chapter 2 Flashcards
is a method of accounting whereby all items of gross income received during the year shall be accounted for such taxable year and that only expenses actually paid for shall be claimed as deductions during the year.
. Cash Basis
This method of accounting is generally used by taxpayers who do not keep regular books of accounts.
Cash Basis
Under this method, income is realized upon receipt of cash or its equivalent including those constructively received (such as deposits for the taxpayer’s account by customers) but not including gifts or donations.
Cash Basis
Users of cash basis accounting are mostly individuals engaged in business and practice of profession, professional partnerships and professional service Organizations.
Cash Basis
Engage in business
Practice of profession
Professional partnerships
Professional service organizations
cash basis
is a method of accounting for income in the period it is earned regardless of whether it has been received or not.
Accrual Basis
In the same manner, expenses are accounted for in the period they are incurred and not in the period they are paid.
Under this method, net income is being measured by the excess of income earned during the period over the expenses incurred.
accrual basis
Expenses not being claimed as deductions by taxpayers in the current year when they are incurred cannot be claimed as deduction from income for the succeeding year.
Thus, a taxpayer who is authorized to deduct certain expenses and other allowable deductions for the current year but failed to do so cannot deduct the same for the next year.
accrual basis
basis of accounting is being used by taxpayers whose nature of business uses inventories since this method of accounting will correctly reflect income by matching purchases and expenses against sales.
This method is being applied by most medium and large corporations.
accrual basis
is an accounting method applicable to contractors in the construction of building, installation of equipment and other fixed assets, or other construction work covering a period in excess of one year
Completion of Contract Basis
. Under this method, gross income is to be reported in the taxable year in which the contract is fully completed and accepted by the contractee if the taxpayer elected it as a consistent practice to treat such income, provided that such method clearly reflects the net income.
Completion of Contract Basis
Under this method, all expenditures are deducted from gross income during the life of the contract which are properly allocated thereto, taking into consideration any materials and supplies charged to the work under the contract but remaining on hand at the time of the Completion.
Completion of Contract Basis
However, pursuant to Republic Act No. 8424 which took effect on January 1, 1998, contractors are no longer allowed to adopt this method of reporting their income derived in whole or in part from long-term contracts.
Completion of Contract Basis
is a method applicable in the case of a building, installation or construction contract covering a period in excess of one year whereby gross income derived from such contract may be reported upon the basis of percentage of completion.
Percentage of Completion Basis
In determining the percentage of completion of a contract, generally one of the following methods is used:
Percentage of Completion Basis