Chapter 2 Flashcards
Regulated activities - general prohibition (s19 FSMA 2000)
‘No person (firms) may carry on a regulated activity in the UK unless he is an authorised person or an exempt person’
Regulated activity = specified activity undertaken with a specified investment (covered under teh regulated activities order - RAO 2001)
Basically need a part 4a permission to be an authorised person
Criminal and civil penalties for contravening the General Prohibition
For criminal offences
* Addressed at crown court
* Max penalty is 2 years in prison and/or unlimited fine
For civil offences
* Injuctions
* restitution orders (pay compensation)
* contracts are voidbale at the discretion of the investor
Specified investments
MiFID business = mifid activitty + mifid investments
MiFID investments
* Shares/depository receipts/warrants
* debt instruments (bonds, gilts, debentures etc)
* Options and futures
* CFDs
* emissions allowences
Non-MiFID business
* Llyod’s syndicates, insurances contract and funeral plan contracts
* pensions
* regulated mortgages and home finance
* Deposits and electronic money
* rights to specified investments (repos)
* loans and other forms of vanilla credit
* benchmarks
Specified activities
MiFID specified activites
* Dealing in investments
* arranging deals in investments
* managing investments
* advising on inv.
* operating a MTF or Organised trading Facility (OTF)
* Safeguarding and administering inv. (custodians)
* sending dematerialised instructions (electronic money transfer)
* Lloyd’s activities, insurance activities and funernal plan contract providers
* providing, administering, advising and arranging mortgages
* home finance activities
* managing dormant account funds
* accepting deposits b way of business
* providing credit reference or credit information services
* establishing, operating or winding up a CIS/pension scheme
* agreeing to carry on most regulated activities
Excluded activities from part 4a
The following are exempt:
* News paper and other media (incidental advice only - not tip sheets)
* providing information (bloomberg etc)
* unpaid trusteees (nominees/executors)
* employee share schemes
* group or joint enterprises
* Absence of holding out:
1. Dealing as principal and end user - no svs offered to clients
2. primary market sale or buyback
3. derivatives for risk mgmt (commercial purpose/hedging)
Exempt persons from part 4a permissions
- Appointed representatives (tied bodies)
- Llyod’s syndicate members
- Members of designated professional bodies (DPBs) - lawyers acccountants etc
- Recognised investment exchanges (RIEs)
- Recognised Clearning Houses (RCHs)
- Other exempted bodies (central banks, supranationals)
Authorisation - what sets out when authorisation is needed
- The Perimeter Guidance Manual (PERG) sets out guidance on when authorisation may be needed and any exclusions available. Only guidance so isn’t legally binding
- The permission notice (SUP) - the FCA/PRA have the power to grant and vary permissions
- Permissions are not blanket permissions
PArt 4a threshold conditions - see phone
See phone for table
EU authorisation
Firms in the EU must present their MiFID passport to their local regulatorr to obtain permission to practice in the EU
Senior manager and certification regime (SM&CR)
- AKA individual accountability regime
Senior manager functions
* Must be pre-approved by the FCA/PRA and are subject to fit and proper assesssments
* Applies to all directors, heads of functions and the MLROs
Certified functions (significant harm functions)
* Certificate issued by the authorised firm and are subject to fit and proper assessments
Other conduct rules staff
* No need for fit and proper assessments
All of the above are subject to the Conduct Rules (COCON)
Senior Manager Functions
Prescribed responsibility
* Must be allocated to the must senior individuals
* set out in a signed statement of responsibilities (SoR)
* Records kept for 6 years from any change
Responsibilities map
* Enhance transparency on individual accountability and reporting lines
Senior managers will have duties of responsibility
* be able to prove they took reasonable steps to fulfil any prescribed responsibilities amd prevent, stop or remedy and breaches
* potential disciplinary action can be taken by the regulator if the SM doesn’t do their job properly
Fit and proper tests for the certified functions
- Those who pose the risk of significant harm to teh customer, teh firm or the market such as material risk takers and supervisors of certificatoon functions
- Firms assess fitness and propriety annually and on appointments (certificates issued by the firm)
The fit and proper test (FIT) - 3 components
FIT made up of 3 parts
* Honesty, integrity and reputation
1. Employment history of 6 years
2. any criminal convictions?
3. Breahces of FCA/PRA rules
4. complaints
Competence and capability
1. exam success (prrofessional and academic)
2. experience and training
Financial soundness
1. ever been bankrupt?
Form A purpose
Form A is used to apply for approval on behalf of senior managers. Firms should be informed whether teh SM is approved within 90 days.
individual conduct rules - 6 rules, FCA principles applicable
Individual first teir conduct rules
1. Act with integrity (not deliberately do something off)
2. act with due skill, care and dilligence
3. be open and co-operatvie with the FCA/PRA and other regulators
4. pay due regard to teh interests of customers and treat them faily
5. Must observe standards of market conduct
6. must act to deliver good outcomes for retail clients
Where consumer duty applies, rule 6 replaces rule 4.
See phone for breaches list