Chapter 2 Flashcards
Define corporate governance (short)
The system by which companies are directed and controlled
A set of relationships between a company’s management, its board, its shareholders and other stakeholders,
that provides the structure through which
the objectives of the company are set, attained and monitored.
What is the purpose of corporate governance
- directors manage company
- in the interests of their owners, the shareholders.
What is an organisation?
Social arrangements
for the controlled purpose
of collective goals
What has driven corporate governance?
Financial crisis
reporting scandals
executive greed
What is agency theory?
assumes that Agents (who run the organisations e.g. directors) will act in their own best interests. Hence organisations must align the interests of the agent with those of the organisation to get the best performance out of the agent
What does the companies act 2006 law state about decisions
- Directors act as a board
- decisions should be taken collectively at board meetings
- unless the board has delegated aurthority to a sub committee or to an individual director
What does an Executive Director do?
- day-to-day running of the company.
- paid a salary
What does a Non executive director do?
- part-time directors
- scrutinize the company’s affairs
- Generally only attend board meetings and any rel committees
- Usually paid a fee depending on experience and time commitment to the company
What are directors duties
- To act within their Powers
- To promote the success of the company
- To exercise independent judgement
- To exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence
- To avoid conflicts of interest
- Not to accept benefits from third parties that could five rise to a conflict of interest
- To declare interest in proposed transaction or arrangement
- To declare interest in existing transation
What are the consequences of breach of duty
- Civil liability
- Damages
- Restoration of Company Property
- Repayment of profits made by director
- Cancellation of contracts for non-disclosure of interest
- Articles can authorise an action that might otherwise be a breach of statutory duty
OECD corporate governaance
1.Ensuring the basis for an effective corporate governance framework
2. The rights and equitable treatment of shareholders and key ownership functions
3. Institutional investors, stock markets and other intermediaries
4. The role of stakeholders in corporate governance
5.Disclosure and transparency
6. The responsibilities of the board:
Expand on OECD Principles of Corporate Governance: Ensuring basis for an
effective corporate governance framework (CGF)
- Promotion of transparent and fair markets
- Efficient allocation of resources
- Consistency with rule of law
Expand on OECD Principles of Corporate Governance: The responsibilities of the board
- guidance of the company
- monitoring of management
- Accountability to shareholders
Expand on OECD Principles of Corporate Governance: Institutional investors, stock markets and other intermediaries
Shareholder engagement
Expand on OECD Principles of Corporate Governance: The role of stakeholders in corporate governance
Expand on OECD Principles of Corporate Governance: Disclosure and transparency
Timely and Accurate
Expand on OECD Principles of Corporate Governance: The rights and equitable treatment of shareholders and key ownership functions
Information and participation
What is the UK’s Corporate Governance Code?
The FRC’s UK Corporate Governance Code
Applies to all UK listed companies,
considered good practice for all UK companies
Principles based
For the UK Corp Gov Code, what is comply or explain?
All listed UK companies must either comply with UK CGC principles or explain why they are not complying
Explanations can be justified w reference to many factors, including company size.
What are 6 important principles in the UK Corporate Governance Code
- Board Leadership and Company Purpose
- Division of responsibilities
- Composition, succession and evaluation
- Audit, Risk and Internal Control
- Renumeration
- Independance
UK CGC Principles: Board leadership and company purpose
Board leadership and company purpose
* Company led by entrepreneurial board to promote long term success
* Board:
* * values and objectives
* * sufficient resources
* * stakeholder engagement
* * workplace policies are consistent
UK CGC Principles: Division of responsibilities (5)
Division of responsibilities
* Chair leads board
* Balance of ED and NED
* No individual should dominate
* Clear division of responsibilities between Chair and CEO
* NED have enough time to do job and challenge execs
UK CGC Principles: Composition, succession and evaluation
Composition, succession and evaluation
* Rigorous procedure for appointment to the board (C)
* Succession plan maintained (S)
* Board evaluated annually to ensure good balance of skills/diversity (E)
UK CGC Principles: Audit risk and internal control
Audit risk and internal control
* Tensure independence and effectiveness internal/external audit
* Present Assessment of company’s position and prospects which is fair and balanced
*Assess risk and put in IC
UK CGC Principles: Renumeration
* Designed to support strategy/success
* Procedures to determine renumeration
* No individual should set own renumeration
UK CGC Principles: Independence
The board should consider whether its NEDs are independent and objective
Corporate Governance: Noteworthy requirements of the code
- The chair should be independent on appointment and no serve 9+ years from entry to board
- Roles of chair and chief executive should not be held by same person
- At least half the board should be independent non-executives
- ALL directors subject to annual re-election
- Board evaluation annually (by external agent at least every three years for FTSE 350)
- Form a nominations committee with at least half of members independent non execs
- Form an audit committee of independent non execs
- Form a remuneration committee of independent non execs
- Only basic salary pensionable
- Notice periods 1 year or less