Chapter 2 Flashcards
proportion = p = f/N
Frequency distribution
A frequency distribution is an organized tabulation of the number of individuals located in each category on the scale of measurement.
- A frequency distribution takes a disorganized set of scores and places them in order from highest to lowest, grouping together individuals who all have the same score.
- It shows whether the scores are generally high or low, whether they are concentrated in one area or spread out across the entire scale, and generally provides an organized picture of the data.
- a frequency distribution allows you to see the location of any individual score relative to all of the other scores in the set.
the distribution presents the same two elements:
- The set of categories that make up the original measurement scale.
- A record of the frequency, or number of individuals in each category.
percentage = p(100) = f/N (100)
The distance from the upper real limit of the highest score to the lower real limit of the lowest score; the total distance from the absolute highest point to the lowest point in the distribution.
grouped frequency distribution table
A frequency distribution where scores are grouped into intervals rather than listed as individual values.
class intervals
A group of scores in a grouped frequency distribution.
apparent limits
The score values that appear as the lowest score and the highest score in an interval.
A graph showing a bar above each score or interval so that the height of the bar corresponds to the frequency and width extends to the real limits.
- The height of the bar corresponds to the frequency for that category.
- For continuous variables, the width of the bar extends to the real limits of the category. For discrete variables, each bar extends exactly half the distance to the adjacent category on each side.
A graph consisting of a line that connects a series of dots. A dot is placed above each score or interval so that the height of the dot corresponds to the frequency.
- A dot is centered above each score so that the vertical position of the dot corresponds to the frequency for the category.
- A continuous line is drawn from dot to dot to connect the series of dots.
- The graph is completed by drawing a line down to the X-axis (zero frequency) at each end of the range of scores. The final lines are usually drawn so that they reach the X-axis at a point that is one category below the lowest score on the left side and one category above the highest score on the right side.
Bar Graphs
A graph showing a bar above each score or interval so that the height of the bar corresponds to the frequency. A space is left between adjacent bars.
- nominal or ordinal scale
relative frequencies
The proportion of the total distribution rather than the absolute frequency. Used for population distributions for which the absolute number of individuals is not known for each category.
Smooth curves
When a population consists of numerical scores from an interval or a ratio scale, it is customary to draw the distribution with a smooth curve instead of the jagged, step-wise shapes that occur with histograms and polygons. The smooth curve indicates that you are not connecting a series of dots (real frequencies) but instead are showing the relative changes that occur from one score to the next.
symmetrical distribution
In a symmetrical distribution, it is possible to draw a vertical line through the middle so that one side of the distribution is a mirror image of the other
skewed distribution
In a skewed distribution, the scores tend to pile up toward one end of the scale and taper off gradually at the other end
tail of the distribution
A section on either side of a distribution where the frequency tapers down toward zero as the X values become more extreme.
positively skewed
A skewed distribution with the tail on the right-hand side is positively skewed because the tail points toward the positive (above-zero) end of the X-axis.
negatively skewed
A distribution where the scores pile up on the right side and taper off to the left.
Rank or percentile rank
The rank or percentile rank of a particular score is defined as the percentage of individuals in the distribution with scores at or below the particular value.
When a score is identified by its percentile rank, the score is called a percentile.
cumulative percentages
The cumulative frequencies show the number of individuals located at or below each score. To find percentiles, we must convert these frequencies into percentages. The resulting values are called cumulative percentages because they show the percentage of individuals who are accumulated as you move up the scale.
Interpolation is used to estimate values within the interval by assuming that fractional portions of one scale correspond to the same fractional portions of the other scale.
- A single interval is measured on two separate scales (for example, time and dollars). The endpoints of the interval are known for each scale.
- You are given an intermediate value on one of the scales. The problem is to find the corresponding intermediate value on the other scale.
- The interpolation process requires four steps:
- Find the width of the interval on both scales.
- Locate the position of the intermediate value in the interval. This position corresponds to a fraction of the whole interval: fraction = distance from the top of the interval/interval width
- Use the same fraction to determine the corresponding position on the other scale. First, use the fraction to determine the distance from the top of the interval: distance = fraction x width
- Use the distance from the top to determine the position on the other scale.
stem and leaf
requires that each score be separated into two parts: The first digit (or digits) is called the stem, and the last digit is called the leaf. For example, X=85 would be separated into a stem of 8 and a leaf of 5. Similarly, X=42 would have a stem of 4 and a leaf of 2. To construct a stem and leaf display for a set of data, the first step is to list all the stems in a column.
The next step is to go through the data, one score at a time, and write the leaf for each score beside its stem. For the data in Table 2.3, the first score is X = 83, so you would write 3 (the leaf) beside the 8 in the column of stems. This process is continued for the entire set of scores. The complete stem and leaf display is shown with the original data in