Chapter 2 Flashcards


User interface


Almost all operating systems have a user interface (UI).
This interface can take several forms. Most commonly, a graphical user
interface (GUI) is used. Here, the interface is a window system with a
mouse that serves as a pointing device to direct I/O, choose from menus,
and make selections and a keyboard to enter text. Mobile systems such
as phones and tablets provide a touch-screen interface, enabling users to
slide their fingers across the screen or press buttons on the screen to select
choices. Another option is a command-line interface (CLI), which uses text
commands and a method for entering them (say, a keyboard for typing
in commands in a specific format with specific options). Some systems
provide two or all three of these variations.

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Program execution


The system must be able to load a program into memory and to run that program. The program must be able to end its execution, either normally or abnormally (indicating error).

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I/O operations


A running program may require I/O, which may involve a
file or an I/O device. For specific devices, special functions may be desired
(such as reading from a network interface or writing to a file system). For
efficiency and protection, users usually cannot control I/O devices directly.
Therefore, the operating system must provide a means to do I/O.

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File-system manipulation


The file system is of particular interest. Obviously, programs need to read and write files and directories. They also need
to create and delete them by name, search for a given file, and list file information. Finally, some operating systems include permissions management
to allow or deny access to files or directories based on file ownership. Many
operating systems provide a variety of file systems, sometimes to allow personal choice and sometimes to provide specific features or performance

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There are many circumstances in which one process
needs to exchange information with another process. Such communication
may occur between processes that are executing on the same computer
or between processes that are executing on different computer systems
tied together by a network. Communications may be implemented via
shared memory, in which two or more processes read and write to a shared
section of memory, or message passing, in which packets of information in
predefined formats are moved between processes by the operating system

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Error detection


The operating system needs to be detecting and correcting
errors constantly. Errors may occur in the CPU and memory hardware (such
as a memory error or a power failure), in I/O devices (such as a parity error
on disk, a connection failure on a network, or lack of paper in the printer),
and in the user program (such as an arithmetic overflow or an attempt to
access an illegal memory location). For each type of error, the operating
system should take the appropriate action to ensure correct and consistent
computing. Sometimes, it has no choice but to halt the system. At other
times, it might terminate an error-causing process or return an error code
to a process for the process to detect and possibly correct.

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Resource allocation


When there are multiple processes running at the
same time, resources must be allocated to each of them. The operating
system manages many different types of resources. Some (such as CPU
cycles, main memory, and file storage) may have special allocation code,
whereas others (such as I/O devices) may have much more general request
and release code. For instance, in determining how best to use the CPU,
operating systems have CPU-scheduling routines that take into account
the speed of the CPU, the process that must be executed, the number of
processing cores on the CPU, and other factors. There may also be routines
to allocate printers, USB storage drives, and other peripheral devices.

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We want to keep track of which programs use how much and
what kinds of computer resources. This record keeping may be used for
accounting (so that users can be billed) or simply for accumulating usage
statistics. Usage statistics may be a valuable tool for system administrators
who wish to reconfigure the system to improve computing services.

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Protection and security


The owners of information stored in a multiuser
or networked computer system may want to control use of that information. When several separate processes execute concurrently, it should not
be possible for one process to interfere with the others or with the operating system itself. Protection involves ensuring that all access to system
resources is controlled. Security of the system from outsiders is also important. Such security starts with requiring each user to authenticate himself or herself to the system, usually by means of a password, to gain access
to system resources. It extends to defending external I/O devices, including network adapters, from invalid access attempts and recording all such
connections for detection of break-ins. If a system is to be protected and
secure, precautions must be instituted throughout it. A chain is only as
strong as its weakest link.

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Command Interpreters


Most operating systems, including Linux, UNIX, and Windows, treat the command interpreter as a special program that is running when a process is initiated or when a user first logs on (on interactive systems). On systems with
multiple command interpreters to choose from, the interpreters are known as
shells. For example, on UNIX and Linux systems, a user may choose among several different shells, including the C shell, Bourne-Again shell, Korn shell, and
others. Third-party shells and free user-written shells are also available. Most
shells provide similar functionality, and a user’s choice of which shell to use
is generally based on personal preference. Figure 2.2 shows the Bourne-Again
(or bash) shell command interpreter being used on macOS.
The main function of the command interpreter is to get and execute the next
user-specified command. Many of the commands given at this level manipulate files: create, delete, list, print, copy, execute, and so on. The various shells
available on UNIX systems operate in this way. These commands can be implemented in two general ways.
In one approach, the command interpreter itself contains the code to execute the command. For example, a command to delete a file may cause the
command interpreter to jump to a section of its code that sets up the parameters
and makes the appropriate system call. In this case, the number of commands
that can be given determines the size of the command interpreter, since each
command requires its own implementing code.
An alternative approach—used by UNIX, among other operating systems
—implements most commands through system programs. In this case, the
command interpreter does not understand the command in any way; it merely
uses the command to identify a file to be loaded into memory and executed.
Thus, the UNIX command to delete a file
rm file.txt
would search for a file called rm, load the file into memory, and execute it with
the parameter file.txt. The logic associated with the rm command would be defined completely by the code in the file rm. In this way, programmers can
add new commands to the system easily by creating new files with the proper
program logic. The command-interpreter program, which can be small, does
not have to be changed for new commands to be added.

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Graphical User Interface


A second strategy for interfacing with the operating system is through a userfriendly graphical user interface, or GUI. Here, rather than entering commands
directly via a command-line interface, users employ a mouse-based windowand-menu system characterized by a desktop metaphor. The user moves the
mouse to position its pointer on images, or icons, on the screen (the desktop)
that represent programs, files, directories, and system functions. Depending
on the mouse pointer’s location, clicking a button on the mouse can invoke a
program, select a file or directory—known as a folder—or pull down a menu
that contains commands.
Graphical user interfaces first appeared due in part to research taking
place in the early 1970s at Xerox PARC research facility. The first GUI appeared
on the Xerox Alto computer in 1973. However, graphical interfaces became
more widespread with the advent of Apple Macintosh computers in the 1980s.
The user interface for the Macintosh operating system has undergone various
changes over the years, the most significant being the adoption of the Aqua
interface that appeared with macOS. Microsoft’s first version of Windows—
Version 1.0—was based on the addition of a GUI interface to the MS-DOS
operating system. Later versions of Windows have made significant changes in
the appearance of the GUI along with several enhancements in its functionality. Traditionally, UNIX systems have been dominated by command-line interfaces. Various GUI interfaces are available, however, with significant development in GUI designs from various open-source projects, such as K Desktop
Environment (or KDE) and the GNOME desktop by the GNU project. Both the
KDE and GNOME desktops run on Linux and various UNIX systems and are
available under open-source licenses, which means their source code is readily
available for reading and for modification under specific license terms.

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Touch-Screen Interface


Because a either a command-line interface or a mouse-and-keyboard system is
impractical for most mobile systems, smartphones and handheld tablet computers typically use a touch-screen interface. Here, users interact by making
gestures on the touch screen— for example, pressing and swiping fingers
across the screen. Although earlier smartphones included a physical keyboard,
most smartphones and tablets now simulate a keyboard on the touch screen.
Figure 2.3 illustrates the touch screen of the Apple iPhone. Both the iPad and
the iPhone use the Springboard touch-screen interface.

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Choice of Interface


The choice of whether to use a command-line or GUI interface is mostly
one of personal preference. System administrators who manage computers
and power users who have deep knowledge of a system frequently use the
command-line interface. For them, it is more efficient, giving them faster access
to the activities they need to perform. Indeed, on some systems, only a subset
of system functions is available via the GUI, leaving the less common tasks
to those who are command-line knowledgeable. Further, command-line interfaces usually make repetitive tasks easier, in part because they have their own
programmability. For example, if a frequent task requires a set of commandline steps, those steps can be recorded into a file, and that file can be run
just like a program. The program is not compiled into executable code but
rather is interpreted by the command-line interface. These shell scripts are
very common on systems that are command-line oriented, such as UNIX and
In contrast, most Windows users are happy to use the Windows GUI environment and almost never use the shell interface. Recent versions of the Windows operating system provide both a standard GUI for desktop and traditional laptops and a touch screen for tablets. The various changes undergone
by the Macintosh operating systems also provide a nice study in contrast. Historically, Mac OS has not provided a command-line interface, always requiring
its users to interface with the operating system using its GUI. However, with the
release of macOS (which is in part implemented using a UNIX kernel), the operating system now provides both an Aqua GUI and a command-line interface.
Figure 2.4 is a screenshot of the macOS GUI.
Although there are apps that provide a command-line interface for iOS
and Android mobile systems, they are rarely used. Instead, almost all users
of mobile systems interact with their devices using the touch-screen interface.
The user interface can vary from system to system and even from user
to user within a system; however, it typically is substantially removed from
the actual system structure. The design of a useful and intuitive user interface
is therefore not a direct function of the operating system. In this book, we
concentrate on the fundamental problems of providing adequate service to user programs. From the point of view of the operating system, we do not
distinguish between user programs and system programs.

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System calls


provide an interface to the services made available by an operating system. These calls are generally available as functions written in C and
C++, although certain low-level tasks (for example, tasks where hardware
must be accessed directly) may have to be written using assembly-language

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application programming
interface (API)


The API specifies a set of functions that are available to an application programmer, including the parameters that are passed to each function
and the return values the programmer can expect. Three of the most common
APIs available to application programmers are the Windows API for Windows
systems, the POSIX API for POSIX-based systems (which include virtually all
versions of UNIX, Linux, and macOS), and the Java API for programs that run
on the Java virtual machine. A programmer accesses an API via a library of code
provided by the operating system. In the case of UNIX and Linux for programs
written in the C language, the library is called libc. Note that—unless specified
— the system-call names used throughout this text are generic examples. Each
operating system has its own name for each system call.
Behind the scenes, the functions that make up an API typically invoke the
actual system calls on behalf of the application programmer. For example, the
Windows function CreateProcess() (which, unsurprisingly, is used to create a new process) actually invokes the NTCreateProcess() system call in the
Windows kernel.
Why would an application programmer prefer programming according to
an API rather than invoking actual system calls? There are several reasons for
doing so. One benefit concerns program portability. An application programmer designing a program using an API can expect her program to compile and
run on any system that supports the same API (although, in reality, architectural
differences often make this more difficult than it may appear). Furthermore,
actual system calls can often be more detailed and difficult to work with than
the API available to an application programmer. Nevertheless, there often exists
a strong correlation between a function in the API and its associated system call
within the kernel. In fact, many of the POSIX and Windows APIs are similar to
the native system calls provided by the UNIX, Linux, and Windows operating
Another important factor in handling system calls is the run-time environment (RTE)— the full suite of software needed to execute applications written in a given programming language, including its compilers or interpreters
as well as other software, such as libraries and loaders. The RTE provides a system-call interface that serves as the link to system calls made available
by the operating system. The system-call interface intercepts function calls in
the API and invokes the necessary system calls within the operating system.
Typically, a number is associated with each system call, and the system-call
interface maintains a table indexed according to these numbers. The systemcall interface then invokes the intended system call in the operating-system
kernel and returns the status of the system call.
The caller need know nothing about how the system call is implemented
or what it does during execution. Rather, the caller need only obey the API and
understand what the operating system will do as a result of the execution of
that system call. Thus, most of the details of the operating-system interface
are hidden from the programmer by the API and are managed by the RTE. The
relationship among an API, the system-call interface, and the operating system
is shown in Figure 2.6, which illustrates how the operating system handles a
user application invoking the open() system call.
System calls occur in different ways, depending on the computer in use.
Often, more information is required than simply the identity of the desired
system call. The exact type and amount of information vary according to the
particular operating system and call. For example, to get input, we may need
to specify the file or device to use as the source, as well as the address and
length of the memory buffer into which the input should be read. Of course,
the device or file and length may be implicit in the call.
Three general methods are used to pass parameters to the operating system. The simplest approach is to pass the parameters in registers. In some
cases, however, there may be more parameters than registers. In these cases,
the parameters are generally stored in a block, or table, in memory, and the
address of the block is passed as a parameter in a register (Figure 2.7). Linux
uses a combination of these approaches. If there are five or fewer parameters, registers are used. If there are more than five parameters, the block method is
used. Parameters also can be placed, or pushed, onto a stack by the program
and popped off the stack by the operating system. Some operating systems
prefer the block or stack method because those approaches do not limit the
number or length of parameters being passed.

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Types of System Calls


System calls can be grouped roughly into six major categories: process control,
fil management, device management, information maintenance, communications, and protection. Below, we briefly discuss the types of system calls that
may be provided by an operating system. Most of these system calls support,
or are supported by, concepts and functions that are discussed in later chapters. Figure 2.8 summarizes the types of system calls normally provided by an
operating system. As mentioned, in this text, we normally refer to the system
calls by generic names. Throughout the text, however, we provide examples
of the actual counterparts to the system calls for UNIX, Linux, and Windows

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Process control


◦ create process, terminate process
◦ load, execute
◦ get process attributes, set process attributes
◦ wait event, signal event
◦ allocate and free memory

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File management


◦ create file, delete file
◦ open, close
◦ read, write, reposition
◦ get file attributes, set file attributes

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Device management


◦ request device, release device
◦ read, write, reposition
◦ get device attributes, set device attributes
◦ logically attach or detach devices

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Information maintenance


◦ get time or date, set time or date
◦ get system data, set system data
◦ get process, file, or device attributes
◦ set process, file, or device attributes

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◦ create, delete communication connection
◦ send, receive messages
◦ transfer status information
◦ attach or detach remote devices

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◦ get file permissions
◦ set file permissions

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Application Programming Interface


As you can see, even simple programs may make heavy use of the operating system. Frequently, systems execute thousands of system calls per second.
Most programmers never see this level of detail, however. Typically, application developers design programs according to an application programming
interface (API). The API specifies a set of functions that are available to an application programmer, including the parameters that are passed to each function
and the return values the programmer can expect. Three of the most common
APIs available to application programmers are the Windows API for Windows
systems, the POSIX API for POSIX-based systems (which include virtually all
versions of UNIX, Linux, and macOS), and the Java API for programs that run
on the Java virtual machine. A programmer accesses an API via a library of code
provided by the operating system. In the case of UNIX and Linux for programs
written in the C language, the library is called libc. Note that—unless specified
— the system-call names used throughout this text are generic examples. Each
operating system has its own name for each system call.
Behind the scenes, the functions that make up an API typically invoke the
actual system calls on behalf of the application programmer. For example, the
Windows function CreateProcess() (which, unsurprisingly, is used to create a new process) actually invokes the NTCreateProcess() system call in the
Windows kernel.
Why would an application programmer prefer programming according to
an API rather than invoking actual system calls? There are several reasons for
doing so. One benefit concerns program portability. An application programmer designing a program using an API can expect her program to compile and
run on any system that supports the same API (although, in reality, architectural
differences often make this more difficult than it may appear). Furthermore,
actual system calls can often be more detailed and difficult to work with than
the API available to an application programmer. Nevertheless, there often exists
a strong correlation between a function in the API and its associated system call
within the kernel. In fact, many of the POSIX and Windows APIs are similar to
the native system calls provided by the UNIX, Linux, and Windows operating
Another important factor in handling system calls is the run-time environment (RTE)— the full suite of software needed to execute applications written in a given programming language, including its compilers or interpreters
as well as other software, such as libraries and loaders. The RTE provides a


Quite often, two or more processes may share data. To ensure the integrity
of the data being shared, operating systems often provide system calls allowing


a process to lock shared data. Then, no other process can access the data until
the lock is released. Typically, such system calls include acquire lock() and
release lock(). System calls of these types, dealing with the coordination of
concurrent processes,


File Management


The file system is discussed in more detail in Chapter 13 through Chapter 15.
Here, we identify several common system calls dealing with files.
We first need to be able to create() and delete() files. Either system call
requires the name of the file and perhaps some of the file’s attributes. Once
the file is created, we need to open() it and to use it. We may also read(),
write(), or reposition() (rewind or skip to the end of the file, for example).
Finally, we need to close() the file, indicating that we are no longer using it.
We may need these same sets of operations for directories if we have a
directory structure for organizing files in the file system. In addition, for either
files or directories, we need to be able to determine the values of various
attributes and perhaps to set them if necessary. File attributes include the file
name, file type, protection codes, accounting information, and so on. At least
two system calls, get file attributes() and set file attributes(), are
required for this function. Some operating systems provide many more calls,
such as calls for file move() and copy(). Others might provide an API that
performs those operations using code and other system calls, and others might
provide system programs to perform the tasks. If the system programs are
callable by other programs, then each can be considered an API by other system


Device Management


A process may need several resources to execute—main memory, disk drives,
access to files, and so on. If the resources are available, they can be granted, and
control can be returned to the user process. Otherwise, the process will have to
wait until sufficient resources are available. The various resources controlled by the operating system can be thought
of as devices. Some of these devices are physical devices (for example, disk
drives), while others can be thought of as abstract or virtual devices (for
example, files). A system with multiple users may require us to first request()
a device, to ensure exclusive use of it. After we are finished with the device, we
release() it. These functions are similar to the open() and close() system
calls for files. Other operating systems allow unmanaged access to devices. The
hazard then is the potential for device contention and perhaps deadlock, which
are described in Chapter 8.
Once the device has been requested (and allocated to us), we can read(),
write(), and (possibly) reposition() the device, just as we can with files. In
fact, the similarity between I/O devices and files is so great that many operating
systems, including UNIX, merge the two into a combined file –device structure.
In this case, a set of system calls is used on both files and devices. Sometimes,
I/O devices are identified by special file names, directory placement, or file
The user interface can also make files and devices appear to be similar, even
though the underlying system calls are dissimilar. This is another example of
the many design decisions that go into building an operating system and user


Information Maintenance


Many system calls exist simply for the purpose of transferring information
between the user program and the operating system. For example, most systems have a system call to return the current time() and date(). Other system
calls may return information about the system, such as the version number of
the operating system, the amount of free memory or disk space, and so on.
Another set of system calls is helpful in debugging a program. Many
systems provide system calls to dump() memory. This provision is useful for
debugging. The program strace, which is available on Linux systems, lists
each system call as it is executed. Even microprocessors provide a CPU mode,
known as single step, in which a trap is executed by the CPU after every
instruction. The trap is usually caught by a debugger.
Many operating systems provide a time profile of a program to indicate
the amount of time that the program executes at a particular location or set
of locations. A time profile requires either a tracing facility or regular timer
interrupts. At every occurrence of the timer interrupt, the value of the program
counter is recorded. With sufficiently frequent timer interrupts, a statistical
picture of the time spent on various parts of the program can be obtained.
In addition, the operating system keeps information about all its processes,
and system calls are used to access this information. Generally, calls are also
used to get and set the process information (get process attributes() and
set process attributes()). In Section 3.1.3, we discuss what information is
normally kept.




There are two common models of interprocess communication: the messagepassing model and the shared-memory model. In the message-passing model,
the communicating processes exchange messages with one another to transfer information. Messages can be exchanged between the processes either
directly or indirectly through a common mailbox. Before communication can
take place, a connection must be opened. The name of the other communicator must be known, be it another process on the same system or a process on
another computer connected by a communications network. Each computer in
a network has a host name by which it is commonly known. A host also has a
network identifier, such as an IP address. Similarly, each process has a process
name, and this name is translated into an identifier by which the operating
system can refer to the process. The get hostid() and get processid()
system calls do this translation. The identifiers are then passed to the generalpurpose open() and close() calls provided by the file system or to specific
open connection() and close connection() system calls, depending on
the system’s model of communication. The recipient process usually must give
its permission for communication to take place with an accept connection()
call. Most processes that will be receiving connections are special-purpose daemons, which are system programs provided for that purpose. They execute a
wait for connection() call and are awakened when a connection is made.
The source of the communication, known as the client, and the receiving daemon, known as a server, then exchange messages by using read message()
and write message() system calls. The close connection() call terminates
the communication.
In the shared-memory model, processes use shared memory create()
and shared memory attach() system calls to create and gain access to regions
of memory owned by other processes. Recall that, normally, the operating
system tries to prevent one process from accessing another process’s memory.
Shared memory requires that two or more processes agree to remove this
restriction. They can then exchange information by reading and writing data
in the shared areas. The form of the data is determined by the processes and
is not under the operating system’s control. The processes are also responsible
for ensuring that they are not writing to the same location simultaneously. Such
mechanisms are discussed in Chapter 6. In Chapter 4, we look at a variation of
the process scheme— threads—in which some memory is shared by default.
Both of the models just discussed are common in operating systems,
and most systems implement both. Message passing is useful for exchanging
smaller amounts of data, because no conflicts need be avoided. It is also easier to implement than is shared memory for intercomputer communication.
Shared memory allows maximum speed and convenience of communication,
since it can be done at memory transfer speeds when it takes place within a
computer. Problems exist, however, in the areas of protection and synchronization between the processes sharing memory.




Protection provides a mechanism for controlling access to the resources provided by a computer system. Historically, protection was a concern only on
multiprogrammed computer systems with several users. However, with the
advent of networking and the Internet, all computer systems, from servers to
mobile handheld devices, must be concerned with protection.
Typically, system calls providing protection include set permission()
and get permission(), which manipulate the permission settings of resources such as files and disks. The allow user() and deny user() system
calls specify whether particular users can—or cannot—be allowed access
to certain resources


System services


Another aspect of a modern system is its collection of system services. Recall
Figure 1.1, which depicted the logical computer hierarchy. At the lowest level
is hardware. Next is the operating system, then the system services, and finally
the application programs. System services, also known as system utilities,
provide a convenient environment for program development and execution.
Some of them are simply user interfaces to system calls


System services types


File management. These programs create, delete, copy, rename, print, list,
and generally access and manipulate files and directories.
* Status information. Some programs simply ask the system for the date,
time, amount of available memory or disk space, number of users, or
similar status information. Others are more complex, providing detailed
performance, logging, and debugging information. Typically, these programs format and print the output to the terminal or other output devices
or files or display it in a window of the GUI. Some systems also support a
registry, which is used to store and retrieve configuration information.
* File modificatio . Several text editors may be available to create and modify the content of files stored on disk or other storage devices. There may
also be special commands to search contents of files or perform transformations of the text.
* Programming-language support. Compilers, assemblers, debuggers, and
interpreters for common programming languages (such as C, C++, Java,
and Python) are often provided with the operating system or available as
a separate download.
* Program loading and execution. Once a program is assembled or compiled, it must be loaded into memory to be executed. The system may
provide absolute loaders, relocatable loaders, linkage editors, and overlay
loaders. Debugging systems for either higher-level languages or machine
language are needed as well.
* Communications. These programs provide the mechanism for creating
virtual connections among processes, users, and computer systems. They
allow users to send messages to one another’s screens, to browse web
pages, to send e-mail messages, to log in remotely, or to transfer files from
one machine to another.
* Background services. All general-purpose systems have methods for
launching certain system-program processes at boot time. Some of these
processes terminate after completing their tasks, while others continue to run until the system is halted. Constantly running system-program processes are known as services, subsystems, or daemons. One example is
the network daemon discussed in Section In that example, a system needed a service to listen for network connections in order to connect
those requests to the correct processes. Other examples include process
schedulers that start processes according to a specified schedule, system
error monitoring services, and print servers. Typical systems have dozens
of daemons. In addition, operating systems that run important activities in
user context rather than in kernel context may use daemons to run these


Linkers and Loaders


Usually, a program resides on disk as a binary executable file— for example,
a.out or prog.exe. To run on a CPU, the program must be brought into memory and placed in the context of a process. In this section, we describe the steps
in this procedure, from compiling a program to placing it in memory, where it
becomes eligible to run on an available CPU core. The steps are highlighted in
Figure 2.11.
Source files are compiled into object files that are designed to be loaded
into any physical memory location, a format known as an relocatable object
fil . Next, the linker combines these relocatable object files into a single binary
executable file. During the linking phase, other object files or libraries may be
included as well, such as the standard C or math library (specified with the flag


A loader


is used to load the binary executable file into memory, where it is
eligible to run on a CPU core. An activity associated with linking and loading
is relocation, which assigns final addresses to the program parts and adjusts
code and data in the program to match those addresses so that, for example, the
code can call library functions and access its variables as it executes. In Figure
2.11, we see that to run the loader, all that is necessary is to enter the name of the
executable file on the command line. When a program name is entered on the command line on UNIX systems— for example, ./main— the shell first creates
a new process to run the program using the fork() system call. The shell then
invokes the loader with the exec() system call, passing exec() the name of
the executable file. The loader then loads the specified program into memory
using the address space of the newly created process. (When a GUI interface is
used, double-clicking on the icon associated with the executable file invokes
the loader using a similar mechanism.)


for instance, supports dynamically linked libraries (DLLs)


The benefit of this
approach is that it avoids linking and loading libraries that may end up not
being used into an executable file. Instead, the library is conditionally linked
and is loaded if it is required during program run time. For example, in Figure
2.11, the math library is not linked into the executable file main. Rather, the
linker inserts relocation information that allows it to be dynamically linked
and loaded as the program is loaded. We shall see in Chapter 9 that it is
possible for multiple processes to share dynamically linked libraries, resulting
in a significant savings in memory use.
Object files and executable files typically have standard formats that
include the compiled machine code and a symbol table containing metadata
about functions and variables that are referenced in the program. For UNIX
and Linux systems, this standard format is known as ELF (for Executable
and Linkable Format). There are separate ELF formats for relocatable and executable files. One piece of information in the ELF file for executable files is
the program’s entry point, which contains the address of the first instruction
to be executed when the program runs. Windows systems use the Portable
Executable (PE) format, and macOS uses the Mach-O format.


An application can be made available to run on multiple operating systems
in one of three ways:

  1. The application can be written in an interpreted language (such as Python
    or Ruby) that has an interpreter available for multiple operating systems.
    The interpreter reads each line of the source program, executes equivalent
    instructions on the native instruction set, and calls native operating system calls. Performance suffers relative to that for native applications, and
    the interpreter provides only a subset of each operating system’s features,
    possibly limiting the feature sets of the associated applications.
  2. The application can be written in a language that includes a virtual
    machine containing the running application. The virtual machine is part
    of the language’s full RTE. One example of this method is Java. Java has an
    RTE that includes a loader, byte-code verifier, and other components that
    load the Java application into the Java virtual machine. This RTE has been ported, or developed, for many operating systems, from mainframes to
    smartphones, and in theory any Java app can run within the RTE wherever
    it is available. Systems of this kind have disadvantages similar to those
    of interpreters, discussed above.
  3. The application developer can use a standard language or API in which
    the compiler generates binaries in a machine- and operating-system specific language. The application must be ported to each operating system on which it will run. This porting can be quite time consuming and
    must be done for each new version of the application, with subsequent
    testing and debugging. Perhaps the best-known example is the POSIX
    API and its set of standards for maintaining source-code compatibility
    between different variants of UNIX-like operating systems.

challenges exist at lower levels in the system, including the following.

  • Each operating system has a binary format for applications that dictates
    the layout of the header, instructions, and variables. Those components
    need to be at certain locations in specified structures within an executable
    file so the operating system can open the file and load the application for
    proper execution.
  • CPUs have varying instruction sets, and only applications containing the
    appropriate instructions can execute correctly.
  • Operating systems provide system calls that allow applications to request
    various activities, such as creating files and opening network connections. Those system calls vary among operating systems in many respects,
    including the specific operands and operand ordering used, how an application invokes the system calls, their numbering and number, their meanings, and their return of results.

application binary interface (ABI)


is used to define
how different components of binary code can interface for a given operating
system on a given architecture. An ABI specifies low-level details, including
address width, methods of passing parameters to system calls, the organization of the run-time stack, the binary format of system libraries, and the size of data
types, just to name a few. Typically, an ABI is specified for a given architecture
(for example, there is an ABI for the ARMv8 processor). Thus, an ABI is the
architecture-level equivalent of an API. If a binary executable file has been
compiled and linked according to a particular ABI, it should be able to run on
different systems that support that ABI. However, because a particular ABI is
defined for a certain operating system running on a given architecture, ABIs do
little to provide cross-platform compatibility.
In sum, all of these differences mean that unless an interpreter, RTE, or
binary executable file is written for and compiled on a specific operating system
on a specific CPU type (such as Intel x86 or ARMv8), the application will fail to
run. Imagine the amount of work that is required for a program such as the
Firefox browser to run on Windows, macOS, various Linux releases, iOS, and
Android, sometimes on various CPU architectures


Design Goals


The first problem in designing a system is to define goals and specifications. At
the highest level, the design of the system will be affected by the choice of hardware and the type of system: traditional desktop/laptop, mobile, distributed,
or real time.
Beyond this highest design level, the requirements may be much harder to
specify. The requirements can, however, be divided into two basic groups: user
goals and system goals.
Users want certain obvious properties in a system. The system should be
convenient to use, easy to learn and to use, reliable, safe, and fast. Of course,
these specifications are not particularly useful in the system design, since there
is no general agreement on how to achieve them.
A similar set of requirements can be defined by the developers who must
design, create, maintain, and operate the system. The system should be easy to
design, implement, and maintain; and it should be flexible, reliable, error free,
and efficient. Again, these requirements are vague and may be interpreted in
various ways.
There is, in short, no unique solution to the problem of defining the requirements for an operating system. The wide range of systems in existence shows
that different requirements can result in a large variety of solutions for different
environments. For example, the requirements for Wind River VxWorks, a realtime operating system for embedded systems, must have been substantially
different from those for Windows Server, a large multiaccess operating system
designed for enterprise applications.
Specifying and designing an operating system is a highly creative task.
Although no textbook can tell you how to do it, general principles have been developed in the field of software engineering, and we turn now to a discussion of some of these principles.


Mechanisms and Policies


One important principle is the separation of policy from mechanism. Mechanisms determine how to do something; policies determine what will be done.
For example, the timer construct (see Section 1.4.3) is a mechanism for ensuring
CPU protection, but deciding how long the timer is to be set for a particular user
is a policy decision.
The separation of policy and mechanism is important for flexibility. Policies
are likely to change across places or over time. In the worst case, each change
in policy would require a change in the underlying mechanism. A general
mechanism flexible enough to work across a range of policies is preferable.
A change in policy would then require redefinition of only certain parameters
of the system. For instance, consider a mechanism for giving priority to certain
types of programs over others. If the mechanism is properly separated from
policy, it can be used either to support a policy decision that I/O-intensive
programs should have priority over CPU-intensive ones or to support the
opposite policy.
Microkernel-based operating systems (discussed in Section 2.8.3) take the
separation of mechanism and policy to one extreme by implementing a basic
set of primitive building blocks. These blocks are almost policy free, allowing
more advanced mechanisms and policies to be added via user-created kernel
modules or user programs themselves. In contrast, consider Windows, an
enormously popular commercial operating system available for over three
decades. Microsoft has closely encoded both mechanism and policy into the
system to enforce a global look and feel across all devices that run the Windows
operating system. All applications have similar interfaces, because the interface
itself is built into the kernel and system libraries. Apple has adopted a similar
strategy with its macOS and iOS operating systems.
We can make a similar comparison between commercial and open-source
operating systems. For instance, contrast Windows, discussed above, with
Linux, an open-source operating system that runs on a wide range of computing devices and has been available for over 25 years. The “standard” Linux
kernel has a specific CPU scheduling algorithm (covered in Section 5.7.1), which
is a mechanism that supports a certain policy. However, anyone is free to
modify or replace the scheduler to support a different policy.
Policy decisions are important for all resource allocation. Whenever it is
necessary to decide whether or not to allocate a resource, a policy decision must
be made. Whenever the question is how rather than what, it is a mechanism
that must be determined.


Implementation of OS


Once an operating system is designed, it must be implemented. Because operating systems are collections of many programs, written by many people over
a long period of time, it is difficult to make general statements about how they
are implemented.
Early operating systems were written in assembly language. Now, most
are written in higher-level languages such as C or C++, with small amounts
of the system written in assembly language. In fact, more than one higherlevel language is often used. The lowest levels of the kernel might be written
in assembly language and C. Higher-level routines might be written in C and
C++, and system libraries might be written in C++ or even higher-level languages. Android provides a nice example: its kernel is written mostly in C with
some assembly language. Most Android system libraries are written in C or
C++, and its application frameworks—which provide the developer interface
to the system—are written mostly in Java. We cover Android’s architecture in
more detail in Section
The advantages of using a higher-level language, or at least a systemsimplementation language, for implementing operating systems are the same
as those gained when the language is used for application programs: the code
can be written faster, is more compact, and is easier to understand and debug.
In addition, improvements in compiler technology will improve the generated code for the entire operating system by simple recompilation. Finally,
an operating system is far easier to port to other hardware if it is written in
a higher-level language. This is particularly important for operating systems
that are intended to run on several different hardware systems, such as small
embedded devices, Intel x86 systems, and ARM chips running on phones and
The only possible disadvantages of implementing an operating system in a
higher-level language are reduced speed and increased storage requirements.
This, however, is not a major issue in today’s systems. Although an expert
assembly-language programmer can produce efficient small routines, for large
programs a modern compiler can perform complex analysis and apply sophisticated optimizations that produce excellent code. Modern processors have
deep pipelining and multiple functional units that can handle the details of
complex dependencies much more easily than can the human mind.
As is true in other systems, major performance improvements in operating
systems are more likely to be the result of better data structures and algorithms
than of excellent assembly-language code. In addition, although operating systems are large, only a small amount of the code is critical to high performance;
the interrupt handlers, I/O manager, memory manager, and CPU scheduler are
probably the most critical routines. After the system is written and is working
correctly, bottlenecks can be identified and can be refactored to operate more


Monolithic Structure


The simplest structure for organizing an operating system is no structure at all.
That is, place all of the functionality of the kernel into a single, static binary file
that runs in a single address space. This approach—known as a monolithic
structure—is a common technique for designing operating systems.
An example of such limited structuring is the original UNIX operating
system, which consists of two separable parts: the kernel and the system
programs. The kernel is further separated into a series of interfaces and device
drivers, which have been added and expanded over the years as UNIX has
evolved. We can view the traditional UNIX operating system as being layered
to some extent, as shown in Figure 2.12. Everything below the system-call
interface and above the physical hardware is the kernel. The kernel provides
the file system, CPU scheduling, memory management, and other operatingsystem functions through system calls. Taken in sum, that is an enormous
amount of functionality to be combined into one single address space.
The Linux operating system is based on UNIX and is structured similarly, as
shown in Figure 2.13. Applications typically use the glibc standard C library
when communicating with the system call interface to the kernel. The Linux
kernel is monolithic in that it runs entirely in kernel mode in a single address
space, but as we shall see in Section 2.8.4, it does have a modular design that
allows the kernel to be modified during run time.
Despite the apparent simplicity of monolithic kernels, they are difficult
to implement and extend. Monolithic kernels do have a distinct performance
advantage, however: there is very little overhead in the system-call interface,
and communication within the kernel is fast. Therefore, despite the drawbacks of monolithic kernels, their speed and efficiency explains why we still see
evidence of this structure in the UNIX, Linux, and Windows operating systems.


Layered Approach


The monolithic approach is often known as a tightly coupled system because
changes to one part of the system can have wide-ranging effects on other parts.
Alternatively, we could design a loosely coupled system. Such a system is
divided into separate, smaller components that have specific and limited functionality. All these components together comprise the kernel. The advantage
of this modular approach is that changes in one component affect only that
component, and no others, allowing system implementers more freedom in
creating and changing the inner workings of the system.
A system can be made modular in many ways. One method is the layered
approach, in which the operating system is broken into a number of layers
(levels). The bottom layer (layer 0) is the hardware; the highest (layer N) is the
user interface. This layering structure is depicted in Figure 2.14.
An operating-system layer is an implementation of an abstract object made
up of data and the operations that can manipulate those data. A typical
operating-system layer—say, layer M—consists of data structures and a set
of functions that can be invoked by higher-level layers. Layer M, in turn, can
invoke operations on lower-level layers.
The main advantage of the layered approach is simplicity of construction
and debugging. The layers are selected so that each uses functions (operations) and services of only lower-level layers. This approach simplifies debugging
and system verification. The first layer can be debugged without any concern
for the rest of the system, because, by definition, it uses only the basic hardware
(which is assumed correct) to implement its functions. Once the first layer is
debugged, its correct functioning can be assumed while the second layer is
debugged, and so on. If an error is found during the debugging of a particular
layer, the error must be on that layer, because the layers below it are already
debugged. Thus, the design and implementation of the system are simplified.
Each layer is implemented only with operations provided by lower-level
layers. A layer does not need to know how these operations are implemented;
it needs to know only what these operations do. Hence, each layer hides the
existence of certain data structures, operations, and hardware from higherlevel layers.
Layered systems have been successfully used in computer networks (such
as TCP/IP) and web applications. Nevertheless, relatively few operating systems use a pure layered approach. One reason involves the challenges of
appropriately defining the functionality of each layer. In addition, the overall
performance of such systems is poor due to the overhead of requiring a user
program to traverse through multiple layers to obtain an operating-system service. Some layering is common in contemporary operating systems, however.
Generally, these systems have fewer layers with more functionality, providing
most of the advantages of modularized code while avoiding the problems of
layer definition and interaction.




We have already seen that the original UNIX system had a monolithic structure. As UNIX expanded, the kernel became large and difficult to manage.
In the mid-1980s, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University developed an
operating system called Mach that modularized the kernel using the microkernel approach. This method structures the operating system by removing all nonessential components from the kernel and implementing them as userlevel programs that reside in separate address spaces. The result is a smaller
kernel. There is little consensus regarding which services should remain in the
kernel and which should be implemented in user space. Typically, however,
microkernels provide minimal process and memory management, in addition
to a communication facility. Figure 2.15 illustrates the architecture of a typical
The main function of the microkernel is to provide communication
between the client program and the various services that are also running in
user space. Communication is provided through message passing, which was
described in Section For example, if the client program wishes to access
a file, it must interact with the file server. The client program and service never
interact directly. Rather, they communicate indirectly by exchanging messages
with the microkernel.
One benefit of the microkernel approach is that it makes extending the
operating system easier. All new services are added to user space and consequently do not require modification of the kernel. When the kernel does have to
be modified, the changes tend to be fewer, because the microkernel is a smaller
kernel. The resulting operating system is easier to port from one hardware
design to another. The microkernel also provides more security and reliability,
since most services are running as user—rather than kernel—processes. If a
service fails, the rest of the operating system remains untouched.
Perhaps the best-known illustration of a microkernel operating system
is Darwin, the kernel component of the macOS and iOS operating systems.
Darwin, in fact, consists of two kernels, one of which is the Mach microkernel.
We will cover the macOS and iOS systems in further detail in Section
Another example is QNX, a real-time operating system for embedded systems. The QNX Neutrino microkernel provides services for message passing
and process scheduling. It also handles low-level network communication and
hardware interrupts. All other services in QNX are provided by standard processes that run outside the kernel in user mode.
Unfortunately, the performance of microkernels can suffer due to increased
system-function overhead. When two user-level services must communicate,
messages must be copied between the services, which reside in separate address spaces. In addition, the operating system may have to switch from
one process to the next to exchange the messages. The overhead involved
in copying messages and switching between processes has been the largest
impediment to the growth of microkernel-based operating systems. Consider
the history of Windows NT: The first release had a layered microkernel organization. This version’s performance was low compared with that of Windows
95. Windows NT 4.0 partially corrected the performance problem by moving
layers from user space to kernel space and integrating them more closely.
By the time Windows XP was designed, Windows architecture had become
more monolithic than microkernel. Section will describe how macOS
addresses the performance issues of the Mach microkernel.


loadable kernel modules (LKMs)


Perhaps the best current methodology for operating-system design involves
using loadable kernel modules (LKMs). Here, the kernel has a set of core
components and can link in additional services via modules, either at boot time
or during run time. This type of design is common in modern implementations
of UNIX, such as Linux, macOS, and Solaris, as well as Windows.
The idea of the design is for the kernel to provide core services, while
other services are implemented dynamically, as the kernel is running. Linking
services dynamically is preferable to adding new features directly to the kernel,
which would require recompiling the kernel every time a change was made.
Thus, for example, we might build CPU scheduling and memory management
algorithms directly into the kernel and then add support for different file
systems by way of loadable modules.
The overall result resembles a layered system in that each kernel section
has defined, protected interfaces; but it is more flexible than a layered system,
because any module can call any other module. The approach is also similar to
the microkernel approach in that the primary module has only core functions
and knowledge of how to load and communicate with other modules; but it
is more efficient, because modules do not need to invoke message passing in
order to communicate.
Linux uses loadable kernel modules, primarily for supporting device
drivers and file systems. LKMs can be “inserted” into the kernel as the system is started (or booted) or during run time, such as when a USB device is
plugged into a running machine. If the Linux kernel does not have the necessary driver, it can be dynamically loaded. LKMs can be removed from the
kernel during run time as well. For Linux, LKMs allow a dynamic and modular
kernel, while maintaining the performance benefits of a monolithic system. We
cover creating LKMs in Linux in several programming exercises at the end of
this chapter.


Hybrid Systems


In practice, very few operating systems adopt a single, strictly defined structure. Instead, they combine different structures, resulting in hybrid systems
that address performance, security, and usability issues. For example, Linux
is monolithic, because having the operating system in a single address space
provides very efficient performance. However, it also modular, so that new
functionality can be dynamically added to the kernel. Windows is largely monolithic as well (again primarily for performance reasons), but it retains
some behavior typical of microkernel systems, including providing support
for separate subsystems (known as operating-system personalities) that run as
user-mode processes. Windows systems also provide support for dynamically
loadable kernel modules. We provide case studies of Linux and Windows 10
in Chapter 20 and Chapter 21, respectively. In the remainder of this section,
we explore the structure of three hybrid systems: the Apple macOS operating system and the two most prominent mobile operating systems—iOS and


macOS and iOS


Apple’s macOS operating system is designed to run primarily on desktop and
laptop computer systems, whereas iOS is a mobile operating system designed
for the iPhone smartphone and iPad tablet computer. Architecturally, macOS
and iOS have much in common, and so we present them together, highlighting
what they share as well as how they differ from each other. The general architecture of these two systems is shown in Figure 2.16. Highlights of the various
layers include the following:
* User experience layer. This layer defines the software interface that allows
users to interact with the computing devices. macOS uses the Aqua user
interface, which is designed for a mouse or trackpad, whereas iOS uses the
Springboard user interface, which is designed for touch devices.
* Application frameworks layer. This layer includes the Cocoa and Cocoa
Touch frameworks, which provide an API for the Objective-C and Swift
programming languages. The primary difference between Cocoa and
Cocoa Touch is that the former is used for developing macOS applications,
and the latter by iOS to provide support for hardware features unique to
mobile devices, such as touch screens.
* Core frameworks. This layer defines frameworks that support graphics
and media including, Quicktime and OpenGL.
* Kernel environment. This environment, also known as Darwin, includes
the Mach microkernel and the BSD UNIX kernel. We will elaborate on
Darwin shortly.
As shown in Figure 2.16, applications can be designed to take advantage of
user-experience features or to bypass them and interact directly with either
the application framework or the core framework. Additionally, an application
can forego frameworks entirely and communicate directly with the kernel
environment. (An example of this latter situation is a C program written with
no user interface that makes POSIX system calls.)
Some significant distinctions between macOS and iOS include the following:
* Because macOS is intended for desktop and laptop computer systems, it is
compiled to run on Intel architectures. iOS is designed for mobile devices
and thus is compiled for ARM-based architectures. Similarly, the iOS kernel has been modified somewhat to address specific features and needs
of mobile systems, such as power management and aggressive memory
management. Additionally, iOS has more stringent security settings than
* The iOS operating system is generally much more restricted to developers
than macOS and may even be closed to developers. For example, iOS
restricts access to POSIX and BSD APIs on iOS, whereas they are openly
available to developers on macOS.
We now focus on Darwin, which uses a hybrid structure. Darwin is a
layered system that consists primarily of the Mach microkernel and the BSD
UNIX kernel. Darwin’s structure is shown in Figure 2.17.
Whereas most operating systems provide a single system-call interface to
the kernel—such as through the standard C library on UNIX and Linux systems
—Darwin provides two system-call interfaces: Mach system calls (known as traps) and BSD system calls (which provide POSIX functionality). The interface
to these system calls is a rich set of libraries that includes not only the standard
C library but also libraries that provide networking, security, and progamming
language support (to name just a few).
Beneath the system-call interface, Mach provides fundamental operatingsystem services, including memory management, CPU scheduling, and interprocess communication (IPC) facilities such as message passing and remote
procedure calls (RPCs). Much of the functionality provided by Mach is available
through kernel abstractions, which include tasks (a Mach process), threads,
memory objects, and ports (used for IPC). As an example, an application may
create a new process using the BSD POSIX fork() system call. Mach will, in
turn, use a task kernel abstraction to represent the process in the kernel.
In addition to Mach and BSD, the kernel environment provides an I/O kit
for development of device drivers and dynamically loadable modules (which
macOS refers to as kernel extensions, or kexts).
In Section 2.8.3, we described how the overhead of message passing
between different services running in user space compromises the performance
of microkernels. To address such performance problems, Darwin combines
Mach, BSD, the I/O kit, and any kernel extensions into a single address space.
Thus, Mach is not a pure microkernel in the sense that various subsystems run
in user space. Message passing within Mach still does occur, but no copying is
necessary, as the services have access to the same address space.
Apple has released the Darwin operating system as open source. As a
result, various projects have added extra functionality to Darwin, such as the X11 windowing system and support for additional file systems. Unlike Darwin,
however, the Cocoa interface, as well as other proprietary Apple frameworks
available for developing macOS applications, are closed.




The Android operating system was designed by the Open Handset Alliance
(led primarily by Google) and was developed for Android smartphones and
tablet computers. Whereas iOS is designed to run on Apple mobile devices and
is close-sourced, Android runs on a variety of mobile platforms and is opensourced, partly explaining its rapid rise in popularity. The structure of Android
appears in Figure 2.18.
Android is similar to iOS in that it is a layered stack of software that
provides a rich set of frameworks supporting graphics, audio, and hardware
features. These features, in turn, provide a platform for developing mobile
applications that run on a multitude of Android-enabled devices.
Software designers for Android devices develop applications in the Java
language, but they do not generally use the standard Java API. Google has
designed a separate Android API for Java development. Java applications are
compiled into a form that can execute on the Android RunTime ART, a virtual
machine designed for Android and optimized for mobile devices with limited
memory and CPU processing capabilities. Java programs are first compiled to
a Java bytecode .class file and then translated into an executable .dex file.
Whereas many Java virtual machines perform just-in-time (JIT) compilation to
improve application efficiency, ART performs ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation. Here, .dex files are compiled into native machine code when they are
installed on a device, from which they can execute on the ART. AOT compilation allows more efficient application execution as well as reduced power
consumption, features that are crucial for mobile systems.
Android developers can also write Java programs that use the Java native
interface—or JNI—which allows developers to bypass the virtual machine
and instead write Java programs that can access specific hardware features.
Programs written using JNI are generally not portable from one hardware
device to another.
The set of native libraries available for Android applications includes
frameworks for developing web browsers (webkit), database support (SQLite),
and network support, such as secure sockets (SSLs).
Because Android can run on an almost unlimited number of hardware
devices, Google has chosen to abstract the physical hardware through the hardware abstraction layer, or HAL. By abstracting all hardware, such as the camera,
GPS chip, and other sensors, the HAL provides applications with a consistent
view independent of specific hardware. This feature, of course, allows developers to write programs that are portable across different hardware platforms.
The standard C library used by Linux systems is the GNU C library (glibc).
Google instead developed the Bionic standard C library for Android. Not only
does Bionic have a smaller memory footprint than glibc, but it also has been
designed for the slower CPUs that characterize mobile devices. (In addition,
Bionic allows Google to bypass GPL licensing of glibc.) At the bottom of Android’s software stack is the Linux kernel. Google has
modified the Linux kernel used in Android in a variety of areas to support the
special needs of mobile systems, such as power management. It has also made
changes in memory management and allocation and has added a new form of
IPC known as Binder




Windows uses a hybrid architecture that provides subsystems to emulate different operating-system environments. These user-mode subsystems
communicate with the Windows kernel to provide actual services. Windows
10 adds a Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL), which allows native Linux
applications (specified as ELF binaries) to run on Windows 10. The typical
operation is for a user to start the Windows application bash.exe, which
presents the user with a bash shell running Linux. Internally, the WSL creates
a Linux instance consisting of the init process, which in turn creates the
bash shell running the native Linux application /bin/bash. Each of these
processes runs in a Windows Pico process. This special process loads the
native Linux binary into the process’s own address space, thus providing an
environment in which a Linux application can execute.
Pico processes communicate with the kernel services LXCore and LXSS
to translate Linux system calls, if possible using native Windows system
calls. When the Linux application makes a system call that has no Windows
equivalent, the LXSS service must provide the equivalent functionality. When
there is a one-to-one relationship between the Linux and Windows system
calls, LXSS forwards the Linux system call directly to the equivalent call in
the Windows kernel. In some situations, Linux and Windows have system
calls that are similar but not identical. When this occurs, LXSS will provide
some of the functionality and will invoke the similar Windows system call
to provide the remainder of the functionality. The Linux fork() provides an
illustration of this: The Windows CreateProcess() system call is similar to
fork() but does not provide exactly the same functionality. When fork()
is invoked in WSL, the LXSS service does some of the initial work of fork()
and then calls CreateProcess() to do the remainder of the work.


System Boot


After an operating system is generated, it must be made available for use by
the hardware. But how does the hardware know where the kernel is or how to
load that kernel? The process of starting a computer by loading the kernel is
known as booting the system. On most systems, the boot process proceeds as
1. A small piece of code known as the bootstrap program or boot loader
locates the kernel.
2. The kernel is loaded into memory and started.
3. The kernel initializes hardware.
4. The root file system is mounted.
In this section, we briefly describe the boot process in more detail.
Some computer systems use a multistage boot process: When the computer
is first powered on, a small boot loader located in nonvolatile firmware known
as BIOS is run. This initial boot loader usually does nothing more than load
a second boot loader, which is located at a fixed disk location called the boot
block. The program stored in the boot block may be sophisticated enough to
load the entire operating system into memory and begin its execution. More
typically, it is simple code (as it must fit in a single disk block) and knows only
the address on disk and the length of the remainder of the bootstrap program.
Many recent computer systems have replaced the BIOS-based boot process
with UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface). UEFI has several advantages
over BIOS, including better support for 64-bit systems and larger disks. Perhaps
the greatest advantage is that UEFI is a single, complete boot manager and
therefore is faster than the multistage BIOS boot process.
Whether booting from BIOS or UEFI, the bootstrap program can perform a
variety of tasks. In addition to loading the file containing the kernel program
into memory, it also runs diagnostics to determine the state of the machine
— for example, inspecting memory and the CPUand discovering devices. If
the diagnostics pass, the program can continue with the booting steps. The
bootstrap can also initialize all aspects of the system, from CPU registers to
device controllers and the contents of main memory. Sooner or later, it starts
the operating system and mounts the root file system. It is only at this point is
the system said to be running.




is an open-source bootstrap program for Linux and UNIX systems.
Boot parameters for the system are set in a GRUB configuration file, which is
loaded at startup. GRUB is flexible and allows changes to be made at boot time,
including modifying kernel parameters and even selecting among different
kernels that can be booted. As an example, the following are kernel parameters
from the special Linux file /proc/cmdline, which is used at boot time:
BOOT IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-59-generic
BOOT IMAGE is the name of the kernel image to be loaded into memory, and
root specifies a unique identifier of the root file system. To save space as well as decrease boot time, the Linux kernel image is a
compressed file that is extracted after it is loaded into memory. During the boot
process, the boot loader typically creates a temporary RAM file system, known
as initramfs. This file system contains necessary drivers and kernel modules
that must be installed to support the real root file system (which is not in main
memory). Once the kernel has started and the necessary drivers are installed,
the kernel switches the root file system from the temporary RAM location to
the appropriate root file system location. Finally, Linux creates the systemd
process, the initial process in the system, and then starts other services (for
example, a web server and/or database). Ultimately, the system will present
the user with a login prompt. In Section 11.5.2, we describe the boot process
for Windows.
It is worthwhile to note that the booting mechanism is not independent
from the boot loader. Therefore, there are specific versions of the GRUB boot
loader for BIOS and UEFI, and the firmware must know as well which specific
bootloader is to be used.
The boot process for mobile systems is slightly different from that for
traditional PCs. For example, although its kernel is Linux-based, Android does
not use GRUB and instead leaves it up to vendors to provide boot loaders.
The most common Android boot loader is LK (for “little kernel”). Android
systems use the same compressed kernel image as Linux, as well as an initial
RAM file system. However, whereas Linux discards the initramfs once all
necessary drivers have been loaded, Android maintains initramfs as the root
file system for the device. Once the kernel has been loaded and the root file
system mounted, Android starts the init process and creates a number of
services before displaying the home screen.
Finally, boot loaders for most operating systems—including Windows,
Linux, and macOS, as well as both iOS and Android—provide booting into
recovery mode or single-user mode for diagnosing hardware issues, fixing
corrupt file systems, and even reinstalling the operating system. In addition to
hardware failures, computer systems can suffer from software errors and poor
operating-system performance, which we consider in the following section.


Operating-System Debugging


We have mentioned debugging from time to time in this chapter. Here, we take
a closer look. Broadly, debugging is the activity of finding and fixing errors
in a system, both in hardware and in software. Performance problems are
considered bugs, so debugging can also include performance tuning, which
seeks to improve performance by removing processing bottlenecks. In this
section, we explore debugging process and kernel errors and performance
problems. Hardware debugging is outside the scope of this text.


Failure Analysis


If a process fails, most operating systems write the error information to a log
fil to alert system administrators or users that the problem occurred. The
operating system can also take a core dump—a capture of the memory of the
process—and store it in a file for later analysis. (Memory was referred to as the “core” in the early days of computing.) Running programs and core dumps can
be probed by a debugger, which allows a programmer to explore the code and
memory of a process at the time of failure.
Debugging user-level process code is a challenge. Operating-system kernel
debugging is even more complex because of the size and complexity of the
kernel, its control of the hardware, and the lack of user-level debugging tools.
A failure in the kernel is called a crash. When a crash occurs, error information
is saved to a log file, and the memory state is saved to a crash dump.
Operating-system debugging and process debugging frequently use different tools and techniques due to the very different nature of these two tasks.
Consider that a kernel failure in the file-system code would make it risky for
the kernel to try to save its state to a file on the file system before rebooting. A
common technique is to save the kernel’s memory state to a section of disk
set aside for this purpose that contains no file system. If the kernel detects
an unrecoverable error, it writes the entire contents of memory, or at least the
kernel-owned parts of the system memory, to the disk area. When the system
reboots, a process runs to gather the data from that area and write it to a crash
dump file within a file system for analysis. Obviously, such strategies would
be unnecessary for debugging ordinary user-level processes.


Performance Monitoring and Tuning


We mentioned earlier that performance tuning seeks to improve performance
by removing processing bottlenecks. To identify bottlenecks, we must be able
to monitor system performance. Thus, the operating system must have some
means of computing and displaying measures of system behavior. Tools may
be characterized as providing either per-process or system-wide observations.
To make these observations, tools may use one of two approaches—counters
or tracing.




Operating systems keep track of system activity through a series of counters,
such as the number of system calls made or the number of operations
performed to a network device or disk. The following are examples of Linux
tools that use counters:
* ps—reports information for a single process or selection of processes
* top—reports real-time statistics for current processes
* vmstat—reports memory-usage statistics
* netstat—reports statistics for network interfaces
* iostat—reports I/O usage for disks
Most of the counter-based tools on Linux systems read statistics from the
/proc file system. /proc is a “pseudo” file system that exists only in kernel
memory and is used primarily for querying various per-process as well as
kernel statistics. The /proc file system is organized as a directory hierarchy,
with the process (a unique integer value assigned to each process) appearing
as a subdirectory below /proc. For example, the directory entry /proc/2155
would contain per-process statistics for the process with an ID of 2155. There
are /proc entries for various kernel statistics as well. In both this chapter and
Chapter 3, we provide programming projects where you will create and access
the /proc file system.
Windows systems provide the Windows Task Manager, a tool that
includes information for current applications as well as processes, CPU and
memory usage, and networking statistics




Whereas counter-based tools simply inquire on the current value of certain
statistics that are maintained by the kernel, tracing tools collect data for a
specific event—such as the steps involved in a system-call invocation.
The following are examples of Linux tools that trace events:
* strace— traces system calls invoked by a process
* gdb—a source-level debugger
* perf—a collection of Linux performance tools
* tcpdump—collects network packets
Making operating systems easier to understand, debug, and tune as they
run is an active area of research and practice. A new generation of kernelenabled performance analysis tools has made significant improvements in how
this goal can be achieved. Next, we discuss BCC, a toolkit for dynamic kernel
tracing in Linux.




Debugging the interactions between user-level and kernel code is nearly
impossible without a toolset that understands both sets of code and can instrument their interactions. For that toolset to be truly useful, it must be able to
debug any area of a system, including areas that were not written with debugging in mind, and do so without affecting system reliability. This toolset must
also have a minimal performance impact—ideally it should have no impact
when not in use and a proportional impact during use. The BCC toolkit meets
these requirements and provides a dynamic, secure, low-impact debugging
BCC (BPF Compiler Collection) is a rich toolkit that provides tracing features for Linux systems. BCC is a front-end interface to the eBPF (extended
Berkeley Packet Filter) tool. The BPF technology was developed in the early
1990s for filtering traffic across a computer network. The “extended” BPF (eBPF)
added various features to BPF. eBPF programs are written in a subset of C and
are compiled into eBPF instructions, which can be dynamically inserted into a
running Linux system. The eBPF instructions can be used to capture specific
events (such as a certain system call being invoked) or to monitor system performance (such as the time required to perform disk I/O). To ensure that eBPF
instructions are well behaved, they are passed through a verifie before being
inserted into the running Linux kernel. The verifier checks to make sure that
the instructions do not affect system performance or security.
Although eBPF provides a rich set of features for tracing within the Linux
kernel, it traditionally has been very difficult to develop programs using its
C interface. BCC was developed to make it easier to write tools using eBPF by
providing a front-end interface in Python. A BCC tool is written in Python and
it embeds C code that interfaces with the eBPF instrumentation, which in turn
interfaces with the kernel. The BCC tool also compiles the C program into eBPF
instructions and inserts it into the kernel using either probes or tracepoints,
two techniques that allow tracing events in the Linux kernel.
The specifics of writing custom BCC tools are beyond the scope of this
text, but the BCC package (which is installed on the Linux virtual machine
we provide) provides a number of existing tools that monitor several areas of activity in a running Linux kernel. As an example, the BCC disksnoop tool
traces disk I/O activity. Entering the command
generates the following example output:
1946.29186700 R 8 0.27
1946.33965000 R 8 0.26
1948.34585000 W 8192 0.96
1950.43251000 R 4096 0.56
1951.74121000 R 4096 0.35
This output tells us the timestamp when the I/O operation occurred, whether
the I/O was a Read or Write operation, and how many bytes were involved in
the I/O. The final column reflects the duration (expressed as latency or LAT) in
milliseconds of the I/O.
Many of the tools provided by BCC can be used for specific applications,
such as MySQL databases, as well as Java and Python programs. Probes can
also be placed to monitor the activity of a specific process. For example, the
./opensnoop -p 1225
will trace open() system calls performed only by the process with an identifier
of 1225. What makes BCC especially powerful is that its tools can be used on
live production systems that are running critical applications without causing
harm to the system. This is particularly useful for system administrators who
must monitor system performance to identify possible bottlenecks or security
exploits. Figure 2.20 illustrates the wide range of tools currently provided by
BCC and eBPF and their ability to trace essentially any area of the Linux operating system. BCC is a rapidly changing technology with new features constantly
being added.