Chapter 2 Flashcards
Three Age System
Jurgensen Thomas - organizes artifacts into 3 periods, stone age, bronze age, iron age based on material manufacture
New stone age with polished stone tools
Old Stone age living now with extinct animals
Archaeological Theory
ideas about the past and how we know it
Processual Arch
an approach to archeology based on firmly scientific method and supported by a concerted effort aimed at the development of theory
Lewis Binford
general laws and methods
available data
middle age research
research observed in present to serve as a reference point to test hypotheses from the past
material culture
human action
Cultural Resource Management
public archaeology carried out with the goal of migrating the effects of development on archaeological resources
system theory
society is a interconnected network of interacting elements
post processual archaeology
Ian hodder, arguing that archaeologists should imitate historians in interpreting the past
approach to analysis that does not adopt views from cultures to understand culture BINFORD
understanding the meanings people attach to their actions and cultures HODDER
theory of interpretation that stresses the interaction between the presuppositions we bring to a problem and the independent empirical reality of our observations and experiences
Feminist Archaeology
focus on the way archs study and bring attention to gender inequities in the practice of archaeology
Agency Theory
theory that emphasizes the interaction between the agency of individuals and social structure
Direct historial approach
assumes extend into present
ethnographic analogy
living similar life style
replication of studies, raw materials and material analysis