balled up E shape and lay it on top of open 5
- Angle hands semi behind body
- Reel E shape and bring forward and let go