Chapter 2 Flashcards
Business activities that are accountable
economic activities or transactions
It is an expression of monetary worth applied to a particular asset, group of assets, business entity, or services rendered.
Two types of Business Transactions:
- External transactions
- Internal transactions
Are economic events involving the enterprise and other entities. These events or transactions may involve transfer of resources or obligation to or from the entities.
External transactions or exchanges
Are economic events in which only the enterprise participates.
Internal transactions
Are the quantitative information reported in the statement of financial position and income statement. Considered as the building blocks of the financial statements.
Accounting elements
The elements directly related to the measurement of financial position. These are the real accounts.
assets, liabilities and equity.
The elements directly related to the measurement of financial performance. They provide information on the changes in equity as the result of business operations
income and expenses.
Popularly known as income statement accounts. They are also called nominal accounts because their usefulness is limited to the year when they are incurred.
income and expenses
Are properties or rights on properties owned by the business. These items of value are used by the enterprise in their day to day activities.
Under the Revised Conceptual Framework, it is defined as a present economic
It is a right that has the potential to produce economic benefits
Economic resource
It is the time between acquisition of assets for processing and their realization in cash or cash equivalents.
operating cycle
Includes currency or cash items on hand
Are short term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and so near their maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in value because of changes in interest rates.
Cash equivalents
Investments which are readily marketable and represent temporary investment of funds available for current operations and are intended to meet working capital requirements.
Trading Securities
Are open accounts or those that are not supported by promissory notes.
Accounts receivable
A contra-asset account which is provided for possible losses from uncollected accounts.
Allowance for doubtful accounts
Amount collectible that are evidenced by a promissory note or a written promise to pay
Notes receivables
Goods held for sale by trading concern
Merchandise Inventory or merchandise
Inventories held by manufacturing firms advance
Finished goods, goods in process, raw materials and factory or manufacturing supplies
Rent paid in advance
Prepaid rent
Insurance paid in advance
Prepaid insurance
Stationary and other supplies purchased for use and are still unused.
Unused supplies
All other assets except current assets are non-current assets. These include tangibl intangible, operating and financial assets of a long-term nature.
Non-Current Assets
These are tangible assets which are held by the enterprise in production or supply goods or services, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes, and are expects be used during more than one period (PAS No.16)
Property, Plant and Equipment or Fixed Assets
A piece of lot or real estate used by the business
A structure or building owned or controlled and used as office, store or factory of the enterprise
Include typewriters, adding machines, calculators, computers
Office equipment
Include cash register, calculators
Store equipment
Include delivery truck or jeep used for transporting merchandise
Delivery equipment
Contra-account used to accumulate expired cost of fixed
assets. It is a deduction from property, plant and equipment.
Accumulated depreciation
Are assets held by an enterprise for the accretion of wealth
It is readily realizable and is intended to be held for not more than one year.
Current investment
It is intended to be held for more than one year.
Long-term investment
It is defined by PAS 38 as identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance.
intangible assets
Right granted to authors, composers, playwrights, artists, publishers or distributors to publish and dispose of their works for a limited time.