Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is hindsight bias?
The “I knew it all along” phenomenon; our intuitive sense predicts things that just happened and will happen
What is operationalizing?
Taking a qualitative measurement and making it quantifyable/giving it meaning
What is a theory?
An explanation for a series of events in the world
What is a naturalistic observation?
Good at describing behavior but it is limited in explaining it
What is a repeated measures design?
One group of participants take part in both control and experimental tasks
What are the advantages of using a repeated measures design?
Requires less participants, time, and money; can control for variable such as age, height, and weight
What are the disadvantages of repeated measures?
Order effects and demand characteristics
What is an independent groups design?
Different participants are in each group; each are exposed to different tasks
What are the advantages of independent groups designs?
Avoids order effects and are less likely to be affected by demand characteristics
What are the disadvantages of independent groups designs?
Participant variables (age, height, race) could influence results, and a bigger sample is needed
What is a matched pairs design?
There are two groups that were matched based on their characteristics
What are the advantages of a matched pairs design?
Avoids order effects and avoids participant variables
What are the disadvantages of a matched pairs design?
It requires a big sample and it isn’t practical
What is a hypothesis?
Masks disrupt holistic processing, is usually a statement
What are the 4 steps in a research investigation?
Theory, method, data, reporting/dissemination
What’s involved in a theory?
The research question and hypothesis
What’s involved in the method?
Sampling, instrumentation, ethics
What’s involved in the data?
Collection, entry, analysis
Which research method uses randomized sampling?
Which research method uses natural sampling?
Which researh method uses cross-sectional surveys?
What are the two way of collecting data?
Self-report and observational